The Hunger Games Peeta or Gale?

runda99 posted on Oct 19, 2008 at 04:47PM

This should be interesting, as I myself am having an internal struggle between this. So clearly Peeta has fallen for Katniss, but she doesn't feel the same way... why? Well I think it is obvious that near the end of the book she admits to herself what she has been ignoring with excuses such as "hunting partner" and "competition" nonsense.. the fact that she loves Gale. And of course she says that he has no interest in them and it shocks her because all the girls want him... well that can mean one thing... THAT GALE LOVES HER TOO!

So I made it obvious that I am for the whole Gale-Katniss roller-coaster ride because they already get along so well and I think they need each other.. however I won't deny that I had softened up a lot toward Peeta when the competition of the Games got fierce. He truly seems to love her and he was honest about liking her all along... so where does this leave Katniss? What should she do?

I tend to change my mind a lot... and I still have until next September when Book II comes out, but for now I will take my stance, I am Team Gale.

The Hunger Games 833 replies

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over a year ago peeta10 said…
big smile
OMG i agree with everything you say ja8ke.
over a year ago silver93 said…
@peeta10 you remind me of a puppy with ur picture and ur use of cap lock
over a year ago mickinziey said…
i agree with Peeta10. Peeta is better for Katness and i also agree that Gale should die but then when that happens i might start bawling. but katness and Gale r much better as friends and Peeta deserves better than Katness but she is who he wants so he should get 2 have her.
over a year ago Ryl3iNo4h said…
I think Katniss and Peeta are great together. Remember that part in Catching Fire? "Peeta would never give me a halfhearted kiss." That means he really loved her. He even saved her life by giving her the bread. And also he said he's liked her since they were five years old! Like, really. They are meant to be together. Well, I like Gale too but he's just too vague. But it was sweet when he kissed her. And when he had the snow coat on and she kissed him. I still like Peeta!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago peeta10 said…
it doesnt seem like we know gale that much but i have a feeling we will hear a lot more about him in mockingjay. But i kind of percieve gale as a major spazz. like one ssecond he'll be all happy then right after he'll be all like "i hate you.." i dunno he kind of frustrates me. But then again, so does katniss. I wasn't really wanting to go into the wole "twilight love triangle thing" again.
over a year ago ILoveGale said…
big smile
GALE GALE GALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's already said she loved him. But she does say she's not sure about Peeta, and it's obvious she doesn't want to lose him either. So I don't know, I like them both. Who do you think should play them in the movie? Gale=Adam Gregory (Picture link here->) link
Peeta- Austin Butler???- link

Katniss- Nina Dobrev??Maybe?-


Or Jessica Lowndes?? Not sure about Katniss...-



over a year ago silver93 said…
yes to adam gregory no to everyone else.
she's not in "love" with gale. only friendship. when she said that she thought he was going to die.
twilight is such a bad example for love triangles. i like the series, but it's ridiculous how obsessed people get over the characters. before all this "team" crap it was called shipping. they do it in all the series like harry potter for instance and im pretty sure even pokemon has it. so to distance the twilight story from hunger games we should call it shipping. not sure what the names for the shipping would be though. it's not always names it usually involves both people. and i think that's what makes it different than twilight, it's more about the couple, not which guy you'd want to date.
over a year ago silver93 said…
the last part was referring to the difference between shipping and teams
over a year ago silver93 said…
maybe cavemanshipping for gale and tributeshipping for peeta? not sure about peeta bread and katnip
over a year ago frances15 said…
hello peoples! i like peeta better then gale because... i dont know gale very much and peetas really nice and sweet and caring. sure hes over the top but hes so nice and he would give his life any day for katniss even if he was mad at her. seems clear to me that he's deffinetly a favourite. why do people like gale? seriously? because he's hott? because he's more of a man then peeta? i like guys who bake bread and frost cakes! I will completley devastaited if peeta died. pleez dont let peeta die!!!!!
over a year ago frances15 said…
kyra i read ur responses the first time i came on here like a month ago and i was like i agree with that person! hahahha! and u used a nerd word not that theres anything wrong with that but if janelle was here she would care :D
over a year ago peeta10 said…
big smile
@frances 15... what nerd word did i use? hahaha. this is fun :). and of course w'll aree with eachother were buds and becuz of this we basically share a art of our brains haha. I agree with your response too haha it was funny i atually started laughing out loud!
over a year ago peeta10 said…
@silver 93... HAHA pokemon! I agree with you about the whole twilight and shipping thing :). You said it well anwhen you think about it, it makes perfect sense
over a year ago boo-bop said…
Peeta ftw!
him and Katniss are just right for eachother, Gale and Katniss are too simliar.. it wouldn't work. They both have th esame faults too so things wouldn't get resolved. But Peeta and Katniss seem to even out each other.
ive speant alot of time dwelling on this subject during the waiting period for book 3. and PEETA!
over a year ago frances15 said…
yah i agree with boo-bop and i really like that name! they both have their flaws even if they seem perfect and all. and i will be sad if gale dies i just hope that if he does die that i wont get attached to him and get to know him better. and if peeta dies i really dont even want to think about it if peeta dies.
over a year ago shingkai said…
If you were katniss what would you follow your mind or your heart?

obviously, she loves gale but unconsciously, she's in-love with peeta.

Katniss repeatedly reminding herself that gale is her true love but i think she was just making that excuse to avoid herself from thinking about her and peeta. and everytime she thinks about gale she's consciously aware about what she's doing but with peeta either she's in trouble or in near death experience or not being self conscious.
so all in all, i'd say her mind speaks for gale but her heart is shouting for peeta.
over a year ago tysheemah said…
i just got finish reading catching fire on this subject she should rightfully be with gales but since the games she has feeling for peeta but doesnt exspess them the way they do so she may be confrused
over a year ago silver93 said…
its not rightfully. gale would be so much better off with someone else than settling for what he is used to. he deserves to feel exactly how katniss feelings about peeta
over a year ago wolfgirl13 said…
i love gale!!!!!shes known gale longer and i think in the last book it will be more gale and i also think she will choose gale in the end.but i think that petta will find some one else because hes sweet!!!!TEAM GALE!!!!!
over a year ago shingkai said…
wolfgirl13 i admire your sympathy for peeta but i doubt that he would love another girl after katniss.

Because I don't want you forgetting how different our circumstances are. If you die, and I live, there's no life for me at all back in District Twelve. You're my whole life. I would never be happy again. It's different for you. I'm not saying it would be hard. But there are other people who'd make your life worth living. - Peeta
over a year ago silver93 said…
@wolfgirl13 so your basing your argument of katniss and gale over something that might happen? well that's a very solid argument.
over a year ago reeseluvshg said…
The cavemen are known for their formidable thinking capabilities.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Haha we have to spread that name around. I was going to say it, but I didn't think they'd understand since they probably missed our earlier conversation.
over a year ago bookworm12345 said…
Well I'm totally team gale but my prediction for mockingjay is that peetas dad and katniss' mom will get married then peeta and Madge and katniss and gale
over a year ago slippyskittle said…
I choose Peeta. Just 'cause I'm playing him in the movie I'm making. But Peeta's dumb, he's clingy to Katniss but it almost gets he killed... so, in the 2nd book it seems like Katniss likes Peeta more, but we never know... we just gotta wait for the 3rd.
over a year ago athene_noctua said…
Yes, a good idea... but there's one small obstacle here... Peeta's dad is already married...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago shingkai said…
yes, peeta's dad is already married and katniss' mom will always be in-love with her dad. i'd say no man could ever replace mr. everdeen just like katniss to peeta and i'm afraid his going to end up like katniss' mom if katniss died. well i'm not really sure 'bout that but you know peeta has a soft heart and katniss is his only strength.
over a year ago silver93 said…
there is always the chance that(knock on wood fifty-million times) katniss dies and peeta and gale get together in their grief.
over a year ago snowdancer321 said…
I like them both, but I prefer Gale. I still want Peeta to be happy though.
over a year ago shingkai said…
if you want him to be happy without katniss you better kill him. sorry but that's my opinion. thats also what i want to happen if katniss choose gale.
over a year ago elaxx said…
I'm really surprise at how many people dislike Peeta.. poor know at least he has repeatedly had the guts to tell Katniss how he really feels. Gale this whole time says nothing except lets run away.. which is stupid considering everyone they'd have to leave behind and then.. i had to do it once.. or whatever when he kisses her. Then he gets all mad at her for being with Peeta.. even though he knows its fake.. I don't know
I like them both.. Ahhhhh but I agree if she doesn't end up with Peeta than I'd rather him die because that is so unfair he's done so much for her. It would be so unjust. :(


Watch my cast.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silver93 said…
I just can't see katniss picking Gale at the point they are now. It wouldn't make sense. She's known Gale the longest, I think she would have picked him by now.
over a year ago rubyort said…
peeta is a great guy, but their is something strange about him. but still TEAM PEETA ALL THE WAY!!
over a year ago peace674 said…
big smile
I was totally on board for gale at first, but then peeta came along (no duh) and he confesses his love for katniss in front of the whole world, live, and here gale can't even tell her, his best friend, in the privacy of the woods. then peeta and katniss go through the trials of the arena, saving each others lives, and really warming up to each other. by the time they are out of the arena katniss has mixed feelings about peeta. in catching fire, katniss cant handle the nightmares without peeta by her side. peeta is the only one who can really be there for her and understand what shes going through. and come on people, she cant exactly ask peeta to come sleep with her if shes married to gale can she? no.
when she "picks gale" after he is whipped, do you really think thats genuine? hes her best friend who obviously has feelings for her and he nearly died. we all know that katniss hates owing people, and she thinks this is all her fault. i think she feels guilty, and convinces herself that she and gale were meant to be. she wakes up and wants peeta. please note that she has to REMIND HERSELF that shes no SUPPOSED to want that anymore. she really does want him though.
in the arena for the 2nd time, peeta cares enough for katniss to basically give her gale. gale hates peeta no matter what. hes to much of a jacob to me, in comparison to twilight. he wont take no for an answer, and is trying to force her into picking him. he sends katniss mixed signals.
i also believe that katniss thinks that because the capitol is forcing her and peeta together, their love will never be real. she thinks that nothing good can come from even the slightest amount of capitol influence. because of this, she never really gave peeta a fair shot. and when peeta is taken from her she is devastated. she obviously cares for him some.
sorry for the long comment, but i felt like i had to say my whole argument. GO PEETA!
over a year ago musicandmovies4 said…
its weird because mostly everyone i talk to feels like theres something they don't like about Peeta....i agree soo i'm Gale!
over a year ago musicandmovies4 said…
hahaahah @silver93!!!!!!!! that would be hilarious!!
over a year ago reeseluvshg said…
@peace674-Those are some good points. If my neighbor across the street was getting whipped to death, I would be crying and wanting to help them, too (and I don't even know my neighbors' names). Plus, Gale had plenty of time to say he loved her. It's kinda funny how he loves her now that there is some competition. Hmmm...

I think we all agree Katniss just needs to take a deep breath, sit down, and talk to Peeta and Gale individually and say "Ok, this is how I feel about you..." The problem is when, is this going to happen? They are heading into a full out revolution and Peeta has been captured by the government ( takes a brief moment of silence to pray that he's ok). It would have been so much more convenient if this had been settled before. I hate when rebellions get in the way of stuff! :)
over a year ago silver93 said…
Maybe Gale's problem is that he thinks her relationship with Peeta is fake. I think he's going to see how much she cares about Peeta now that he's been taken by the capitol. And I think she's going to realize it too. She's going to see that there are things only Peeta can do for her, like make her feel safe. I think if Gale doesn't push Katniss and lets her decide, if she doesn't feel guilty about who she is picking, then she'll pick Peeta. I think she's going to be different in the third book, I think she's going to be pissed. Katniss hates being used, and she's probably not going to be very cooperative with people. Katniss is a survivor, she does everything she does so she can keep on living. She ate the berries because she knew she wouldn't be able to live with herself if Peeta died. In the second games, she tired to go against this. She put Peeta above herself, above her family and friends, and I think that's going to show in the third book. She may become more reckless in trying to save Peeta(you know her future hubby).
over a year ago HAHAwinter said…
Im team peeta, mostly because Peeta is so nice and Gale seems like the kind of guy to wife beat. the worste thing Peeta would do is burn some bread or something. Which is another plus because he can cook!!
over a year ago fan-girl123 said…
big smile
UUUUUHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.... Well this is strange, whenever katniss is with gale, i want gale, but when she is with peeta i like peeta... but overall i think i like Peeta more
peete rox!!!!!!!!
over a year ago district_4_sea said…
i like them both and i hate love triangles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago reeseluvshg said…
@silver93-So you think Gale is "In love" with Katniss to protect her from being hurt by Peeta? Well that would definitely explain everything. Dear me, Mockingjay is going to be a little bit of a struggle to much is bound to happen.
(P.S. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter opened today!!) Now, back to topic.
over a year ago silver93 said…
No, I think he's trying to protect his relationship with Katniss. Katniss is his best friend, and practically family. I think he wants to be with her because if she's not with him, then she'll be with someone else. So, maybe he's ignoring the signs of Katniss loving Peeta to preserve the world they created together. I think if he sees the relationship Katniss has with Peeta as being real, then he'll try to protect her from that, just like a big brother would.
over a year ago reeseluvshg said…
That makes sense. It's kind of creepy if you think about it. Can you imagine your brother wanting to keep his relationship with you so badly that he wanted to date you? I realize that they are not actually brother and sister, but it's still weird. And a little possessive.
over a year ago gilbertfreak said…
ja8ke is soooo on the right track. peeta is a god of niceness, and he needs to have katniss. we don't know much about gale at all. the book hasn't given us time to like him, so i don't think its fair to dis peeta for someone we don't even know. peeta is such a nice person who was honest right from the start about loving katniss when gale has kept her in the dark for so long even though he's always loved her. peeta is the sweetest guy ever and he is absolutely PERFECT for katniss
over a year ago silver93 said…
i don't think there would be an issue if he was her brother, other than he would probably try to beat the crap out of Peeta
over a year ago marvelous-m said…
peeta. peeta all the way. i dont like gale at all
over a year ago reeseluvshg said…
@silver93-Probably, but it must still feel awkward.

@everyone-Another question, sorta. Why is it that Gale hates Peeta? I mean, Gale can't really blame Peeta for being in love with the girl he "loves" because Gale never told Katniss he "loves" her for years! Or so any common sense person would think. Does he really expect Peeta to just step aside when Katniss comes back from the games because he has known her longer? walls move for this guy? I don't understand his hate. He really needs a reality check. (Even though none of this is real...)
over a year ago lollan said…
I really hope that Peeta and Katniss end up together.
I agree with all the arguments in favour for Peeta.
Have you thought about that Katniss remembers Peeta
really well, that he was the one who made her get back
on track after her fathers death? How she actually met
him before Gale? When she realizes that she remembers
more about him than she thought? (the fight in school yard)
I am "team" Katniss+Peeta. Gale is just.. Gale.
over a year ago reeseluvshg said…
She had met Peeta before Gale, but she didn't really know him, until later.