XxIsabellaxX posted on Sep 04, 2010 at 11:42PM

The Hunger Games 1050 replies

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over a year ago Emil5634 said…
THG123: Cours I dont mind since Emil is half my real name(: I love the other books too, but I do have a favorite, and that's the first one. It's just that everything os new, and your getting into it. Thet's the exiting part(: But dont get me wrong, I LOOOVE the other books! I just like nr 1 a little more(;
over a year ago silver93 said…
My fav right now is actually the second one. I didn't like it before Mockingjay, but that was because I thought it was tragic. I was also freaking out about the ending. Now though, I really like the relationships in it. How you can see Katniss growing closer to Peeta, Haymitch, and Cinna. It also seems less stressful to me. The first one death is uncertain and in the third death is everywhere. In the second book, Katniss is more confident and relaxed with her situation. Living seems like an option.
@THG I know what you're saying, I'm being vague. It's because what I'm insinuating sounds bad to me. And is probably wrong. But, I have a tendency to notice patterns, or things that are similar and this stands out to me. I'm wondering if they made the stylists black because they think it's more likely black people would want to help district 12. I'm curious to see what the other stylists look like, if they're all white. People have a tendency to think black people are more open than white people. That white people seclude others and keep to themselves. Especially Hollywood.
over a year ago THG123 said…

Interesting, I never thought of that. I like how you always spot things most people can't. I wish I was like that.


I understand. I love the 1st book as well. It's so intriguing (spelling?) and silver93 made me love the 2nd book more!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
This is weird, after i put that i couldn't decide, i was thinking about it for the past couple of days, and i came on here to say that the second one might be my favorite. But silver already put everything i was going to there is no need for me to repeat it. Hahahahah.
Oh wait, one more thing- in Catching Fire, i felt like the end was so unexpected, but made perfect sense. Because i love books that have totally unexpected parts, but i hate when it doesn't really connect to the story. And i just loved how the end was crazy, but still connected to the story and made a great cliff hanger. (i hope that made sense lol)

Honestly, i could go on about all 3 books and how much i love them and how much i love the series, but it would be a crazy long. I love all 3, but i think Catching Fire would be my favorite, but The Hunger Games and Mockingjay come very very close
over a year ago silver93 said…
@Arissa just look at the 600 posts we've made on this forum and the however many on the Peeta and Gale. Sad part is, the post could probably keep going.
So is anyone else super pissed that not only have they not casted Madge, but they also haven't confirmed that she's not in the movie. That's so screwed up. I like Madge more than Gale.
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
@silver93 I agree 100%. Madge is SUPER awesome. They should deffinantley cast her.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
did anyone here that they might make 4 movies?! They are planning to split up Mockingjay into 2 parts..
over a year ago silver93 said…
I heard it was confirmed. It doesn't surprise me, they want to make as much money as possible. It's such B.S. Harry Potter had to be spilt up because the last book was so huge and all of it was important,there wasn't anything you could skip over. Now every franchise will be spilt up. It shouldn't hard for HG though, since there are parts in the books. I'm just not sure where they're going to do it.
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
They can't do that! I had heard earlier that it was going to be one movie. I don't know which would be worse. I might not even want to see it now that Josh Hutcherson is Peeta. I mean, if you dye is hair, he kind of looks like a Peeta, but, his acting had gone downhill after Cira De Freak. I hope he does well. He is also SO much younger than the Katniss and Gale people. I REALLY hope the movie comes out all right. I hate it when you see a movie, it has the wrong actors for the character, and that is how you see the characters after that. I will be very upset if it doesn't come out well. The books are AMAZING. The casting of Rue, at least was an awesome choice. And, Katniss, too. I saw a clip from Winter's Bone, and the girl plays really good characters.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Grrr-i think Jennifer Lawrence acting is great, but she just wasn't the Katniss i envisioned at all.

Silver- Yeah i know, Harry Potter you had to split it up, but i don't think that is necessary for THG. And if they don't cast Madge, im honestly going to be so pissed off
over a year ago Emil5634 said…
I agree! Madge HAVE to be in the damn movie! If not, how does she get the mockingjay-pin? Her sign! If she doesent get it, then whats the point of the last book?? If it isent Madge who gives it I'm gonna scream!
I heard the thing with making it into one movie! Hell no! That is not possible!!
Personally I think it's a good idea to split the last book so nothing will be left out!
over a year ago silver93 said…
I heard Prim was going to give it to her which is retarded. The Mockingjay pin is the biggest symbol in the freakin book and they're going to mess it up. Not to mention I think it's good that she has girlfriends. Hollywood always does this. Whenever a girl is choosing between two guys she only focuses on them. They did it with Twilight too. If you hadn't read those books you'd have no idea she's best friends with Angelica and Alice.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Yeah i have noticed that a lot with making it seem that girls that are choosing between guys have basically no friends besides the two guys. And that is defiantly not how life is. And that's what i love about these books, there so possible. Its just so real.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Okay, so today i thought of a question that i don't think we discussed yet. (What a surprise..literally)

Why do you guys think Katniss said 'yes' for 1 last Hunger Games with Capitol children? What do you think her reasons were?
over a year ago Emil5634 said…
She was so angry! She might evan hate them! So i understand, but I think she did it in anger. Not becouse she meant it. Revenge for what they did to her, Peeta and ditrict 12.
over a year ago silver93 said…
I think she did it to give her the chance to kill Coin. Katniss didn't want Coin thinking she was agaisnt something she was doing because if she said no, Coin would put her under watch. She wanted her to think she was on the same side as her.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Also they didn't actually continue the games because Katniss killed Coin.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Silver- 1st response- i was thinking along the lines of that, glad you agreed.

2nd response- did it say that in the books? i always thought that but i wasn't sure.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Yeah, because Katniss says that her kids learn about how terrible they are in school. Katniss would never allow them to keep going, says one of the reasons she killed Coin.
So the latest rumor is that Katniss' mom is going to give her the pin. It pisses me off so much. I don't understand why it's not okay for girls to have girl best friends in hollywood.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Really? They told me Prim is going to give Katniss the pin. I hate that, seriously, I liked the whole Maysilee story, it was interesting, and they go and completely erase the undersees. :(
Oh and Josh had his hair dyed, it's very dark blone, but if you remember, Peeta's hair is supposed to be ashy blonde and maybe the lighting could brighten it up a bit. Although the paparazzi took the photos so the people are all blurry, therefore so far, there isn't a very good picture of Josh with his hair dyed, it's really hard to tell on those blurry pics.

Do you guys think this movie will be a complete disaster, or that it will be a good movie?
over a year ago silver93 said…
I'm not sure. You can't really tell with everyone kissing its ass. We won't really be able to tell until it comes out.
What's weird about Josh's hair, is that I saw a picture of him with Vanessa and it looked really blonde. It was hidden under a helmet, but you could see some of it. But, then the set photos came out a couple days later and his hair looked really dark.
Also, on a side note I saw Little Manhattan and he was really cute in that movie.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Oh my gosh! i just realized they are going to have to basically get rid of or change the Maysilee story! This is ridiculous!

And i heard Prim was going to give Katniss the pin. :/

And about Josh's hair, i'm not really worried, i saw a picture and it was like a medium blonde, and it will probably end up looking a bit lighter. So i'm fine with the hair situation.

Oh! I thought of something else! ugh! i'm so mad about this! i saw that in the movie they actually say district 12 is near Aspen Colorado?! what?! I'm a little confused, help me out. Here is the link..


over a year ago silver93 said…
That's where I heard about Kat's mom giving her the pin. And the other part is because they're dumbasses. Excuse my language, but it doesn't make sense at all. They aren't even filming there. I suppose they don't want to address the fact that Collins suggests part of the east coast and west coast will be under water. Meaning, DC would be gone along with all the leaders there. And that's me stretching to find an answer.

Actually, I saw Prim's hair and it looked as dark as Peeta's, so maybe it's just the lighting.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Oh I love Little Manhattan! The ending was so sad yet sweet. And I don't blame you for swearing, did you guys see the Capitol seal?
over a year ago silver93 said…
Yeah, I'm okay with the ending. I liked how real it was, that's what made it so sweet.
No, is it cool? I heard they're going to be making the Capitol completely on set. They won't be filming in a city.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Oh my gosh i cannot wait to see what the Capitol will look like!
and don't worry about your language, ahah(:
over a year ago Grrrrr said…
@XxIsabellexX I DO wish there were a bunch of Peetas. Katniss was lucky.
over a year ago silver93 said…
I hope it looks like that real city THG123 suggested. Their buildings are so cool. It'll be interesting to see if they really make everyone look crazy.
And I wish their were a bunch of Peetas too. Sometimes I feel like all boys are scum.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Um, so how's everyone doing?
By the way, I've probably already asked this, but I can't remember the answer. How did you guys imagined Snow?
over a year ago THG123 said…
I'm doing okay, well I saw Snow as old, white hair, ice blue eyes, stern look, white tux with a fresh rose in the breast pocket. Yeah that's pretty much it LOL. And that city I mentioned (Dubai) is a really rich place, I don't think they could afford it. I just hope it looks good.
over a year ago silver93 said…
See I imagined him like that, but being fat and short. A lot of people have told me he's supposed to be tall and skinny. They cast Donald Sutherland as Snow, he's not really how I pictured him, but I'm good with him. It just makes me wonder if I imagined him wrong.
over a year ago silver93 said…
I'm really beginning to really dislike Ross. It's not fair how he cast the movie. I keep reading more and more articles about people getting casted, and it sounds like Ross already decided who he wanted before people auditioned. He straight up called the guy that's playing Cinna. He didn't have open auditions. And Jen and Josh had both talked to him before auditions had even started. This is such BS to me.
over a year ago THG123 said…
OMG I know! He's really arrogant! Ugh. He should at least consider! *sigh*

Oh and do you have something against fat and short people? LOL ;)
over a year ago silver93 said…
No I'm pretty sure it mentions he looks like that in the book. I'm just too lazy to look it up.
I think he's more inconsiderate and ignorant than arrogant. It's a good thing if he doesn't come across me, I'll kick his ass. He needs to realize HG fans have brains and won't just go along with whatever he says.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I've been gone for 2 weeks for a mission trip. But now i'm back!

As for Ross and the casting, that is such bs. ugh.
And for President Snow, i guess Sutherland is OK.. but now how i pictured Snow. :/
over a year ago silver93 said…
I was wondering where you went. I've missed you!
This isn't Hunger Games related, but do you guys read Scandinavia and the World by any chance? Also, did you hear about Pottermore?
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
No i haven't read that. What's it about? But i did hear something about Pottermore but i don't know what it is.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
And i've missed you too!
over a year ago silver93 said…
Pottermore is hard to explain, I'm not exactly sure what it is b/c I don't think it's been done before. It sounds really cool though. I feel like there's a chance major books might start doing it too, maybe even Hunger Games. link
And Scandinavia and the World is a really funny online comic about all the different sterotypes of countries. It's told from the perspective of Denmark, because the writer is from there. It's hilarious, you should check it out. Although I should warn you, they do have a couple slightly dirty comics. Not all of them are, but there are a few, not sure if you're cool with that or not.
Here's the link if you want to check it out: link
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
sounds cool! i'll check both out (:
over a year ago silver93 said…
get back to me once you have! ^_^
Hey did we ever decide what their kids names are? And is Finnick's son named Finnick Jr. I can't remember, but I've heard a lot of people call him that.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Oh my gosh, Scandinavia and the world is hysterical! ahhh, i love it!

And no we didn't! in the book it never mentioned what Finnick's son's name is. But it probably could be Finnick Jr.
I really wish they gave us the names! i'm such a weirdo about names, i love them(:
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
And sorry i've been gone for a week, i've been busy. :/
over a year ago silver93 said…
Yeah the comics are really funny, not sure if you've gotten to it yet, but I love the one with North and South Korea.
I kinda like the name Rye for Katniss' and Peeta's son, not sure what they'd name their daughter, there are a lot of options.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I like Rye too! That's actually what i was thinking, and i think for the daughter, Rose. Because of Prim.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Except Katniss hates roses because of Snow.(A shame, that's part of my middle name)
On the other site I suggested Lavender,Viloet,Marigold,Holly, or Poppy for the girl. They're all flower names.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Did you guys see the second quarter quell clip? I actually could stand watching this one. I totally approve of the Haymitch, even though he doesn't have black curly locks. He's still pretty good looking. The clip made me want a prequel really bad.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Oh crap! i totally forgot about the Roses.. *slaps forehead*

And yes, i saw the second quarter quell clip, and i actually liked it a lot more than the other ones. I hated the other ones. I loved Maysilee, the girl who played her was exactly the Maysilee i pictured. I would love the whole story of Haymitch's games.

Did you see The Hunger Games movie poster yet?! I absolutely love it! i'm glad they don't have the actors on it. The flaming Mockingjay pin is perfect. (:
over a year ago silver93 said…
Yeah, I thought Maysilee was perfect too. And while I didn't like Danielle as Katniss, I thought she did a good job as the bad guy. I really like how interested she is in HG. She seems like the only actress who ligitly likes the HG other than for her career. It's a shame they don't have Madge, because she looks pretty close to how I imagined her.
I know it's so cool! Have you seen the one on the offical site? It gets set on fire.
Also, what do you think of Kristen Bell as Johanna? She's been wanting to have a part in the movies since before there were going to be movies. She's one of my favorite actresses.(Veronica Mars 4 life)
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I agree, i love how the people who play the characters in these short films actually love THG. And yeah, i'm still mad that they don't have Madge in the film, but i knew everything wasn't going to be perfect.

And, YES! It sets on fire and has the sounds and ahhhhhhhhh(: i love it! And Kristen Bell is an amazing Johanna! Her face is exactly how i pictured Johanna's face. And body. But only with brown hair. Did they mention Johanna's hair color? i just always assumed it was brown.