XxIsabellaxX posted on Sep 04, 2010 at 11:42PM

The Hunger Games 1050 replies

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over a year ago silver93 said…
Well, I think some of the sweetest moments in the books are when Hermione is comforting Harry. They seem to understand each other very well. Like there is a scene in the fifth one when Harry refuses to leave a room even though everyone tries and then Hermione comes gets him to come out. Hurry up and read them. I want to know which one is your favorite.

Lol that's fine, people have been kinda annoying me here. If they can keep up they're more than welcomed to join in.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I always felt like Harry and Hermione were so sweet best friends, and that's all. I always thought it was weird thinking of them being together.. i just never liked it. I always like Ron and Hermione together. i think i feel this way because i have my own Harry in real life, and i'm like Hermione, and all we will ever be is best friends. And we comfort each other just like Harry and Hermione. And i would just feel weird if we were together. And that's how i look at Harry and Hermione. i just think it would be weird. And i see what you mean how Ginny just came out of the blue, that made me sorta irritated, but since i always wanted Hermione to end up with Ron, harry had to end up with someone.. lol
over a year ago THG123 said…
Yeah, but something about Ron and Hermione doesn't click in my opinion. I am reading the books, and I'm trying as hard as I can to make time, i can't wait for that time to come where I can read more than 10 pages. I really want a Gale fan to make their way here and actually write something to support Gale, so we can stomp all over them. Was Harry and Hermione dancing in deathly hallows part I in the book?
over a year ago silver93 said…
I have a boy best friend too. I see Katniss and Gale's relationship before the Hunger Games as more of a brother sister relationship than Harry and Hermione. J.K. Rowling even said in an interview it could have gone either way. No, the dancing scene wasn't in the book, but it was a really sweet scene. They made Ron way more assertive in the movie, than how he was in the books. Usually, it's Harry and Hermione taking control. I don't think he does until he comes back and at the end of the seventh book.

Eventually, more Gale fans are going to wander over to this site. But, that'll probably not happen till the movie comes out. It kinda pisses me off how few people are on this site. If you go to the Harry Potter fan page someone is posting something every minute. We have days on our updates, they have maybe an hour at the most.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Well Harry Potter is an old series. And all the movies are already done, that's why it's so famous, just wait, I can't wait to bring down the spirit of Gale fans. Okay I'm not that mean. I wish Rowling would have done the opposite, Harry with Hermione and Ron with some other person. Once the movies are out, there's going to be a lot more people on this site.
over a year ago silver93 said…
The debate is fun, I miss it. When I first starting coming here, there was a good debating going on. But then it started going into a stupid debate with Gale fans saying the best thing about him is his hair. Depending on how they do the movie, will determine what kinds of fans show up.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
The Hunger Games movie is gonna make it so popular. I think there is gonna be a ton of people coming on her after it comes out.

Me and my friends have already decided we are making "Team Peeta" Shirts to wear to the opening day of the movie xD
over a year ago jennabug121 said…
Yera it will be just like the whole Edward and Jacob thing. But people who haven't read the books won't get it untill the second movie comes out that there's a love triangle^^^^
over a year ago silver93 said…
Don't do teams! Do shipping. Teams is about which guy you'd rather date, shipping is about the relationship. Make Breadshipping t-shirts. That's the name I came up with for Peeta and Katniss, I haven't come up for one for Gale and Katniss(other than Caveman shipping, but that's not really fair).
over a year ago THG123 said…
Teams will only steer the people into thinking that this is another twilight, which is the last thing a hunger games fan would want people to think. Caveman shipping is unfair but it is funny, how about hunter shipping? okay that's not very good. I like bread shipping though, and cake shipping I guess. Not another twilight people.
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over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Ok! i like bread shipping better anyways!
over a year ago silver93 said…
Well I said bread shipping because their relationship sorta started with a piece of bread. The shipping name usually has to have something to do with their relationship, not always, but it's better that way. Hunting shipping could work, it'd probably be better to have a Gale fan come up with the name.

What's your favorite scene from the whole series?
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over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I cant pick just one..i have so many parts that i loved, but I'll try

The Hunger Games- When Katniss sings to rue. Or the Berries.

Catching Fire- When everyone from district 11 did the 3 finger sign to Katniss during the victor tour. Or when they watch Haymitch's games. When katniss comes home from the hunting where she got stuck in the woods and they are all joking around about the goat. Or the whole scene where Katniss is in the hover craft.

Mockingjay- When Katniss and Prim have the talk when they are in there room talking about Peeta. The end of chapter 16. When Boggs dies and says "Dont trust them. Don't go back. Kill Peeta. Do what you came to do." When Katniss blurts our all that stuff about Peeta during the real or not real game and then runs into her tent (i almost cried during that!) When Katniss and Peeta talk when there in the pipelines and he acts most like himself. When Gale and Peeta have the talk in Tigris's cellar. When Katniss kills coin. Or just the couple paragraphs of the book. I cried so hard at the end.

Out of all three.... i would have to pick the berries, or when the end of mockingjay.
But scene wise...When Gale and Peeta talk in Tigris's cellar. I don't know why, i just loved it.
over a year ago THG123 said…
I don't know, I have a lot of favourite scenes, I'd have to say... When Katniss dress was on fire or when her wedding dress turned into a Mockingjay dress. Or the beach in the Quarter Quall, that was a very sweet scene. There's many more, but then I'd have to write down half of the whole trilogy.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Like i just did, hahahah.
over a year ago jennabug121 said…
Idk what you mean by shipping, Is it like a team?
over a year ago silver93 said…
Some of my favorite parts in the series were: In the Hunger Games when Peeta and Katniss are in the cave, when Katniss gets a twelve in training, and the interviews. For Catching Fire, I liked when they were joking about Katniss,all of Cinna and Katniss' conversations(same for HG),Katniss' speech in 11,when Katniss and Peeta talk on the beach and he gives her a pearl. For Mockingjay I like when Katniss picks up Buttercup in a bag, all the parts with Prim, all the parts with Finnick, when Katniss tells Peeta all the things she knows about him, when we burn you burn scene, and Peeta and Katniss' kids. Oh and when Possy tells Octavia she thinks she'd look pretty an in color. What was your favorite book and why do you like it more than the others?

It's a name for a relationship. Teams have turned into which guy the girl thinks is hotter instead of being about the relationship. That's why people say I'm team Jacob for the movies, but I think Bella should be with Edward. The name is supposed to represent the couple, for instance, a Harry and Hermione shipping name is Harmony shipping. Misty and Ash is Pokeshipping because they were in the first season, and there are other shipping names, I just don't feel like listing them. Shipping is taken more seriously than teams since it is actually about the characters. That's why I'd prefer we don't refer to any teams because then we'll only be associated with Twilight. I picked bread shipping because like I said, Peeta and Katniss' relationship started with Peeta giving her the bread that saved her and her family's lives.
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over a year ago jennabug121 said…
yea i guess, and also Gale became her hunting partner and helped feed her family and showed her difficult snares, she has some loyal guys :)
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Oh i forgot the part with Posy and Octavia!! that was so cute
over a year ago silver93 said…
We could call it seam shipping.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Thats really good!
over a year ago silver93 said…
What do you think the Hanging Tree symbolizes.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Sorry guys, I have been real busy. As for the answer of your question silver93, since I just woke up, I'm a bit lazy to write down what I think, here's a link of someone who can explain it really well.


over a year ago silver93 said…
See I read bits and pieces of that, and it wasn't what I thought. The whole time I thought it was used as foreshadowing for Peeta or Gale death, until the last thing Prim said to Katniss and then I realized it was for Katniss and Prim's relationship, not Peeta or Gale's. Do you guys think it was for Prim too?
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I think it could have tied to all 3 of them. its so amazing how Collins incorporated Peeta, Gale, and Prim's relationship with Katniss into 1 creepy but amazing song.
over a year ago jennabug121 said…
No I thought it was about Peetah, Prim's death was a total shock to me :'(
over a year ago silver93 said…
I think it was specifically for Prim, she just made it look like it was for Peeta or Gale. That was the point you weren't supposed to realize Prim was going to die. I only realized she was going to die when she said the next time we see each other we'll be free, and then I realized the Hanging Tree was for her. It makes sense, Prim was the most important person in the world to Katniss, even more than Peeta. Prim's death struck me the hardest just because of the irony of the whole thing. How the only reason Katniss got involved with the rebellion was because she volunteered for Prim. And then how Prim died by fire, Katniss' signature. I would guess Prim had the most thought out death out of all the characters.
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over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
You pretty much said *exactly what i was thinking. The whole irony thing was incredible.
And how right after the para shoots went off, the Capitol surrendered. Like Prim sort of started the rebellion, and right after she died it was over.
over a year ago jennabug121 said…
Well the capitol didn't send the bombs, Snow did. So I guess Coin broke Katniss?
over a year ago yazie20 said…
i soo didn't think of that! - how prim died by katniss's signature: fire !
wow... i cant believe i didn't catch tht...
over a year ago silver93 said…
@yazie20 don't worry about, I think way too much about this series.

It wasn't Snow who sent it. I think it was Coin that did, but they made it look like the Capitol did. I'm not sure though, because it's been awhile since I read it.

@Arissa1422 well then Prim and Katniss would be like the story in the Hanging Tree. Katniss causes problems for the Capitol and is sentenced to death. She tries to protect Prim, but can't. The only place they can both be free is in death when they are away from the Capitol.
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over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Your right, the song was written for Prim. But Collins made it seem like it was for Gale or Peeta, but it was specifically written for Prim.

And i'm almost positive that the rebels sent it, and made it look like the capitol did. Thats how Gale "killed" Prim. Because the parashoots was his idea, one of his death traps.
over a year ago silver93 said…
See at the point everything was a little fuzzy. My body was preparing for big cry while trying to figure out if Prim(probably in my top three favorite characters) was dead. It happened very quickly and was a little confusing for me.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Yeah same with me, i had to re-read paragraphs over again just to make sure i got every little detail so i could understand it.
over a year ago THG123 said…
I didn't even know Prim had died till my roommate told me, then came the tears... and then I read the book over and over to get it through my head. Do you think Katniss was happy with being with Peeta?
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Defiantly, she said it herself. She was in love with him after the first hunger games. And she also said she didn't care about Gale being gone, and it was actually a relief. And she gave in and had kids with Peeta, which she also said if her and Gale ever got married she wouldn't. So she must have loved Peeta(:
over a year ago team_mags04 said…
i HATED the ending. and when finnick died ! :'(
over a year ago silver93 said…
I loved the ending. The whole series is fantastic. I like that she was okay with killing characters people loved. Yes, it makes me very sad, but I'm so tired of authors killing characters just to prove the situation was serious. They only kill characters that weren't important. In the type of situation the Hunger Games takes place in, no one is safe. Anyone could die. It's very realistic. The deaths are random. In a lot of books you can tell the deaths were planned.

And I think Katniss was very happy being with Peeta. I think he's the only person she could be happy with, other than Prim. Who will show up in a couple of years once the time machine has been built. :)
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over a year ago jennabug121 said…
I would love to change the ending but what can ya do? :/ Anyway yea she was probably happy but I'm sure she still really missed Gale!
over a year ago silver93 said…
No she didn't. Their friendship was over. If she missed him, she would still talk to him.
over a year ago yazie20 said…
when katniss found out that gale was in district two the thoughts that went through her head were:
' i dig around inside myself, trying to register anger, hatred, longing. i find only relief.'
soo, she doesn't miss gale...
i like completley jumped into your conversation...
over a year ago jennabug121 said…
yea but you forget the part where she sat in the rock and closed her eyes and counted to 10 hoping that he would appear silently like he always did :)
over a year ago THG123 said…
Then she reminded herself, "Oh yeah! Gale in 2 probably kissing another pair of lips!" and then later on she says, "On the night I feel that thing again, the hunger that overtook me on the beach, I know this would have happened anyway. That what
I need to survive is not Gale's fire, kindled with rage and hatred. I have plenty of fire myself. What I
need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The
promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again. And ONLY Peeta
can give me that.
So after, when he whispers, "You love me. Real or not real?"
I tell him, "Real."

Haha this is the quote I kept using to anger Gale fans, it drived my friends nuts!
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I absolutely LOVE the quote "What i need is the dandelion in the spring. The bring yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again"
and "So after, when he whispers, "You love me. Real or not real?"
I tell him, "Real."


Gale fans, stop being in denial, she is and was in love with Peeta the whole time, no matter who you liked better, she loved Peeta.
over a year ago jennabug121 said…
I never said she didn't love Peeta because obviously she does. But my point is is that she did miss him and probably did for a while. You never forget a freindship that kept you alive :)
over a year ago silver93 said…
Actually, Gale almost got her and her family killed. The whole reason Katniss had to convince Snow she loved Peeta was because Gale kept putting the moves on her. And instead of backing off once he knew what was going on, he only caused more problems. If Gale really loved Katniss, he would stick around and never stop fighting for her. But, I think she was just what he was used to and what was comfortable to him. He didn't really love her the way Peeta and Katniss love each other.
@yazie20 it's cool, that's how the forums work.

And I can't help but say aw every time I read that quote.
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over a year ago yazie20 said…
meee tooo! i reread that quote like a millon times. its just soo cute!

how do u think u would react if katniss choose gale?
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over a year ago jennabug121 said…
I know how'd I'd react^^^YAYYYYYYY! Any way I had to read the part where Finnick over and over again just to get it through my head that he sad :(
over a year ago silver93 said…
I'd be confused,angry and disappointed. Unless the entire book was re-written. You can see throughout the book how slowly their friendship is dying. They still have a respect for each other that had been built up over the years, but they can't relate as well anymore. It's kind of like when people see friends from high school after they've graduated from college. You're such a different person you have trouble getting along with your old friends even though you want to.
over a year ago yazie20 said…
yeah i know!when finnick died i was ' no that soo cant happen!' i got soo mad that i just stopped reading for that day.
i noticed that too. how their friendship was fading.
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