XxIsabellaxX posted on Sep 04, 2010 at 11:42PM

The Hunger Games 1050 replies

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Showing Replies 751-800 of 1050

over a year ago silver93 said…
Maybe she died when he got there. Or it would be better for her, she'd just be suffering.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Little things in books that are a tiny bit unclear always bother me. I think them through over and over again. This is going to be one of them. Ergh.
over a year ago silver93 said…
She does that a lot. In Gregor she never once describes Gregor or any of his family members drives me insane.
I'm not sure if this song completely fits Finnick and Annie, but it really reminds me of them.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I hate when characters aren't described in full detail lol. And i've heard that song before, i love it, but i never though of Annie. Now i'm going to lol. I think the song Get out Alive by 3 days Grace is a perfect Hunger Games song.
over a year ago silver93 said…
She doesn't say his hair color, his eye color, or any facial features whatsoever. All she says is he's tanner than the underlanders, but they're white,literally. They have purple eyes, white-blonde hair, and skin so pale you can see their veins. So pretty much an albino is tanner than them. It drove me absolutely insane. Five books! And she can't mention a hair color. Though you guys should still definately read them, they're so great.
I love Safetysuit. They're one of my favorite bands. My favorite song is Anywhere But Here. I really love this song too. It just reminded me of what it might have been like before they were a couple, like while Finnick was falling for Annie. He's so hot he could have anyone, but he chose Annie.
I just listen to the song, totally agree.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
That's why i absolutely love Finnick and Annie. They just love each other so much. They are my perfect couple. Next to Katniss and Peeta of course.

So i'm on my 4th or 5th time reading Catching Fire right now, but the last time i read it was a while ago, and i sort of forgot how great it is. (I re-read it a lot right when it came out and i finished it in one day..and in the couple months after it was released i read it a ton) I think it's probably my favorite, because i just love reading it. I love how Katniss has completely accepted she is going to die for Peeta's sake, and because of that she is just so carefree. And i love it, she is just living it up with Peeta, and it makes me so happy. Reading Catching Fire the first time was when i decided i wanted her to end up with Peeta. Because i during Catching Fire you could tell she was really in love with Peeta. And Peeta is so hell-bent on protecting Katniss, and Katniss is trying to protect Peeta throughout the 75th games, you can just feel there love. And i'm not going to lie, while i was reading it this past week, i was getting emotional at some parts. Not crying, but tearing up when Cinna was killed, when the victors held hands, and when Mags died. And feeling extremely happy at all the Katniss/Peeta parts, because you could just feel their love. Basically the moral of this ridiculous post is that you guys should re-read Catching Fire, because i'm loving it. [:
over a year ago THG123 said…
Oh my God, so busy lately! How do you guys even have any time on the computer? Gosh I am exhausted. Anyways, I don't think Peeta killed the girl by the fire because she was already dying I believe, Peeta in his normal state wouldn't be capable of killing for no reason. Finnick and Annie are not your typical love story, I love how Collins was so original with their love story, I just wish it didn't have such a devastating ending. I've read CF about 8 times last year, I haven't even read it once this year. It's my favourite but it the parts with Gale that made me so frustrated. Do you guys like pop music? I absolutely despise pop music.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
School hasn't been that overwhelming lately.. And i only go to gymnastics 3 days a week. Once season starts, and i go 6 days a week, then i'll have no time for the computer. ):
This was my first time reading catching fire this year. I forgot how good it was. sort of. (;
And i don't listen to pop music. I listen to country. I grew up in a really small, country town. Lol. In my house all we listen to is country. I do have other music on my ipod though, like Mayday Parade, The Summer Set and stuff like that.
over a year ago silver93 said…
I'm not allowed to read Catching Fire yet, I have to do it at the same time as my class. But, this is just another example of why we're internet best buddies, Catching Fire is my favorite too! Most people I've talked to say it's their least favorite, but after reading all three, it's always been my fav. I just love "seeing" their relationships. In a way I feel like it's the least tragic of the trilogy. I love the parts with Cinna and Katniss in district 12, Katniss's speech for Rue, meeting all the old tributes, when Peeta almost dies and Katniss freaks out and there's no way to deny she doesn't love him...basically the whole thing. Which, is kinda funny because when I first read it, the ending made me think it was terrible because I thought everyone was dead. And I was still in denial about Cinna.
I listen to pop music if there is actually singing in it(I hate auto tune). I listen to everything but rap, because you can't spell crap without rap.
So once again I'm going to be annoying and ask if you read anything I suggested, or anything good lately. I just finally read the first Percy Jackson books and they're amazing. I'm also reading a book called The Night Circus, which I haven't finished, but is turning out to be one of the most interesting/mysterious books I've ever read. Borders being gone makes me really sad because it's gotten a lot harder to make it to the book store; the nearest one is a half hour away.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Have you guys seen Evan Peters blonde? He was one of the Peeta options and I didn't like him because I didn't think he looked like Peeta at all, but he dyed his hair American Horror Story and he's looking very Peeta.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Evan Peters is alright, but Josh has really grown on me and i like him better.
I literally haven't had any time to read and it makes me so sad. I'm going to a really big mall about a half an hour away in 2 weeks and it has a huge Barns and Nobel. I'm gonna pick up a bunch of books when i go there.
Have you guys seen the new movie posters?! They're amazing!

over a year ago silver93 said…
I was just suprised. With Josh at least, you can see it in his face, but I had a harder time seeing Peters as Peeta.
The posters are okay. I'm finding the cast photos more and more amusing. Like they just did one photo of almost all the kids, and yes, they all look really good(it made me very happy), but there has been some obvious editing; I don't know what they plan on doing in the movie. Once again they have shrunk Liam Hemsworth and tried to make Josh look taller than Jen. I'm thinking Liam was the only one edited, but I can't be sure. Him and Josh Hutcherson don't look like there's much of a height difference but he's 8 inches taller than him, and that's if he's 6'3, most people say he's 6'5. And Josh looks taller than Jen, but that's because I'm pretty sure he's on a hill and she's slightly leaning down. I'm guessing it's Liam who's edited, because Jen and Josh are the same height. Alexander Ludwig also looks taller than than Liam even though he's shorter than him, but I can't be sure because he's younger than him and can still be growing. But the Vanity Fair photos look AMAZING. No idea how they're making Josh's hair blonde though, since he dyed it back. Check the other ones out too: link
last edited over a year ago
I was just suprised. With Josh at least, you can see it in his face, but I had a harder time seeing P
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I saw the that too!! I love it even more than the posters. And i'm glad they edited it. I think the heights of the cast in the picture is perfect. I love how Alexander is huge haha. I think he is a great Cato.
And Amandla is seriously the perfect Rue.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Well yeah, it makes for a really great photo, but what are they doing in the movie? It just seems kind of stupid to me, there's nothing wrong with Josh being the same height as Jen. And it's not really Liam's fault he's Godzilla's spawn...
over a year ago THG123 said…
Wow, I am just seeing these posters, they're excellent! Wow, now I can see Liam as Gale. Get ready for the fan girls though, I saw a couple really girly girls with team Peeta and Gale shirts on at the mall -____-
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
THG- I know i really like everything they've done! And ugh, you're kidding me. i strongly dislike the people who take these books as just a romance story.
Silver- That made me laugh. And i'm hoping they'll use some of hollywood's wonderful movie magic to work with the heights of the cast. It's never going to be perfect, but i'm just trying to stay positive and excited about the whole thing. If the movie sucks, i'll be super disappointed, but i'm hoping for the best. :/
over a year ago silver93 said…
Ugh people are so annoying. And they've already said in interviews that they're playing up the romance. And Gary Ross said Katniss is in love with Gale before Peeta. I freakin' hate teams! They're so stupid. It's almost like Katniss' love life is a game. It seems very disconnected to me.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I'm wondering what they are going to do about Katniss like, thinking during the games. You know what i mean? At certain parts of the book, how are people going to know what she was thinking if they didn't read the books? Like how after she found out about Peeta being with the careers, she felt betrayed, but when she jumped down from the tree, she gave the cameras a smile. How are people going to know what she was thinking?
over a year ago silver93 said…
Well they can always do voice-over like they do in Twlight. You know the offical trailer is coming out on Monday. Do any of you guys have on demand or netflix? If you do, you can watch the movie version of Howl's Moving Castle. I know you said you're having trouble getting to the book store/library, but the movie is really good too. I wish you guys could read more, I read like a hundred books. I just finished the Percy Jackson series which was awesome.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago THG123 said…
I'd completely forgotten about that book, I'll probably get it tomorrow or the day after, and really? The official trailer is coming out!? YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Sorry I get a little hyper when I hear about the movie. :/
I really hope it's not all centered on the love story, like in Twilight (Not that I'm comparing the two) but when I watched the first (and only) movie, I didn't even get what the plot was, it was all love, love, love... -___-
over a year ago silver93 said…
um the first movie sucked because it was done during the writer's strike and they had no money, the next ones were a lot better.
I'm looking forward to it, but I'm gaurded about it. Everytime I get my hopes up about the movie, they shoot me with an electric arrow.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Anyone see the actual trailer???? IT WAS FRICKING AWESOME! I literally squealed and cried. Now if you excuse me, I must go wash my running makeup in result to my never ending tears.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
OMG THE TRAILER IS GREAT! I got chills the entire time!! it was freaking amazing!! i cried too! like teared up...hahahha. Omg i'm so freaking excited!!!
Some things were not as i expected, but still freaking amazing. I pictured the woods a bit more dark, and the capitol more bright. But those were the only 2 things i could pick out that it wasn't how i pictured it..and not saying i don't like those things, i love it, and the trailer exceeded my expectations, its just not how i pictured it. BUT I'M LITERALLY IN LOVE<3
over a year ago silver93 said…
Not be a Debbie Downer or anything, but I thought the trailer was just okay, but it was good enough that I think I will see the movie after all. Here’s an extremely long explanation of what I think of it.
Things I didn't like:
1. Haymitch's hair. Where the hell are his black curly locks?(points if you remember that)So, I probably would prefer him bald over that weird wig he has on, I can't take him seriously in it.
2.I don't really like the Capitol look either. I imagined it really bright, like it was fake bright. Though the city looks cool, especially since the whole thing is CGI and a set.
3.The script. I'm not that pleased with the little lines that I did hear. Like how Katniss says they'd get caught is the reason she won't leave, not b/c of Prim. And how she says she can't afford to think like that to Peeta. One of Katniss' flaws/strengths is how oblivious she is to anything that isn't connected her, immediate, or conflicts with her surviving. It isn't until much later in the book that she even understands what Peeta is talking about.
4.I liked Effie during the reaping, but I didn’t really like how everything else was set up. Like with the peacekeepers and how far apart everyone was. I imagined it a lot more intimate in the book.
Things I liked:
1.Thank the Gods they don't have that horrendous accent Collins used when reading the book. The Capitol accent was amazing! Absolutely perfect. Actually, I really liked the look of the Capitol people.
2.Cato. Alexander Ludwig looks huge and extremely threatening and all you see is him taking out a dummy.
3.The acting. Jen is a really good actress. I watched Winter's Bone and she was really good in that and she seemed like a decent Katniss in the trailer which proves extreme skill since she still doesn't really look like her. And I could get the Peeta vibe from Josh when they were talking on the roof. Everyone else seemed really good too.
4.The vibe of the trailer.(I think that’s the best way to describe it) You can definitely sense the danger. You can see the relationships. You can see how the Capitol all seems fake, and the districts seem real. It’s a really great trailer for someone who has read the books, even if it doesn’t really match up exactly. Of course, I’m curious what people who haven’t read the books or haven’t even heard of them will think of the trailer, I don’t think it was very explanatory to outsiders.
5.Peeta is actually blonde, like a real blonde. I'm so happy he doesn't have that weird fake blonde that's still brown hair color the first photos showed.
So what parts did you guys like and dislike? This is sorta the biggest news we’ve gotten in a while to discuss. I expect extremely long answers from you guys too, so I don’t look like dork. Also, what parts made you guys cry lol?
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I agree with all the stuff you love too, and almost everything you don't like. I hate Haymitch's hair too! I was so exited to see the black curly hair...but since woody was cast i was happy because bald would be fine for Haymitch too...but that blonde thing on his head is terrible.
I didn't like the weird little lines added in either, (the running away part especially) but i just told myself they'll mention that the reason was Prim and the rest of the kids.
I also pictured the capitol full of light and fake bright colors. But i did picture it all high-tech like it was, so that's good.
I thought the reaping was fine, and i did LOVE Effie's accent, i just pictured her a bit younger, but i think Elizabeth Banks is an amazing Effie from what i saw.
I got emotional at the reaping part, didn't cry, just teared up. The acting was amazing. Jennifer is freaking great. And at the countdown at the end i like, forgot how to breath. The countdown was so perfect!
Josh is literally perfect too. And Liam is a great Gale. I actually just really, really love the cast.

Haymitch's hair is honestly what bothers me the most. lol
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Cato is amazing too! i can't get over how gorgeous Alexander is. hahah.

I would write more, but i am procrastinating so much right now. gotta go!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silver93 said…
And he's blonde, which doesn't make sense since he's from the Seam.
Did you guys realize Katniss is a gladiator? I completely missed that. I got the minotaur reference, but the gladiator thing went completelt over my head. Which doesn't make sense, b/c now that I know about it, it's way more obvious than the Theseus reference.
I watched Gamer the other day(really gross, but couldn't stop watching)and it really reminded me of HG. Have you guys seen it?
over a year ago THG123 said…
Is that like some sort of horror movie? Because if it is I would LOVE to watch it. :D
I am so anxious for the cast of catching fire, I wanna know what Finnick looks like... *dreamy sigh*
I seem to have missed the Gladiator thing, where does it show Katniss being a gladiator.
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over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Yeah what's the gladiator thing?
over a year ago silver93 said…
Depends on your def of horror movie. It's set in the future, and there are these games called society and slayer. In both you can pay to control other real people. In soceity, the people get paid to do it, but in slayer, it's an option for cons on death row. If they can make it through 30 rounds alive, then they can get free. Only problem is most people don't even make it to ten. The sad part was I could see it happening. You should watch it if you can ignore gore and nudity(I kinda just closed my eyes or looked the other way during those parts).
I want to see *cough* Chace Crawford * cough* Finnick too.
Okay, so I learned about the gladiator thing from reading an article for my class. Gladiators were used for entertainment purposes in Rome, they would fight other gladiators or lions or whatever and I'm pretty sure it was usually to the death. Collins pointed it out herself. The Hunger Games is just a larger field than a colosseum.
over a year ago silver93 said…
Where'd you guys go?
So I'm re-reading CF, and I'm still a little confused by how Peeta doesn't live with his family.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
big smile
Sorry, it's the week before finals and i have papers due like crazy. i'm actually in the middle of doing my world history essay, but then remembered you guys and how i haven't been on here in forever. I'm probably gonna be gone for the next 2 weeks because of finals. :/

When i read CF for the first time i also wondered why Peeta's family didn't live with him. But i just assumed that they work at the bakery, so his parents didn't really think it was necessary to move. And i remembered he had brothers, but it always seemed like Peeta wasn't that close to them. So maybe he just moved out and lived alone. He had enough money anyways.

So i was at Sam's Club with my mom and my little 9 year old brother last week, (If you guys don't know, Sam's is this big bulk store with a ton of food, books movies, tv's, ect.. it's like affiliated with Walmart lol. ok back to the point.) And i was in the book isle and my little brother comes up to me and taps me and is holding a book out to me and it's THE HUNGER GAMES COMPANION!! I looked through it and it looks so interesting!! I assume you guys know what i'm talking about?! if not look it up, it looks so fascinating! But the bad part is when me and Ben showed the book to my mom, she bought it, but won't give it to me until Christmas!
Well, now i know that i'll be reading all Christmas day.

And another thing, you guys will probably make fun of me that i didn't catch on to this earlier, but we are reading about ancient Roman literature in world lit, and i when my teacher was talking about this play Antigone, i looked ahead and saw this play on Julius Caesar and started reading the list of characters and realized that a ton of the names were in The Hunger Games! I knew her stories had ancient Roman/classical influence, because some of her inspiration was from a Roman/Greek story, and i noticed some of the names were from ancient Roman stories I'd read and I'd heard in History classes my whole life, but i never realized how many names were from it. There was Cinna, Cato, Mesalla, Brutus, Portia, and Flavius. And the obvious ones i already knew like Caesar, Octavia, Castor, and Pollux.
I just realized that's like, a lot of names, and i'm sort of excited that it finally came to me lol.
I know you guys probably already realized this, but i'm still happy hahhahaha.
over a year ago CCHungers4Games said…
Man i DOOOO wish Peeta was real, and was MY husband/lover/boyfriend/ally/etc...!!! a QUESTION THOUGH! I just joined this, so maybe I missed your guys' thoughts on this... but I'm really curious about a few things in the books that I feel were never really answered, and especially after reading the "Acknowledgements" in the end of Mockinjay, Collins thanks her husband for asking the questions she never thought to answer- I still cannot believe Katniss voted Yes to the final Hunger Games with the Capitol children... and I want to know what you guys think about if it really happened?? I kind of figured that since she killed Coin, they never went through with it... (I hope not at least, I mean there were plenty of sections towards the end where she obviously pitied the children in the Capitol just as much as any of the districts' children, like when she was in Tigris's shop and watched the children huddled through the crowds with their parents looking confused and scared, and the scene with the girl in the "lemon colored jacket" who was mowed down by the rebel's gunfire. She obviously was sad to see the Capitol's children being killed too, right?)
And am I the only one who thinks Peeta was simply wayyyyy too good for Katniss??! Not to say she should have ended up with Gale, either, because he really showed his true colors by the end of The Mockingjay, but I think Peeta should have ended up with someone with a little more... I dunno... heart? Substance? Not saying Katniss was heartless or one-dimensional, the poor girl went through soooo much, but Peeta was definitely the most amazing example of human existance throughout the whole series and obviously a superb, passionate, caring person, if anything it almost seemed like he pitied Katniss as much if not more than he actually LOVED her? Maybe he should have ended up with DellY!? haha. Any thoughts?
over a year ago CCHungers4Games said…
I believe that he DID kill the girl at the fire- but it was more of a mercy killing. Like one of the Career guys thought they killed her, but Peeta went back to "finish her off" aka put her out of her misery- she was obviously dying slowly and painfully, and I think Peeta probably just maybe stabbed her in the heart of something quick and as painless as possible. It is weird that they refer to Foxface and her somewhat-accidental killing was his "first kill" but I don't think he was really the one behind the girl at the fire being killed- I mean, he didn't start it, he was just trying to keep up his ruse with the Careers AND put the girl out of her misery... That's what I think, at least....
over a year ago silver93 said…
Omg there's someone who actually wants to talk about HG again on this forum. I commend you if you actually tried to read parts of this forum.
Okay, so in my opinion, Katniss only said yes to having Hunger Games with Capitol children to give her the opportunity to kill President Coin. If she said no, Coin would have either had her imprisoned or had something terrible done to her and gone through with it anyway. Katniss needed Coin to not think Katniss was against her, which was Coin's biggest fear from the beginning. And they didn't have any more HGs after Coin was killed. Katniss said they teach in the schools how terrible they are.
As for whether Katniss deserved Peeta, I think she does. People have a hard time understanding her, but to me I think she has just a big a heart as Peeta. A lot of people like to take the argument that Gale and Katniss should be together because there so much alike, but I actually think Peeta and Katniss are more alike when it comes to the things that matter. Katniss is brave and caring, and her biggest flaw is really that she doesn't see how amazing she is. I don't think Peeta pitied her, I think he admired her and was disappointed she couldn't see herself the way she really is.

And yeah Arissa, a little slow there lol. I'm actually more interested in seeing the special edition that just came out, it's 30 bucks though, so I wish I could look at the whole thing before buying it, but it's wrapped.
over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
Yeah i saw that too... i'm going to buy it in January for my birthday, as birthday present to myself lol.
And forgive me! i feel so dumb that i didn't catch onto that earlier. lol
And as usual, i agree with you silver. I finally convinced my friends to read the series, and one of my friends hates Katniss, and basically said everything CCHunger4Games said. And i told her exactly what you said. I liked Katniss from the very beginning, and always thought of her as a brave and good person at heart.
over a year ago peeniss said…
That what I need to survive is not Gale's fire, kindled with rage and hatred. I have plenty of fire myself. What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again. And only Peeta can give me that. So after, when he whispers, "You love me. Real or not real?" I tell him, "Real. "
this is my favorite part of mockingjay <3 she finally realized peeta was that thing she couldn't live without
over a year ago spiritfox said…
i didnt like the ending because it didnt explain anything...what happened to the hunger games they were going to hold for the c apitol children or what happened to gale or what happened to annie's child, wat were katniss' children's names??????????/etc
that bugged the shit out of me!!!
over a year ago silver93 said…
Um I think I might have a heart attack. Now it's up to three more people!
And they didn't have anymore Hunger Games. Katniss was never going to let that happen, that's why she killed Coin. Gale moved to district 2 where he can continue being a (insert cuss word of choice). I think it was district 2 anyway, which is ironic since he planned on blowing it up. Not sure about the kids, but it's kind of fun to speculate.
And don't feel dumb Arissa. I feel like a complete moron for not noticing the gladiator thing. I'm a really big history geek, I should have gotten that. You should read the underlander series, she uses greek names in tht too.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silver93 said…
I just realized Arissa you saw the same photo of Willa Holland with the little girl as I did; and it reminded me of Katniss and Prim too. Honestly, I'm re-reading Catching Fire, and it's making me not want to see the movie at all. I don't want it to ruin my image of the book. I still see Willa Holland as Katniss and Adam Gregory as Gale and sorta Alexander Ludwig as Peeta(before he became massive for Cato). The cast they picked doesn't match my image of most of the characters. The only one I really like is Rue.

I also have a ligit question about the book, so I'd appreciate it if you guys came back a little quicker.
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over a year ago Arissa1422 said…
I'm back for a while now. My finals are over!
And 3 more people that actually want to talk about the book! This is great!

I'm planning on reading the underlander series over winter break. Or starting it at least.
Rue and Thresh are by far the best people cast in the movies. i also loved Woody for Haymitch...until the screwed up his hair.
And i agree, Willa will always be how i picture Katniss, and Peeta will always looked how i imagined him (and i can't find an actor that i feel looks like my Peeta) Same with Gale. But i'm just gonna deal, i'm still really excited for the movie, even if i don't think it's going to be perfect.
I do like Josh and Jennifer's personalities for Katniss and Peeta, even though they aren't exactly how we pictured them.

And what is your question?
over a year ago silver93 said…
See, I don't really have an exact Peeta either. Alexander Ludwig is just kinda close. Or he was. Now he's massive, and I don't find him very attractive. How'd you imagine Peeta? Everyone sees him as being chubby and short, but I saw him as being like average height which is 5'9 5'10. And I saw him being muscular(not like six-pack or anything, but like greek statues muscular) because of the bakery thing. And broader shoulders since he's supposed to be stocky. I saw Gale as being really tall and strong, but slim. I just can't imagine either of them with superman muscles with the lack of food they get.
I can't remember the question because it's been too long. I was waiting to tell you, and then I decide to update the question because that usually gets people to show up faster. I think it had something to do with how I'm re-reading Catching Fire, and it's so obvious Katniss is in love with Peeta that I don't know why there was ever a debate. I don't know why, but I just didn't notice things before. When she flips out in the Games over him almost dying is when I thought it was most obvious, but I see hints all over the place now. Agh. I wish I remembered, that might not even be it. Look back at the part where she's under the sleep-syrup, and you can tell she's in love with him by then.
I have a new question: Do you think President Snow realizes Katniss loves Peeta, and at what point do you think he does?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago THG123 said…
Sorry I took so long.

Silver93, it's because SC mentioned the word "stocky" when describing Peeta that confused some of our "slow" fans, but stocky is also a synonym for well-built and not a skinny prick. I saw Gale as being skinny (because of the whole starving in the seam thing) but fit and strong. And yes, neither of them could have been Mr. Superman muscles because of the extreme lack of protein (my brother is a body building fanatic). I think President Snow had known Katniss loved Peeta just before they entered the arena the second time. It was pretty obvious, and it's one of the reasons Peeta was taken to the Capitol, so he could mess with Katniss' emotions.

Arissa, I agree, Josh and Jennifer's personalities seem almost exactly to Katniss and Peeta's. This shouldn't make their acting difficult right?

I'm reading City of Bones right now, I have to say, it's a rather spectacular book, drew me in with a few sentences. I like the creativity of the plot.

I would like to apologize for how I long I took to get back to you guys, it's just that life after High-school isn't a walk in the park, I was so busy I kept forgetting. Oh! And Happy Holidays!!!! This calls for an LOLcat.
last edited over a year ago
Sorry I took so long.

Silver93, it's because SC mentioned the word "stocky" when describing Peeta th
over a year ago THG123 said…
over a year ago silver93 said…
I was wondering where you went.
Love the cat pics, they made me laugh. The first one reminds me of buttercup.
I don't know what you guys mean about Jen matching Katniss' personality, she seems like a total spaz. And I don't mean that in a bad way or anything, my friends are all mostly spazes too. She'd fit right into my group.
So I made the terrible mistake of watching A Summer in Genoa. Willa Holland is in it, and she's really good. Actually the whole cast is great, it has Colin Firth, it's a very realistic film. Or natural I guess you could say. So I know I sound like a broken record but it was just another reminder that I wish she was Katniss. The only thing I noticed, and maybe I wouldn't have paid so much attention if someone didn't make a comment in the reviews, is how skinny she is. I can't tell if she's just skinny, or anorexic. I'm not good at that. You can see it in her back mostly, where you can see bones. One of my friends is super skinny like her, but she eats like a hippo. And mostly junk-food too. I can never tell if it's genetics or a disorder, unless you can see it everywhere.
Yeah I really liked the mortal intruments series too. The movie is driving me insane though. They're taking forever! It was over a year ago that they cast Clary and it's been months since they cast Jace, but nothing since. They had to re-write the script or something. I wanted Molly Quinn to play Clary(she's from Castle, one of the best shows ever) but Lily Collins got it. But I'm okay with that because Collins seems to really care about the fans, and because Molly got to voice the girls of the book recording, so she's pretty much the real Clary.
over a year ago THG123 said…
Thank you! I love the pics too. The movie; what's it about?

My friends are so skinny (at least I got meat on my bones) and they look like walking sticks but they eat like a truck guzzles gas. It's so unfair. I have to watch everything I eat and they can eat anything and not gain a pound. I already love Jace. The dude's such a jerk, but in a loveable way. I went to the library and the bookstore (Finally!) for Howl's Moving Castle and they didn't have it (Insert swear word here). So I just took City of Bones and I am loving it. Silver, do you think Hunger Games is better than Mortal Instruments? Oh and do you like the people they cast for the movie? :D

Uh oh, it seems like I'm getting obsessed to another series. My family should get ready for another series of headaches.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silver93 said…
The family moves to Genova after their mother dies in a car crash because the youngest daughter puts her hands over her mothers eyes b/c she had been playing the game with her sister. It's about them coming to terms with the whole thing. I just like the way Willa plays her roles. Jen's very good at portraying different characters, Willa's really good at being different characters. The actors in the movie seemed more like real people than actors trying to be real people.
See I just don't eat a lot. I know in most families they tell you to finish your plate, but in mine if you finish it they add more food b/c that means you're obviously starving. So I just eat until I'm full and then my friends yell at me for not eating my entire meal. My weight pretty much stays the same no matter how much I eat.
I love Hunger Games ten times more than Mortal Instruments. It just stuck with me.
You know it's funny, I didn't like Jace at first. I thought he was an asshole. Same thing with Izzy, I thought she was a mega bitch. But, as you read the story, the characters really grow on you and you realize both of them are actually really good people. Izzy's my favoirte. My only suggestion for reading that book: KEEP READING. Don't stop because the ending let's call it weird.
As for casting, they literally have been spending so much time trying to find the perfect people for the roles, that I have no doubt that they can do the job justice. I wish they had done that with HG. They've looked at every actor in hollywood pretty much for Jace. They picked Jamie Campbell Bower, who wasn't my first pick at all, but I've really grown to like him. He has the unique beauty Jace is supposed to have. You can't see it in photoshoot pictures, but in pics of him in real life. Plus I think he looks like Westley from Princess Bride. But, again, it was really unlikely that the actors I actually saw as the characters got picked. It was kind of unfair for Clary, because the director didn't audition people he just asked Lily.
over a year ago THG123 said…
That's great to hear about the casting and don't worry, I am not going to stop reading. I think the amount of sarcasm and the teasing tone in Jace is what made me like him (because I am extremely sarcastic) but I disliked him in the beginning because he was....well, mean. But he has good intentions. It's funny you mentioned Westly in the Princess Bride, he does sort of remind me of him, and I think he's good because of the amount of catlike features he has. I've seen some of his movies, he is a delightful actor. Do you think they rushed the Hunger Games movie? The cast was really rushed, they hit Peeta spot on but not really for Katniss and as for Liam, we'll just have to see how it turns out. Also, they are advertising the Hunger Games way too much! Like they're actually selling Capitol nailpolish! Isn't the point of the story about the unfairness of the Capitol people and their ridiculous get-up? Yet they're advertising the same thing that caused corruption in Panem. What are your thoughts on that?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silver93 said…
I don't think they got the perfect Peeta either. Josh is too famous. When I see him, I think Josh Hutcherson, not Peeta. For my age group he's the most famous male actor. The whole thing makes me want to vomit. It's disgusting. Everyone is Hollywood is kissing the hunger games ass because they know it will get them viewers/readers. Young Adult books have turned into a joke. It's just one big giant cash cow. They don't care if they stay true to the book, because they know the fans will go out and support the books anyway. And then there are the retards that don't want to read and can't tell any difference. How much you wanna bet there's going to be team Peeta and team gale crap everywhere? The only reason we even talked so much about the relationship was because it was the only thing we could guess on, we had no idea what she was planning on doing plot wise. Were guys into the books before or after they all came out? I can't remember when you first when on this site.
Well I'm really sarcastic too, but at first I thought he was more rude than funny. But the more you read the book, the more you see he's not really a jerk. Just be warned about the ending. A lot of people including myself were disturbed by it, and I had to tell them don't stop reading. The prequels are really good too. I might even like them more. There's going to be six for the ones with Clary, and three for the prequel.
over a year ago THG123 said…
I don't think Josh is that famous here in Canada, I asked my friend if he knew him and she just raised her eyebrow at me. It's very depressing, knowing that your favourite books are going to be used to squeeze in loads of cash. They obviously don't give a crap about us. Nowadays it's all about money and fame and power. The other day, when I went to pick up my cousin from school, I met this little girl who wanted to be a porn star (I'm not kidding, that's what the 5 year old said), and I'm just standing there thinking "What ever happened to wanting to become a doctor? An astronaut? A veterinarian?" sad how the world is now. I can see it now, every 12 year old girl with "I am TEAM PEETA" on at the malls. I have that gut-wrenching feeling that I'm going to start hating the Hunger Games. And I don't want to, because I love talking to you guys. I know what you mean about Jace being rude, he is so cruel to Simon (who bugs me just a little bit, but he's still such an innocent person that you just don't want to hate him). Anyways, I'm glad we can share all this silver93, I don't think my friends would care. :P let's just hope the Mortal Instruments won't turn out this way.