The Heroes of Olympus Gods read The Heroes of Olympus

pugluv98 posted on Oct 31, 2011 at 12:42AM
Title:Gods read The Heroes of Olympus

Rating: T cuz im paranoid


THIS IS TO darkrai6543 and bornhuntress: darkrai for telling me to go on and being the first to reply

bornhuntress for being my first fan and the rest of you for boosting my self-esteem about this forum, you guys are the best!!!

SYNOPSIS: the title pretty much explains it, but i will do it any way, it is when the gods receive a package with two books that tells what will happend in the future along with three very familiar demigods..................................­...­...

NOTE: I have ADHD and a short attention span, so don't be dissapointed of if the chappies are short or if it takes me a while to post

last edited on Dec 25, 2011 at 03:16AM

The Heroes of Olympus 940 replies

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Showing Replies 401-450 of 940

over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
Aw if only my friends wud do that....
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
big smile
i play trumpet
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ post!!! plz
over a year ago bornhuntress said…
I play the flute!
over a year ago MythicLover said…
COOL i play guitar and... um... thats it!!
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
Omg I play trumpet!!!okay not really haha i lied....awkward
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Oh...that's awful greekrules515...I play piano. For real. Post soon pugluv!!
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
my laptop is acting up, i will try to post tomorrow
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
I play the clarinet! post soon!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Please try to post soo!!
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
Cello for me!
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
try to post today
over a year ago bornhuntress said…
with all these instruments we could make a band...
post today please!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago PerciusJackson said…
i play violen i didt think anyone else played a instrument
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Try to post please!!
over a year ago bornhuntress said…
Please post!!!!
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
next post is just going to be a page, cuz I HATE MY LAPTOP!!!!
over a year ago universalpowa said…
post plz!!plz try
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
i think what im going to do is after the first chapter, im gonna turn this into a forum where anybody can post, what do you guys think?
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
That would be cool.
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
Jason took a step back. "Do what?" it sounded like the coach just asked him if he'd made the thunderstorm.

"Yeah, cuz you can't do that at all" Nico said sarcatically.

"Shut up!" Thalia hissed. "They don't know who Jason's dad is yet!"

"I didn't know Thalia and Nico were dating" Grover said in mock suprise.

"Yeah, I can see it now; the goth girl and the punk boy." Travis joked.

If looks could kill, Grover and Travis would be dead.

Nico glared at them. "Keep going and Juniper is going to find out that a certain blueberry bush flirted with you" Nico said grinning evilly.

"And while you do that, I'm sure Mr. D would love to hear who slipped Seymour the wine."Grover said smiling mischeviously.

Coach Hedge glared at him, his beady little eyes glinting under the brim of his cap. "Don't play games with me, kid. What are you doing here, and why are you messing up my job?" "You don't know me." Jason said.

"Well someones full of himself" Luke snickered. Jason responded by kicking the leg off his chair.

"I'm not one of your students?" Hedge snorted. "Never seen you before today." Jason was so relieved he almost wanted to cry.

"Wimp" Clarisse snickered. Cue thunderbolt from Thalia.

At least he wasn't going insane.

"Yes, you don't know who you are, or where your from but at least your not crazy." Connor said nodding sarcatically.

He was in the wrong place. "Look, sir, I don't know how I got here. I just woke up on the school bus. All I know is I'm not supposed to be here." "Got that right." Hedge gruff voice dropped to a murmur, like he was sharing a secret. "You've got a powerful way with the Mist, kid, if you can make all these people think they know you; but you can't fool me. I've been smelling monster for days now. I knew we had an infiltrator, but you don't smell like a monster. You smell like a half-blood.

"Quick question," the ever annoying Leo asked. "What do half-bloods smell like?"

"Well they all smell strong-" Y Grover said.

"Gee, thanks" Percy muttered. Annabeth elbowed him in the ribs.

"But when their claimed they smell like their immortal parents sphere of control." he finished.

"So a son of Poseidon would smell like the sea?" Y Annabeth asked.

Grover nodded. "Well, you would never find me dating a son of Poseidon" Y Annabeth stated. "In the stories their always annoying and a bit of a jerk."

Nico failed at stiffiling a laugh. "Yeah, you would never date a son of the sea god."

So-who are you, and wher'd you come from?" Most of what the coach said didn't make sense, but Jason decicded to answer honestly.

Luke shook his head. "Never tell the truth."

"Luke!" Annabeth scolded, hitting him in the head.

"I' don't know who I am. I don't have any memories. You've got to help me." Coach Hedge studied his face like he was trying to read Jason's thoughts. "Great," Hedge muttered "You're being truthful." "Of course I am! And what was all that about monsters and half-bloods? Are those code words or something?"

"Yeah, and those code words can get you killed if you just throw them around like that" Y Annabeth said sarcatically.

The demigods started laughing while Jason turned red.
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha­hah­aha­ha Post soon
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^^ lol code words!!

oh and leo should be sooo embarrassed when coach hedge saves his life twice... and then when annabeth comes back into view, it will be sooooooooo funny becuase butch says "a camper who has been missing for three days. a guy named percy jackson" and then all the gods are like : UR MISSING? and pooof hers gone (jkjk but the gods can be like ['where r u?')
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ oh and that would be cool cuz i have that book !! :D
over a year ago universalpowa said…
omg! new page!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
over a year ago universalpowa said…
if ur gonna do that. could i do a chapter? or finish this chapter?
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ i really want to to the chapter after it though

SPAM !! someone post then :D
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
im still posting cuz sometimes if you turn this into a forum where anybody can post, its not as funny, but i will contuinue doing this forum!
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
I agree with Pugluv
over a year ago Child_of_Hermes said…
lol, that was hilarious!!! post soon! and i think you should keep posting cuz i agree with you
over a year ago bornhuntress said…
Awesome!!!! So funny!!!!!!!!! Post more soon!!!
over a year ago MythicLover said…
COOL post soon!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
please post more soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its soooooooooo funny!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
link Dude check out my forum the link is up above
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Ok. I'm late but ur chapter was awesomeness!!!
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
I already died laughing.
over a year ago PJforever14 said…
I cant wait until the part that they gonna discover who is Percy's girlfriend !!
Awesome chapter post soon !!
over a year ago jasonsuckseggs said…
one word: AWESOME!
over a year ago universalpowa said…
post soon! i want them to see who percy's gf is!! :D :D
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
you guys really thought that last chapter was that hilarious? I thought it was ok, and not some of my best work
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
Hedge narrowed his eyes. Part of Jason wondered if the guy was just nuts. But the other part knew better.

Travis had something smart to say, but stopped under the warning glance from Clarisse.

"Look, kid," Hedge said, "I don't know who you are.

"Netheir does he" Leo interjected.

I just know what you are, and it means trouble. Now I got to protect three of you instead of two. Are you the special package? Is that it?" "What are you talking about?" Hedge looked at the storm. The clouds were getting thicker and darker, hovering right over the skywalk.

You could feel the nervous tension in the room. If Zeus was planning a storm in one exact spot where three unknown half-bloods were, all Hades was about to break loose.

"This morning," Hedge said, "I got a message from camp. They said in extraction team was is on the way.

"An extraction team?" Luke asked, "That sounds painful."

Leo slapped his knee and pointed at Luke, "That's what I said!" he exclaimed.

Jason nodded his head. "In a way, it was painful."

They're coming to pick up a special package, but they won't give me details. I thought to myself, Fine. The two I'm watching are pretty powerful, older than most.

"Awww, he said we're powerful!" Leo exclaimed.

`Thalia kicked him in the shin.

I know they're being stalked. I can smell a monster in the group.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on a sec. How can Hedge smell a monster?" Nico asked, confused. Everyone stared at him in disbelief.

"What?" he asked even more confused.

Piper rolled her eyes "He's a satyr, duh!"

"I mean, come on, man," Percy said leaning back in his chair that was about to tip over. "Even I knew that."

I figure that's why the camp is suddenly frantic to pick them up.

"Well they are frantic about picking up a demigod." Annabeth muttered under her breath. Percy took his girlfriends hand into his. Of course under the table.

But then you pop up out of nowhere. So, are you the special package?" The pain behind Jason's eyes got worse than ever. Half-bloods. Camp. Monsters. He still didn't know what Hedge was talking about, but the words gave him a massive brain freeze-

Connor nodded his head sympathetically. "I get the same way when the Athena and Hephaestus cabin start talking in techno terms or use big words."

Katie rolled her eyes, "That's because your brain is messed up from all the fumes from the stink bombs you set off."

Connor grinned wickedly. "Totally worth it."

"Dude, I once set off a stink bomb so bad they had to evacuate the entire school!" Leo shouted.

"Sweet!" Connor and Travis chorused and fist bumped with Leo.

like his mind was trying to access information that should've been there but wasn't. He stumbled, and Coach Hedge caught him. For a short guy, the coach had hands like steel.

Nico raised an eyebrow at Jason. "Just because he's short doesn't mean he's not strong. Take a look at the Hephaestus cabin, there's a ten year old that beat me in an arm wrestling."

Beckendorf chuckled. "Yeah, working in the forges all day can do that to your hands. We can't help it. We love to build.

Silena nodded. "Yeah, some girls like the hot guys, I'm more into the brains and ingenuity type." Beckandorf's eyes brightend when she said that.

"I see what you mean, Silena" Annabeth said. "I'm into the tall, goodlooking, funny, and great at sword fighting."

Luke smirked. *Yeah, she's totallt talking about me. I have without a doubt a shot with her.*

"Whoa, there, cupcake. You say you got no memories, huh? Fine. I'll just have too watch you, too, until the team gets here.

"Uh, oh, somebody has another stalke r!" Nico snickered. The Stolls and Leo busted out laughing.

We'll let the director figure things out." "What director?" Jason said. "What camp?"

"Well the director is Chiron and the camp is Camp Half-Blood" Travis said slowly. "You may not know this yet, but your a demigod." he said it like Jason was an idiot."

"It's the only safe place for demigods" Y Grover added.

"So you would think" Grover murmured.

"There's no need to sound so ominous, jeez Grover" Thalia said.

"Coming from the girl who's goth" Nico said.

"Your one to talk Nico" Jason pointed out. "You look like you're emo."

"I'm not emo!" Nico shouted looking around daring anyone to object.

Piper laughed and continued reading.

"Just sit tight. Reinforcements should be here soon. Hopefully nogthing happens before-"

"You should never jinx something like that" Y Annabeth said. "Just makes everything worse."

Lightning crackled overhead. The wind picked up with a vegeance.

"How can wind want revenge?" Travis asked.

"Their mad at people for flying kites so they punish people. Just go ask Thomas Edison." Annabeth said sarcatically.

Worksheets flew into the Grand Canyon, and the entire bridge shuddered. Kids screamed, stumbling and grabbing the rails. "I had to say something," Hedge grumbled. He bellowed into his megaphone: "Everyone inside! The cow says moo! Off the skywalk!"

Travis chuckled. "Still hilarious."

"I thought you said this thing was stable!" Jason shouted over the wind.

"Question: How can you shout over the wind?" Travis asked. Everybody facepalmed.

"Under normal circumstances," Hedge agreed, "which these aren't. Come on!"

"We finally finished the first chapter!" Piper announced. "Who wants to read next?"

"I will" Athena said.

Everybody gasped when they saw the gods.

I FINALLY was able to type a chapter without my computer deleting it!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Dude best work yet
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
i know right? and reminder, i will still be posting on this forum k, this isnt one you can add on to unless i announce a contest, the next chapter is dedicated to darkrai for being by first and hundredth to comment
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
big smile
AWESOME chatper post soon
over a year ago universalpowa said…
yay when r u gonna post ?
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
i decided to post twice a day, one one will be on this one, and the other will be one of my other forums, like i posted on this one and The Adventure of Nico di Angelo and toworrow im posting on this one and the Banished Hero
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ yay!! :D
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
who has reaad the 2 chapter of the adventure of nico di angelo?