The Heroes of Olympus Olympus reads the Son of Neptune

kgirl925 posted on Oct 05, 2011 at 09:36PM
All rights to Rick Riordan (duh)
Hope you enjoy!

WOAH, WOAH, WOAH. I can't believe this forum is like...3 years old now. How is that possible?! *feeling of nostalgia washes over me*
Anyways, end of my rant. here are a few lil' things to keep in mind while posting/reading this forum:
1) Uh, this is more like a random PJO community / occasionally post chapters forum now. So, anything PJO related is welcome.
2) People have asked me if they can post links to their stories here. A year ago I probably would've said no. But looking at the circumstances now, SURE! Go for it (: just don't spam the whole forum with links to your stories. If you want, send the link to me and I'll put it in this description.
3) ANYONE CAN POST CHAPTERS. As long as it's in chronological order. eg. You can't just go from a Percy arriving at Camp Jupiter to Percy saving the eagle. Follow the immediate next paragraph that they will read (: No length requirement or whatsoever, 'tis all fun

last edited on Dec 03, 2014 at 11:50PM

The Heroes of Olympus 3994 replies

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over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
over a year ago percabeth-bcz7 said…
how about you continue now???? :S
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Everyone cracked up again. "Stop it son, please your killing me to death!" Hades said, in between rounds of laughter. Everyone looked at Hades, "What can't I try to be funny?" The Lord of the Dead asked. That put everyone into another round of laughing. When they saw Hades's dark look, they stop and Athena continued.
The barracks had shady porches, where campers lounged in hammocks,
"I wanna go there!" Travis exclaimed. "Travis wanna isn't a word." Annabeth said. Everyone groaned, except for Athena, who looked proud of her favorite daughter.
or played cards and drank sodas.
"Did they steal the sodas?" Hermes asked. "How in the name of Hades should we know!" Hades said.. "What ever heard a god say his name when doing that?" Everyone, besides Hades, burst into a fit of laughter. "Continue Athena!" Hades boomed.
Each dorm had a different collection of banners out in front displaying Roman numerals and various animals - eagle, Cue Zeus fist pumping
bear, wolf, horses
Cue Poseidon fist pump
and something that looked like a hamster.

"What could that be?" Nico asked.
"I don't know." Annabeth said, thinking about it. "Look everyone, Annabeth said ' I don't know!!!!" Nico exclaimed. When he said it everyone (besides Athena and Annabeth) burst into a fit of laughter. Annabeth fumed with anger, got up, punched Nico and kicked one of the legs of his chair,(causing him to fall) and Athena sent an owl to attack him, also she whacked him with the book.

Any Body can Continue, but they must not change any of this, start off on this; along the via praetoria.... don't include the dots (i put them there because there is more and i didnt want to put it in )
over a year ago dramaqueen1999 said…
Oh! Oops!/face palm! sry!!
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
big smile
well someone took my idea where annabeth kicks the leg off of nicos chair, jk im not mad and punches him in the stomach
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Pugluv98 what are we going to do with you? anyway love your Gods read TLH and TAND. And DQ don't sweat it
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Love it!
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
I guess I'll post here you go

Along the Via Praetoria, rows of shops advertised food, armor, weapons, coffee, gladiator equipment, and toga rentals.

"Coffee...." Travis said smiling, everyone but Connor shuddered

A chariot dealership had a big advertisement out front: CAESAR XLS W/ANTILOCK BRAKES, NO DENARII DOWN!

"That's weird?" Piper said
"You're weird!" Leo said, then burst out laughing to a silent group,
"WhaT?" He asked

At one corner of the crossroads stood the most impressive building—a two-story

"How is a two story building impressive?" Nico asked
"Ssh! Percys looking at architecture!" Annabeth said excitedly.

wedge of white marble with a columned portico like an old-fashioned bank

"Banks are stupid." Thalia said, to an agreeing Ares.
"I remember one time I asked for 100$ from one of the guys and he gave it to me," Piper said nervously laughing, "When I was two miles away the cops caught me, I would have gone to a Juvenile Detention Center except my dad got me out."
Hermes and the Stolls mouths dropped open "SICK!"
"I wish you were my daughter!" Hermes whined
"No! She's mine!" Aphrodite said.
"Whatevs." Hermes said.

Roman guards stood out front.

"Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnn!" Leo roared. Two seconds later duct tape was on his mouth.

Over the doorway hung a big purple banner with the gold letters SPQR embroidered inside a laurel wreath.

"Gold is such a pretty color! Piper honey it would go great with your eyes!" Aphrodite squealed, everyone groaned and Piper said, "Hermes BE MY PATRON!"
Everyone laughed when Hermes immediately said "YES"
Though Hermes was flashed by Aphrodite and he was suddenly wearing make-up, Leo and the Stoll's rolled around in laughter, while Aphrodite told Piper, "Why don't you love me?"

“Your headquarters?” Percy asked.
"No the bathroom." Clarisse said sarcastically.

Reyna faced him, her eyes still cold and hostile. “It’s called the principia.”

"Well then." Leo said with raised eyebrows.
"That's Reyna for you." Jason shrugged.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pjnadia said…
i love this!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
over a year ago PerciusJackson said…
that post was so good ithat im choking from laughter it herts
over a year ago percabeth-bcz7 said…
big smile
that was AWESOMELY HILARIOUS!! ;) ^samee. :) i was eating an apple too :( POST SOON!!!:)
over a year ago Piper_ofArtemis said…
LOL!! sorry i havent been on in a while, i was sick... Well, i loved everything and hope whoevers posting will post soon!!
Fave part: Piper; "Hermes, be my patron!" Hermes; "YES!" Aphrodite; "Piper, why don't you love me??" K, bye!!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
over a year ago PerciusJackson said…
that part was halarious piper would proubly answer with um ... jason
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
Okay I guess since you guys like it I'll post again

She scanned the mob of curious campers who had followed them from the river.

"Percy's got a fan club!" Nico said smiling to a scowling Annabeth

“Everyone back to your duties. I’ll give you an update at evening muster. Remember, we have war games after dinner.”

"YES WAR GAMES!!" Ares yelled loudly making everyone jump
"It was bound to happen" Athen muttered, while Ares and Clarisse both whooped

The thought of dinner made Percy’s stomach rumble.

"Boys.."Artemis rolled her eyes.
"Oh sister dear, what will we do with you, I mean being your older brother in all I should be able to contain you but..." Apollo said grinning.

The scent of barbecue from the dining hall made his mouth water.

"That makes EVERYONE's mouth water." Piper said,
"You are a girl! FOOD should NEVER make your mouth water, food has calories and calories means getting fat!" Aphrodite scolded.
"Than I vow to eat meat and junk food everyday!" Piper said firmly.

The bakery down the street smelled pretty wonderful too, but he doubted Reyna would let him get an order to go.

Everyone laughed and Thalia said, "Typical Percy line."

The crowd dispersed reluctantly. Some muttered comments about Percy’s chances.
“He’s dead,” said one.

"WHAT!" Annabeth screeched.
"Calm down! That idiot boy deserves to die, flirting with you." Athena said.

“Would be those two who found him,” said another.

"What kind of name is Another?" Travis asked,
"You ARE SO stupid, another is NOT A NAME!" Jason said, annoyed

“Yeah,” muttered another. “Let him join the Fifth Cohort. Greeks and geeks.”

"Annabeth you should go to Fifth Cohort!" Nico said smirking.
"Yeah Geeks and nerds, also known as Athena's kids and Minerva's kids!" Hermes said snickering
"SHUT UP!" Both girls said (Athena and Annabeth)

over a year ago demigods4ever said…
Great chapter post more!!
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
Nice, better then I could've done it. Shouldn't jason be fuming with anger? Since he is from the Fifth Cohort
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
alright i am going to do a preview:

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE FIFTH COHORT!" Jason shouted, his face, red like the devils. "Dude just calm down." Leo, Conner and Travis said, in unison. Jason sat down, muttering Latin and Ancient Greek curse words. When I get back to Camp Jupiter Jason thought to himself I'm gonna [i] kill that person. "Anyways, I think we should take another break," Zeus said "We should let Jason, calm down, before he gets as angry as Poseidon, when I threatened his son, Perseus." "In my defense Zeus, he saved Manhattan and Mount Olympus." Poseidon said, sighing "If it weren't for him, we wouldn't be here." "Eh, whatever." Zeus said, to his brother. "Meet back here in about 10 minutes

goin to post rest later.....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Love it but WHEN DID LUKE GET THERE?! Other then that great!
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
Sorry i ment Leo
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
Continuing a little bit..........................

The gods flashed out, they left, the Stolls, pushing each other, Nico, playing with his skull ring, Annabeth, glaring at Nico, Jason,still fuming with anger, Piper, looking worried, and Leo, fiddling with some metal pieces, which he got from his magic tool belt. "Anybody know where Luke is?" Thalia asked. "I saw him in camp earlier." Conner said, uneasily. "Maybe he didn't-." Thalia was stopped by a boy with facial features like Conner and Travis, he had sandy colored hair and a scar was on his right cheek(if i got that wrong im sorry i dont have the book right now).

Post after basketball practice today I promise
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Ok. Awesomeness!
over a year ago zaheer_abbas123 said…
awesome.........plz sooon.....:D
over a year ago percabeth-bcz7 said…
that was REALLY good! :) please post soon!!

yeah, new page! :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MythicLover said…
I dont think Luke should be here......But other than that its awesome!
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
Thanks and ConnerandTravis is Jasonfan44 and also I wont repeat what I just said alright!

The boy stopped, and Annabeth, Nico, and Thalia stared at the boy, in shock. While everyone else (Execpt for Conner and Travis who were off pulling pranks and strolling Mount Olympus), looked confused. "Who are you?" Leo said, trying to keep his voice from shaking. Leo had his hand in his magic tool belt, Piper unsheathed Katropis(don't know if i spelt it right, i dont have he book), And Jason brought out his gladius. "I'm Luke," The boy said, unafraid "Son of Hermes, and you might want to put your weapons, away." "Why?" Jason barked. "Because, I am the best sword men, while you guys are just puny little wimps." He answered casually. Everyone put away their weapons except for Leo, who still had his hands in his tool belt. He looked at each individual face, with no expression, that is until he got to Thalia. His stone hard look, turned into a joyful face. "Thalia!" He shouted and hugged her hard. "I can't breath Luke." Thalia said, jokingly. He let go, his smile was still intact when he saw Annabeth, who also got the death grip. When he looked at Nico, his face, got stone hard and then he turned red-devil mad(like the way Jason's face had), and he charged at Nico. Nico managed to side-step Luke's bull charge. Luke brought out a sword and Nico brought out his Stygian Iron sword. Before Luke charged again, Annabeth step in front of him and stopped him. "Why Luke, why?" Annabeth asked, pleading. " His father sent those nasty monsters at Thalia!" He growled, pointing at Nico. "Don't you remember Luke?" Thalia asked, drawing her bow " You pick on every monster we saw and wait aren't you supposed to be dead?" Luke looked at himself to make sure he wasn't a ghost, or if Nico had turned him into a ghost. "He might be the younger generation of Luke." Annabeth whispered to Thalia and she nodded in agreement "How old are you Luke?" Annabeth asked, sweetly, a little too sweetly "I'm 17." He answered, again casually. "Luke what are you coming from?" Annabeth asked, panicking. "My quest, that my father Hermes gave me, like he promised." Luke said bitterly. "How'd you get the scar?" This time it was Nico who asked it. "From the dragon of the Garden of Hesperides." He said bitterly. Thalia and Annabeth had a look of panic, a silent conversation went through them like this:
Annabeth: What do we do?
Thalia: I don't know!
Annabeth: We should hurry before the gods get here!
Thalia: I know that! Help me Athena's daughter!
Annabeth: I have an idea! and what does that mean?
"Luke, your in the wrong time period." Annabeth said carefully. Luke looked confused now, his eyebrows were knitted together, he scratched his head. He walked out of the throne room, just before the gods came back from the break.

All I am going to post for now........... Hope you like it
over a year ago MythicLover said…
COOL....No offence or anything but thank GOD(S) he's gone!!
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
i agree but great chapter
over a year ago percabeth-bcz7 said…
over a year ago universalpowa said…
:D :D luke is sooo lost on his own quest!!! hilarious!! :D :D
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
um, there in the rec room of camp half blood, not olympus
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Yeah. I thought so too. But maybe they decided to go to olypmus cause it was bigger. IT WAS STILL GREAT!!!
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
I saw on someone's post that the put Olympus, so maybe they did change I dont know
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Just change it to Olympus. That bigger amd greater then the big house.
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Alright so this is my words,swimmergirl17. Everyone listen up the demi-gods and Gods are in Mount Olympus, in Manhattan. Also are we in the past or present?

Luke exited the throne room a second, before the gods. Everyone lost their confused looks, everyone besides Leo. When the gods flashed back in their thrones, all the demigods averted their eyes. When the gods were in their thrones, Apollo looked confused as Leo. "What is it Apollo?" Poseidon asked, all demigods(except Leo, who was still confused) and gods(except Apollo, who was being looked at ) looked at Apollo "Leo is confusing me, with his confused looks." Apollo said, shaking from his confused trance. He pointed at Leo, who had now realized everyone was staring at him(Demigods glaring, especially Nico, and the gods,once again confused) "What happened?" Hermes asked, quietly, like, he had known why the demigods were glaring at the, now , whistling, Leo. "Tell us now." Hades boomed, looking at his son. Nico was devil-red, Like me when I get angry Hades thought. "Ummm, well a -" Annabeth started, shaking with fear. "A younger version of his blasted, traitor, son!" Nico interpreted Annabeth, pointing at Hermes. Hermes face paled. "Luke." He said, softly, so softly, no one could hear him.

Thats another preview .............. sorry just really busy
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
oooo this is getting good post soon
over a year ago MythicLover said…
Wonder what there gonna say.......POST SOON!

--And i want you 'nine lives of chloe king' fan to know there isnt a season 2 (if you didnt know already)--
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
over a year ago MythicLover said…
ummm....what does SAU mean?? Do i want to know????
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ yeah.. seriously... what? Spam Always Underwear? Super Awesome Underpants? come on i dont know!!???
According to Google search- Southern Academics University
over a year ago jasonsuckseggs said…
over a year ago fros4est said…
big smile
good job guys with the chap im loving it!!
over a year ago jenn008 said…
over a year ago MythicLover said…
Yeah maybe someone will post after the crazy holidays.....
over a year ago percabeth-bcz7 said…
AWESOME PLEASE POST SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago this-is-me said…
big smile
awesome!please read mine! Daughter of Olympus-Number 9 on popular content list!
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
Hahaconfused looks
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Ok!! U can post again! I love ur chappie and I need more laughs. So plz try to post soon!