The Heroes of Olympus Olympus reads the Son of Neptune

kgirl925 posted on Oct 05, 2011 at 09:36PM
All rights to Rick Riordan (duh)
Hope you enjoy!

WOAH, WOAH, WOAH. I can't believe this forum is like...3 years old now. How is that possible?! *feeling of nostalgia washes over me*
Anyways, end of my rant. here are a few lil' things to keep in mind while posting/reading this forum:
1) Uh, this is more like a random PJO community / occasionally post chapters forum now. So, anything PJO related is welcome.
2) People have asked me if they can post links to their stories here. A year ago I probably would've said no. But looking at the circumstances now, SURE! Go for it (: just don't spam the whole forum with links to your stories. If you want, send the link to me and I'll put it in this description.
3) ANYONE CAN POST CHAPTERS. As long as it's in chronological order. eg. You can't just go from a Percy arriving at Camp Jupiter to Percy saving the eagle. Follow the immediate next paragraph that they will read (: No length requirement or whatsoever, 'tis all fun

last edited on Dec 03, 2014 at 11:50PM

The Heroes of Olympus 3994 replies

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over a year ago universalpowa said…

awesome! who posts next?
someone post soon!!
and new pageee!! :D LOL
over a year ago itsjustamonster said…
i can't post cuz i gots to goes to soccerz practice but when i get back im hoping a new chapter will be up.
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
i might post soon, but i cant til later cause i have homework...
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
my dads using the computer but when i get it back ill post
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
ok people
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Sorry I couldn't p last night, I didn't get the computer back until way late and I was really tired by then so I'll post after school.
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
WE ARE ON THE POP CONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!! POST SOON! I WILL POST AFTER!
over a year ago itsjustamonster said…
today my birthday cake for everyone!!! so for a present atleast one person should post even if it ends up being me.which i really hope it dosen' soon guys
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
i will post in an hour or so
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Conner was, of course, still really angry but he took a few deep breaths and tried to calm himself so he could read.
As he marched to the war games, Frank replayed the day in his mind. He couldn’t believe how close he’d come to death.
“Really?” Thalia commented. “That happens to us about every day.”
That morning on sentry duty, before Percy showed up, Frank had almost told Hazel his secret.
Aphrodite gasped, “Good, another secret I can’t wait to find out what it is.”
Piper looked like she was struggling to try and not act the same as her mom.
The two of them had been standing there for hours in the chilly fog, watching the commuter traffic on Highway 24. Hazel had been complaining about the cold. “I’d give anything to be warm,” she said, her teeth chattering. “I wish we had a fire.”
At those words Leo made himself catch fire. Poseidon had to extinguish him with a bucket of fire which Leo wasn’t too happy about.
All the demigods just rolled their eyes at this scene.
Even with her armor on, she looked great. Frank liked the way her cinnamon-toast-colored hair curled around the edges of her helmet, and the way her chin dimpled when she frowned.
“Someone has a crush,” Aphrodite sang.
Piper again was trying really hard to keep her mouth shut.
She was tiny compared to Frank, which made him feel like a big clumsy ox. He wanted to put his hands around her to warm her up,
Finally Piper couldn’t stand it anymore because she and Aphrodite squealed, “Aw!” then Piper added, “Dang it!”
But he’s never do that.
Thank you,” Thalia muttered. “I’d rather not throw up my breakfast.”
Artemis nodded.
She'd probably hit him, and he’d lose the only friend he had at camp.
“Not likely,” all the girls said.
I could make a really impressive fire, he thought. Of course, it would only burn for a few minutes, and then he’d die . . .
“What!” all of the demigods and gods, except for Ares and Hera, screamed.
“Is that even possible?” Annabeth asked.
“It is,” Hera told her.
Leo had a look of shock on his face as if he’d just caused death, which he might actually do.
It was scary that he even considered it. Hazel had that effect on him. Whenever she wanted something, he had the irrational urge to provide it. He wanted to be the old fashioned knight riding to her rescue, which was stupid,
“Very,” all of the guys grunted.
“No it’s not,” all of the girls disagreed.
“Well, you’re my knight,” Katie said to Travis.
Travis smiled and kissed her. While they kissed Conner groaned but went back to reading.
As he was way more capable at everything than he was. He imagined what his grandmother would say: Frank Zhang riding to the rescue? Ha! He’d fall off his horse and break his neck.
“Wow, that’s some nice granny,” Leo said sarcastically.
Hard to believe it had been only six weeks since he’d left his grandmother’s house-six weeks since his mom’s funeral.
Ares bowed his head sadly but no one noticed. All of the demigods who’d lost a parent did the same.
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
After a moment of silence, Connor picked up his head and smiled. "Boo," he said quietly. Then two thousands pounds on dung dropped on Travis. "Fu-" "language!" Thalia shouted.
Travis glared at his brother. Then his glare softened, because he realized Connor was jealous that he didn't did love. Plus he couldn't blame him. Before, Travis had gone over the edge.
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
ill try to post too if i have time tonight.
over a year ago klyonsm2 said…
all the girls in the room screamed in terror. travis was covered head-to-toe in dung. poseidon flooded the area where travis was standing with water,to help wash him off.
"umm..lets let travis go get..cleaned up.will someone please continue the story." Hera said.
"i will." artermis said. then she went over took the book from conner's lap and then went back to her throne.
"hard to believe it had been only six weeks since he'd left his grandmother's house-six weeks since his mom's funeral.
everything had happened since then:wolves arriving at his grandmother's door,the journey to camp jupiter,the weeks he spent in the fifth cohort trying not to be a complete failure.through it all, he'd kept the half-burned piece of firewood wrapped in a cloth in his coat pocket."

"why would he keep a stick in his pocket? whats the point in that?" leo asked.
"and why is he wearing a coat? isnt it june? and their in California? i didnt think it was that cold there.." hermes added.
"it isnt. dont ask me why hes wearing a coat in june." jason said.

"hey, guys, i'd like to find my boyfriend some can we, i dont know, keep reading?!" annabeth said.
travis and conner both gasped.
"annabeth just said i dont know for the fifth time today.." conner and travis said at the same time. they looked at each other for a second then turned away.
"keep reading." travis coldly said.
meanwhile apollo was sitting on his throne,dancing to his ipod. everyone started staring at him.
he noticed and took out one earbud and said "what?"
"nothing.nothing. just keep reading artermis." piper quickly said.
"keep it close,his grandmother had warned,as long as it is safe,you are safe.
the problem was that it burned so easily.he remembered the trip south from vancouver.

"wait, hes canadian?" leo asked.
"leo,shut up." piper said. she charm-speaked as she said it though so leo did shut up.
"hey guys, i think its time we take a break."piper said.
then,a bunch of mac'n'cheese rained down on the throne room. it was after it happened they noticed conner was missing.then fireworks started coming out from behide Hephaestus's throne.after they were over everyone went to sit down.but when they tried to sit on their chairs, they ended sitting on the floor. while everyone was distracted with the fireworks,conner had replaced their chairs with break-away chairs, so the moment they sat down, their chair broke,so they ended up on the ground.
"CONNER!!"everyone yelled, except hermes who yelled "I SO HAVE TO WRITE THAT ONE DOWN!"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Everyone was now on a Conner Hunt, yay! I was hiding in a broom closet on Olympus when suddenly Travis peeked inside and saw me, he quickly closed the door before anybody could see him. He may have wiped all of the dung off but he still stinks like the back end of the Minotaur. Unfortunately, I speak from experience.
“Hey,” he said casually.
I didn’t answer.
“So tell me, do you still have a crush on that Lacey girl from Piper’s cabin?” he asked curiously.
I looked at him cautiously, wondering what he was up to, finally I answered, “Kind of. Why?”
“Oh well, I heard from Piper that she has a crush on you,” He told me smiling.
“Really?” I asked not believing him.
“You don’t believe me, do you?” He wondered.
I shook my head.
“I swear on the River Styx that I’m telling the truth,” I heard thunder in the distance. “So maybe, you should stop hiding out in here and go to camp and tell her.”
“Yeah, that’s gonna happen. Once you start dating than it’s a one expense paid trip to Mature Ville. I am not going to turn boring like you,” He told me.
“I am not boring! Would a boring person throw a water balloon fight?” He disagreed.
“Okay, I’d give that a five on our Prank Scale,” I muttered.
“Whatever, dude, just go talk to her.”
“Because I’m your brother and I want to see you happy.”
I looked at his face and saw that everything he was saying is true. But before I could say anything someone opened the door to the broom closet that we were hiding in. I looked up surprised and saw the face of . . .
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
Is it okay if I post? Cause I'm going to post RIGHT NOW. If you don't like what I'm going to write, just tell me, and I'll delete it.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
its fine we let anybody post on here jasonfan and i just post the most
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
...The Face of my father, surprisingly stern.
"Travis, leave us," he said, and made a be gone! gesture towards him.
After My-Ex-Brother left, dad held his hand out to me.
KNowing it was expected, i grasped his hand in mine and closed my eyes.
When I opened them, I was in a surprising - yet familiar - place.
My mortal half-sister whirled around as she sensed our presence in her house. Her lips parted in surprise and her eyes widened.
"Bex!" I cried, my nickname for her, Rebecca.
""Connor!" she said, and i suspected that she was the one person in the world who didn't have annoyance, suspicion, or dissapointment in their tone when they spoke my name. Bex was special like that.
"Little brother, how are you?" she asked.
I found myself spilling my guts to her. I just can't keep secrets from Bex.
She was silent for a while after I finished speaking. Finally, she said, "I think you're both over reacting. You and Travis both, I mean. Maybe," she paused, seeming to struggle with what to say next, "maybe you should speak to Katie when you get back. I remember her from when I used to come pick you up from Camp at the end of summer, before you started living there full-time. She was nice. I was glad, so glad, when Trav got with her. And the fact that they're getting married has to be a good thing, right? Maybe you're just blowing it all out of proportion, because you think Travis getting hitched will ruin your relationship, when, really, I think that's the last thing Katie wants to do."
I opened my mouth, realised i was in way over my head, and closed it again. My sister is wise. Probably best not to argue with her.
"Okay, that's an admittedly good plan. Is it okay with you if I stay here for the night, though?"
Bex smiled at me before giving me a hug. "Of course."
Then, because I am a glutton for punishment, I said, "how's mum?"
Bex's smile dimmed. "Still with that barbarian. Still on the binge."
"Has he hit you?" I asked "Or hit on you?"
Bex shook her head. "Don't worry about me, Connor. I can handle myself."
Of that, I had no doubt, but still. She was my sister. It was the principle of the thing.
"'Night, Con," she yawned.
"Night," I relpied, as the room went dark, and everything went quiet.
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Connor is an iggnorant fool. He thinks he will get away with the dung. Well he was wrong. Since Annabeth is now friends with my brother, she told us that we couldn't start the book without him. We waited, night rolled around and we all slept on our places, Katie snuggling with me. We woke up to a sound of a thump. I woke up an stretched. "Connor," I said. "Travis," Connor responded while the others were awakening . "Katie, I'm sorry for being an a-
"language!" Thalia shouted.
"Okay, im sorry for being an idiot/jerk." Connor grumbled, his head bowed in disappointment. Katie got up and went over to Connor. "Im sorry Connor. I didn't mean to take your brother away from you." she said and gave Connor a hug. Katie walked back to Travis and Connor walked back to sit next to Annabeth.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
R we finally ending the Tratie drama? I hope so becasue I'm losing ideas for mean things that Conner can do.I'll post after school.
over a year ago MythicLover said…
AWESOME job. It was funny....Post soon!
over a year ago universalpowa said…
:D yayayyyy

awesome! someone post sooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn :P
over a year ago afrodite_11 said…
big smile
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO funny :D post soon, please
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
I think we are done
over a year ago itsjustamonster said…
big smile
Amazing chappys guys!!!! so i couldn't respond right away. any way whos posting next?
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
I don't know but I will post after them
over a year ago AnanyaLove98 said…
Please Post Soon! I'm Dying To Read The Next Chapter!
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
I'm typing it right this second, it'll be done n a few.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
For suspence here's a sneak peek.


We were about to start the book when suddenly I felt my phone vibrate. I secretly checked the screen and saw that I got a voicemail from Bex. She’s the only person who has my cell phone number so I thought it must be important if she’s calling me all of a sudden.
I looked at Travis and he saw that I had my phone out. He nodded as if agreeing that we should listen to it.
“Travis and I have to do something, so we’ll be right back,” I told everyone.
“Hold it,” Annabeth ordered. “Swear on the River Styx that you’re not leaving to pull a prank.”
We swore the oath. She still looked uneasy but she let us go. Travis and I kept walking away from the throne room until we reached a courtyard that had a pond.
A typed my password and held the phone between our ears so we could both listen, “Conner, I need your and Travis’ help. I went to check on mom this morning and found mom dead, now the Barbarian is freaking out and trying to attack me-” I heard a loud crash and a scream I recognized as Bex’s and then the voicemail shut off.
over a year ago AnanyaLove98 said…
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Okay, Okay, calm down here it is.


We were about to start the book when suddenly I felt my phone vibrate. I secretly checked the screen and saw that I got a voicemail from Bex. She’s the only person who has my cell phone number so I thought it must be important if she’s calling me all of a sudden.
I looked at Travis and he saw that I had my phone out. He nodded as if agreeing that we should listen to it.
“Travis and I have to do something, so we’ll be right back,” I told everyone.
“Hold it,” Annabeth ordered. “Swear on the River Styx that you’re not leaving to pull a prank.”
We swore the oath. She still looked uneasy but she let us go. Travis and I kept walking away from the throne room until we reached a courtyard that had a pond.
A typed my password and held the phone between our ears so we could both listen, “Conner, I need your and Travis’ help. I went to check on mom this morning and found mom dead, now the Barbarian is freaking out and trying to attack me-” I heard a loud crash and a scream I recognized as Bex’s and then the voicemail shut off.
I glanced at Travis and he looked exactly as I felt: Angry and seriously pissed. No one hurts Bex. And I mean NO ONE. We both sprinted towards the elevator. The second the doors opened Travis is and I ran out of the build. We didn’t even bother with a cab because it would take it long, we just kept running and running hoping that we could get there in time.


“You want to know what I find odd.” Annabeth said.
“No,” Clarisse muttered but Annabeth ignored her and said, “I find it odd that I’ve known Conner and Travis since their first day at camp when they were ten, I was actually the one to show them around, and I still feel like I know nothing about them.”
Everyone turned their heads to Katie.
She sighed and said, “I won’t tell you everything Travis told me but I will say that their mom was never there for them. He and Conner were pretty much raised by their sister, Rebecca.”
“I remember her. She used to pick them up when the summer’s ended, before they became year round campers,” Annabeth acknowledged.
Katie nodded. “When Rebecca graduated from high school she decided not to go to college so Travis and Conner wouldn’t be stuck with their mom alone, that and she really needed to be taken care of. But after about a year or so of them living there, she told them to go to camp for the year. Rebecca could tell they were wasting away being stuck there, she knew they wouldn’t last. They didn’t want to leave her but they went to camp for the year and have been staying there ever since.”
“Wow. Who knew that Conner and Travis had such a hard life?” Leo said quietly. “They seem so careless and worry-free.”
“Their children of Hermes, they have to be good liars,” Katie told him. “I have a bad feeling; I really hope they come back soon.”


As Conner and I sprinted to the old apartment building that was falling apart, which is our home, I tried to prepare myself for what I’d find in the house. I really hope nothing happens to Bex, I thought. She’s the only person that Conner and I have left to depend on. As soon as the Apartment building came into view Conner and I poured on speed and raced up the stairs to apartment 8D.
My eyes widened when we ran into the living room of our ex-home. The coffee table was destroyed, the old dinosaur TV was cracked and the couch was flipped over. Bex and the Barbarian was nowhere to be seen.
“BEX!” Conner yelled.
We heard a scream, Bex’s scream, coming from the second floor. We sprinted up the stairs and ran into Bex’s room to find the big, smelly, hairless, disgusting bum, that’s supposed to be our mom’s boyfriend, kneeling next to Bex with his hand clenched on her throat, choking her.
I was so angry; I ran to the big Jerk and tackled him away from Bex. While I was trying to pin him I saw Conner run towards Bex. And watching them was my mistake, because I hadn’t noticed the Barbarian get up until he had thrown my body against the wall. I felt my head hit against it. What happened next was even more frightening, I watched in horror as the Barbarian pulled a hand gun out of his pocket and pointed it at me.
“I’ve always hated you kids,” He grunted. “Now you’ll be no more.”
I glanced at Conner and Bex. Bex was awake but to tired from struggling against him to be of much help. Conner just looked horrified. I closed my eyes just waiting for the pain when suddenly I heard the gun go off, but the weird thing is that I didn’t feel and pain.
I opened my eyes and saw that Conner had jumped on the Barbarian’s back and the bullet that went off had gone into the wall about two feet from me. As Conner was wrestling him to the ground, I went over to the gun and unloaded it. When I looked back at Conner I saw that he had his knees on the Barbarian’s chest, but was struggling to keep him down. I ran over and sat on his legs. Conner was already calling the police.
When Conner hung up, Bex came over and asked me if we were okay.
We both nodded. I was okay, but a lot shaken up. I had been about to seconds away from being shot. What would Katie have done, if I’d been killed?
“Thanks Conner,” I said quietly.
He just nodded obviously sensing how I was feeling.
As soon as the police got here, they told us that they would have a restraining order for us by next week and he would be put in jail for two years for illegal drugs and attempted murder. After about half an hour of telling them what happened, the police finally left.
“So, what are you going to do?” I asked Bex.
“I’m going to go to community college and get a job. I already have my part time job, I can handle it,” she announced to us.
“Will you call us if anything happens?” Conner asked. “Even if you just want to talk.”
She nodded and grabbed the phone to call us a cab. When it finally arrived she said, “Be careful, I love you, and be good.”
“We’ll be careful and we love you-” I started.
“But we won’t be good,” Conner finished with a mischievous smile.
We hugged goodbye and climbed into the cab that would take us back to Mt. Olympus. We have a lot of explaining to do, I thought.
over a year ago AnanyaLove98 said…
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
On Olympus........
"Can we please read the book?" Thalia begged. She got some glares. "Please?"
"No!" everybody else shouted.
"Why not? Travis and Connor are brothers again or at least I hope so."
"even though they are obnoxious, they are apart of the demigod family." Annabeh pointed out
Just then Connor and Travis came running in.
Travis ran to hug Katie while Connor ran to hug nobody.
"what happened?" Thalia asked.
"Nosy," Annabeth muttered. Thalia sent Annabeth a death glare but since Annabeth was used to it, she put her hands up like 'i get it' gesture.
Connor explained the whole, chocking down tears. When they got or the gun part Katie shrieked and cried, knowing that Connor saved Travis.
Everybody was silent."Well I think I haven't read in a while." Jason said grabbing the book.
over a year ago HollyKirby said…
post soon!!
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
This'll be a short chapter, I promise!

"This is some serious swelling you've got here," the doctor smiled kindly at me.
"It was done by a serious bull artist - he'll just lie, fool the police, they'll let him go he'll come after me..." I trailed off, terror overtaking my mind as I imagined the barbarian coming after me in my sleep. I started hyperventilating.
The doc noticed. "Honey, have you got a safe place to stay?" she asked me.
I shook my head. "You can stay with me, if you'd like."
My suspicions were instantly raised. Some random doctor offering me a place to stay?
She smiled like she could read my mind. "I barely stay there, anyway. I'm always working at the hospital."
I sighed and shoved my pride aside. "Yeah, I'll take you up on that offer. And thanks."

Artemis willed the doctor's disguise away from her body.
"You owe me," she whispered into Hermes ear as she passed him.
Connor and Travis were both very nervous. Was Bex okay?
Their dad cam up behind them and smiled. "Don't worry, your sister is safe. Let us just say that a little moon bird gave her a visit."
He turned to Jason. "Jason, you can read," he said.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
The problem was that it burned so easily, He remembered the trip south from Vancouver. When the temperature dropped below freezing near Mount Hood,
“They have an excellent forest there,” Thalia and Grover said together.
Frank had brought out the piece of tinder and held it in his hands, imagining how nice it would be to have some fire. Immediately, the charred end blazed with a searing yellow light. It lit up the night and warmed Frank to the bone, but he could feel his life slipping away, as if he were being consumed rather than the wood.
Everyone looked uneasy. No one wanted to hear about how someone died. Well, except Ares and Clarisse but only if its violently.
He’d thrust the flame into the snowbank. For a horrible moment it kept burning. When it finally went out, Frank got his panic under control.
“Wimp,” Clarisse muttered.
“Shut up, Clarisse,” Annabeth said.
Clarisse rolled her eyes but stayed silent.
He wrapped the piece of wood and put it back in his coat pocket, determined not to bring it out again. But he couldn’t forget it. It was as though someone had said, “Whatever you do, don’t think about that stick bursting into flame!”
“I hate it when that happens,” Travis said.
“Yeah, seriously, don’t tell us not to do something or else we’ll want to do it.”
“Thanks for the tip,” Annabeth thanked, smiling evilly.
So of course, that’s all he thought about. On sentry duty with Hazel, he would try to take his mind off it. He loved spending time with her. He asked her about growing up in New Orleans, but she got edgy at his questions, so they made small talk instead. Just for fun, they tried to speak together in French.
“Ils ne sont pas les seuls qui peuvent parler francais,” Piper said in French.
“Sorry Beauty Queen,” Leo said. “But nobody here speaks French.”
“I said ‘They are not the only ones, who speak French,” Piper translated.
Hazel had some Creole blood on her mother’s side. Frank had taken French in school. Neither of them was very fluent, and Louisiana French was so different from Canadian French it was almost impossible to converse. When Frank asked Hazel how her beef was felling today, and she replied that his shoe was green,
Everyone burst out laughing.
“That are bad at French,” Thalia said between laughs.
“They’re even worse than Leo trying to speak in Ancient Greek,” Piper joked.
“Hey! I’m not that bad at it!” Leo denied.
“Dude, I’m roman and even I understand Ancient Greek better than you,” Jason said while trying to catch his breath.
He just crossed his arms and looked offended.
They decided to give up. Then Percy Jackson had arrived.
“This Frank fellow makes Percy sound like he’s Elvis,” Athena acknowledged.
“Who?” All of the demigods, even Annabeth, asked.
“Oh forget it!” Athena huffed.
over a year ago AnanyaLove98 said…
Post Soon!
over a year ago godoffate1 said…
okay i create this forum for people who want to write but need ideas so if u can post ur first chapter of the story so people can pick the idea so they can write stories like the rest please if u have any idea give to people who needs help i will go first link
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago afrodite_11 said…
post soon :DD
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Yes do!!!
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Post post post post!
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
How come I don't get as many comments on my MOA forum as I do here?
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
well probably because a little more people read this. Also, because people post regularly here.

"I KNOW WHO ELVIS IS!" Apollo shouted. "He was the dude with the wavy hair and he said "Thank you, thank you very much.""
Athena nodded her head.
"Oh! Also he sang "aint nothin like a hound dog!" Annabeth shouted.
"FINALLY!" Athena shouted."Keep reading boy."
over a year ago MythicLover said…
lol good job guys! (girls...whatever)
over a year ago itsjustamonster said…
big smile
Amazingness!!!!!!!!!!! serously someone post soon!!!!
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Sure, Frank had seen kids fight monsters before. He’d fought plenty of them himself on his journey from Vancouver. But he’d never seen the gorgons.
“Now Percy’s fought and beat all three,” Annabeth gloated proudly.
He’d never seen a goddess in person.
“We have,” all the demigods chorused while looking at the gods.
And the way Percy had controlled the Little Tiber-wow. Frank wished he had powers like that.
“Everyone does,” Travis and Conner said together. Everyone was really happy that they were uninjured from the fight against their mom’s boyfriend. Especially Katie, who was cuddling with Travis.
He could still feel the gorgons’ claws pressing into his arms and smell their snaky breath-like dead mice and poison.
“Ew,” All of the girls muttered.
If not for Percy, those grotesque hags would have carried him away. He’d be a pile of bones in the back of a Bargain Mart by now.
Ares flinched.
After the incident at the river, Reyna had sent Frank to the armory, which had given him way too much time to think.
Leo shivered. “I hate thinking. I try to avoid it at all cost.”
“That explains so much,” Jason muttered, while Piper laughed.
While he polished swords, he remembered Juno, warning them to unleash Death. Unfortunately Frank had a pretty good idea of what the goddess meant. He had tried to hide his shock when Juno had appeared, but she looked exactly like his grandmother had described-right down to the goatskin cape.
“What’s with Romans and wearing capes?” Thalia asked looking at her brother.
Jason shrugged. “It’s a symbol of power, so a lot of Praetors and gods and leaders had to wear them.”
She chose your path years ago, Grandmother had told him. And it will not be easy.
“What!” Everyone asked looking at Hera.
“Hera,” Zeus boomed. “You know better than to interfere.”
“Well sorry, but if I hadn’t interfered than he would have died and we wouldn’t have one of the seven,” she reasoned.
Zeus still looked angry but he let it slide.
Frank glanced at his bow in the corner of the armory. He’d feel better if Apollo would claim him as his son.
“Sorry,” Apollo said. “But you aren’t mine.”
Frank had been sure his godly parent would speak up on his sixteenth birthday, which had passed two weeks ago.
“Wait a minute,” Annabeth’s said. “He’s sixteen and he hasn’t been claimed? His parent is in total violation of the oath you all made. Percy said to claim your children by thirteen.”
“That is true,” reasoned Zeus. “But Perseus made the oath with our Greek aspects and we’re keeping our oaths, but Frank is Roman, and the Romans gods don’t have that oath.”
Annabeth huffed clearly annoyed that they had found a loophole.
Sixteen was an important milestone for Romans.
“It sure is,” Jason said.
It had been Frank’s first birthday at camp. But nothing had happened. Now Frank hoped he would be claimed on the Feast of Fortuna, though from what Juno said, they’d be in a battle for their lives on that day.
“Now that’s what I call a birthday party!” Ares said
Everyone just stared at him like he was crazy.
“What?” he asked.
Jason continued to read. His father had to be Apollo. Archery was the only thing Frank was good at. Years ago, his mother had told him that their family name, Zhang, meant “master of bows” in Chinese. That must have been a hint about his dad.
“Sweet,” Apollo exclaimed. “I like that that name.”
Artemis nodded in approval.
Zeus looked at his son. “Are you sure he’s not your son?”
“Yes I’ve never even heard his name before now,” Apollo clarified.
“Well, how about we take a break,” Athena suggested. “The demigods can have lunch and the gods can do, whatever they want.”
Everyone left the room until it was only Artemis and Hermes.
“Okay go get suited up,” Artemis instructed.
“What are you talking about, Artemis?” Hermes asked.
“You owe me and I need target practice, so you better have good armor,” Artemis told him while walking out of the room with her bow and arrows.
Hermes gulped but fallowed her, trying to prepare for some major pain to come.
over a year ago universalpowa said…

awesome guys! :D lolz someone post soon! i dont have my book at all so lol :D

hm, im saying 'lolz' a lot. LOLZ xD
over a year ago itsjustamonster said…
big smile
target practice!!!! haha Artemis is so awesome!!!!
over a year ago afrodite_11 said…
big smile
:)))) post soon !