The Heroes of Olympus Olympus reads the Son of Neptune

kgirl925 posted on Oct 05, 2011 at 09:36PM
All rights to Rick Riordan (duh)
Hope you enjoy!

WOAH, WOAH, WOAH. I can't believe this forum is like...3 years old now. How is that possible?! *feeling of nostalgia washes over me*
Anyways, end of my rant. here are a few lil' things to keep in mind while posting/reading this forum:
1) Uh, this is more like a random PJO community / occasionally post chapters forum now. So, anything PJO related is welcome.
2) People have asked me if they can post links to their stories here. A year ago I probably would've said no. But looking at the circumstances now, SURE! Go for it (: just don't spam the whole forum with links to your stories. If you want, send the link to me and I'll put it in this description.
3) ANYONE CAN POST CHAPTERS. As long as it's in chronological order. eg. You can't just go from a Percy arriving at Camp Jupiter to Percy saving the eagle. Follow the immediate next paragraph that they will read (: No length requirement or whatsoever, 'tis all fun

last edited on Dec 03, 2014 at 11:50PM

The Heroes of Olympus 3994 replies

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over a year ago percabeth13 said…
Thanks dramaqueen! Ps i'll call you piper because dramaqueen is her nickname. ( unless you have anything against me calling you that.) hey could you post the next part? That would be really helpfully.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
I could help too, when makin this account I meant Jason Derulo not Jason Grace, if you want call me the most awesomenest person ever......................................­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­. NICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S If you want
over a year ago alice20000109 said…
Post pleaz!
over a year ago universalpowa said…
someone post!!!
although *raises hand* i have the book....:P
over a year ago MythicLover said…
ANYONE can post even if your not good.....
over a year ago itsjustamonster said…
big smile
sorry if any one was going to post. im new here and im not sure if its any good.

“Hazel.” Reyna’s voice tightened “Percy got enough to worry about.” “Like he would have a enough brain cells to remember how to worry.” Thalia whispered a little too loud. “So, so true.” Conner said through fits of laughter. “Shut up.” Annabeth muttered though she doubted anyone heard her. Percy touched the point of his sword and Riptide shrank back into a pen. “I haven’t seen anyone like you before, who’s Jason?” “he is!!” Leo stood up and pointed at Jason. Everyone tried to suppress their laughs. Leo looked around confused apparently he didn’t get that he just talked to the book again. Reyna gave Hazel an irritated look. “He is…he was my colleague.” She waved her hand at the empty chair beside her. Jason looked down sadly as if he remember sitting in that chair next to Reyna back when they were together. “The legion usually has two elected praetors. Jason Grace”- “he dosen’t get get the grace hint!” Thalia grinned “oviously not he lost his memory!” Annabeth snapped “Jason Grace, son of Jupiter was our other praetor until he disappeared last October.”

sorry if it is short i might not post any thing else soon but i'll try :)
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ no it was good but u should try bolds and italics or underlines to make it easiar to read

and u do bold by [b ] and end what you want in bold with [/b ] without the space at the end of the brackets
for italics, use i and u for underline :P

thx :D

wow fail....i just did the bolds wrong by putting an "i"

fail for me.... XP
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dramaqueen1999 said…
Hey! umm...ok im gonna post now...yeah...

Percy tried to calculate.
"Oh, no...this won't be good! Everyone, COVER YOUR EARS!" Travis and Conner jumped behind Nico's chair.
"You guys are mean friends..." Piper muttered.
He hadn't paid much attention to the calendar out in the wilderness, but Juno had mentioned that it was now June.
"You mean he's been gone eight months, and you still haven't replaced him?"

"He might not be dead," Hazel said. "We haven't given up."
"Good! HE IS RIGHT HERE!" Leo realized he was talking to the book again and his ears turned pink as he sat down.
Reyna grimaced. Percy got the feeling this guy Jason had been more to her than just a colleague.
Now it was Jason's turn to look embarrassed.
"Elections only happen two ways. Either the legion raises someone on a shield after a major success in battle-and we haven't had any major battles-"
"Yet! Percy is there, so he is bound to bring trouble with him," Thalia said.
[/b]"-or we hold a ballot on the evening of June 24, at the Feast of Fortuna. That's in five days."[/b]
"They have a feast for tuna?" Travis asked, confused as usual.
There were some snickers as Athena read the next line.
Percy frowned. "You have a feast for tuna?"
"Fortuna," Hazel corrected. "She's the goddess of luck. Whatever happens on her feast day can affect the entire year. She can grant the camp good luck...or really bad luck."
Reyna and Hazel both glanced at the empty display stand, as if thinking of what was missing.

"THE GOLDEN EAGLE!" Jason yelled.
"Okay, uh, thanks for letting us know..." Thalia patted his shoulder.
A chill went down Percy's spine. "The Feast of Fortune...The gorgons mentioned that. So did Juno. They said the was going to be attacked on that day, something about a big bad goddess named Gaea, and an army, and Death being unleashed. You're telling me that day is this week?"
over a year ago MythicLover said…
That was fuuny post soon!
over a year ago pjnadia said…
sweet! someone post soon pzl!!!!!!
over a year ago percabeth13 said…
That was really good! Sorry I haven't been on for a while I couldn't find time. I don't actually have anything written yet,but when I do I'll post.
over a year ago itsjustamonster said…
over a year ago itsjustamonster said…
ok so i have the book and i could post next if you want me to. and thanks i also liked yours piper (is it ok that i used your nick name) well i have something ready i just wanted to make sure just in case someone else was posting.
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
Hey, I'm pretty new here, but can I post after you, itsjustamonster?

-JosephineSilver, The-Hero-of-Olympus
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago itsjustamonster said…
Reyna’s fingers tightened around the hilt of her dagger. “uh oh Percy’s going to die.” Travis muttered “why is that?” Thalia said a little concerned, not for Percy but that Travis has gone crazy. “What? That’s like rule number one for demigods never upset girls who can kill you.” A couple of snickers across the room before Thalia started to read again (she is reading right oh well she is now.) “you will not anything about that outside this room.” She ordered “I will not have you spreading more panic in the camp.”

ok its really short and all of a sudden my cumputer froze it won'y load the page propaly so everything i posted an hour ago it says i posyed a minute ago so im really sorry if someone already posted this part so sorry
over a year ago itsjustamonster said…
big smile
yes you can post i'd love it if you would.
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
please post soon!
over a year ago universalpowa said…
yeah! post soon!
and maybe i can post after you...
i got my book back!
*dances in victory*
yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay :D
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
Yay! I can post!
This is going to be a long post,
So enjoy!
Posting right now.
over a year ago JosephineSilver said…
"So it's true," Percy said. "Do you know what's going to happen? Can we stop it?"
Leo tilted his head to one side. "Why does he want to know?"
Connor grinned at him. "Just wait for it, my man," he said. "If the reason is what I think it is, you are in for some classic Percy."
Percy had just met these people. He wasn't sure he even liked Reyna. But he wanted to help. They were demigods, the same as him.
"Not quite the same," Jason muttered.
annabeth shot him a look that quite clearly said shut up.
They had the same enemies. Besides, Percy remembered what Juno had told him:
"Gasp! The amnesiac remembers!" Travis exclaimed.
Hermes looked at his son. "I cannot believe you just said gasp" he said.
Annabeth snorted. "I can't belive he knows a word as big as amnesiac"
All the gods and demigods nodded in agreement. Travis looked insulted.
it wasn't just this camp at risk. His old life, the gods and the entire world might be destroyed. Whatever was coming down, it was huge.
"NO FREAKING DUH!" Was heard echoing around the entire camp.
"We've talked enough for now," Reayna said. "Hazel, take him to Temple hill. Find Octavian.
Jason gritted his teeth. Gods, I hate that guy, he thought.
On the way you can answers Percys questions. Tell him about the legion."
Tell me about the legion, Jason implored. His memory was still a bit patchy.
"Yes, Reyna."
Percy still had so many questions he felt like his brain would melt. But Reyna made it clear the audience was over. She sheathed her dagger. "Good luck with the augury, Percy Jackson," she said. "If Octavian lets you live,

"WHAT" Yelled every greek Half-Blood in the near vicinity.
perhaps we can compare notes...about your past"
Annabeth noticed the small hestation at the end of the sentence. Reyna, she mused. It somehow sounded familiar. Where have we met her before? she wondered.

ON THE WAY OUT OF CAMP, Hazel bought him a cherry muffin and an espresso drink from Bombilo the two headed coffee merchant.
"I am liking this girl," Annabeth and Posiedon said in unison, then blushed.
Aphrodite nodded at Annabeth. "Anyone who saves your one true love from certain starvation is good in my books," she said dramatically, completely ignoring the sea god. "I like her too."
Percy inhaled the muffin. The coffee was great. Now, Percy thought, if he could just get a shower, a change of clothes, and some sleep, he'd be golden. Maybe even Imperial Golden.
everyone snorted at the completely lame pun. It sounded as if a nation of many pigs had taken up residence at camp.
He watched a bunch of kids in swimsuits
"PERVERT!" Connor and Travis yelled. Some people, (Read: Everyone) gave them weird looks.
"What?" Connor asked.
"Yeah," Travis agreed. "We can't be funny?"
Annabeth snorted.
"That wasn't funny,' Piper translated.
and towels head into a building that had smoke coming out of a row of chimneys. Laughter and watery sounds echoed from inside like it was an indoor pool - Percys kinda place.
Posiedon nodded sagely.
"Bath house," Hazel said. "We'll get you in there before dinner, hopefully.
'What is that supposed to mean?" Annabeth asked.
"That your boyfriend smells," Clarisse said.
Aphrodite shuddered. "All the more reason to like this Hazel girl."
You haven't lived until you've had a Roman bath."
Connor and Travis looked at eachother in horror.
"you mean.."
"We're dead!"
They ran off, screaming in terror.
Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Idiots" she said "I'll be back in a minute."

Sorry, can't post any more right now.
over a year ago alice20000109 said…
over a year ago Piper_ofArtemis said…
lol that was funny!!! hope someone can post soon!
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
haha funny....anyways I"M BAACK!!! doesn't mean I'm posting maybe later like when i have no jet lag and am caught up with school.....anyways all the posts were great sorry I couldn't tell you guys till now
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
HILARIOUS, you got me to smile and silently laugh, not alot of people who laugh can do that, i dont laugh alot when i read forums unless its REALLY funny, so congrats

Ill do the next page, i havnt done one in a while
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago killer24 said…
Haha so funny
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
Percy sighed with anticipation. As they approached the front gate, the barracks got bigger and nicer. Even the ghosts looked better-with fancier armor and shinier auras. Percy tried to dechiper the banners and symbols hanging in front of the buildings.

"Where are the cabins you guys sleep in?" Thalia asked.

Jason shook his head. "We don't sleep in cabins, well sorta."

"You guys are divided into different cabins?" he asked. "Sort of." Hazel ducked as a kid riding a giant eagle sweeped overhead.

All the demigods stared at the book. "You ride giant ealges?" Leo asked in disbelief.

"You people ride pegasus." Jason countered.

"Pegasi." Poseidon corrected.

Connor rolled her eyes. "Yeah, but Pegasi are meant to be ridden, eagles aren't."

"Wow, Connor actually said something intelligent!" Katie said.

Everyone did a round of clapping.

"We have five cohorts of about fourty kids each. Each cohort is divided into barracks of ten-like roommates, kind of." Percy had never been great at math,

"No duh, im the reason why you were passing algebra." Annabeth muttered.

but he tried to multiply.

"At least he tried." Nico said.

"You're telling me there's two hundred kids at camp?"

"Wow, he actually got that right, he did get it right, didn't he?" Thalia asked.

"He got it right."

"Math, the Bane of my existence." Travis said

"Roughly." "And all of them are children of the gods? The gods have been busy." Hazel laughed.

"Uh, oh, he made Hazel laugh, you know what that means." Connor said.

"What does it mean?" Leo asked confused.

"Well you see, Percy is like a magnet when it comes to girls. They just walk up and talk to him. Almost all the time they flirt with him, and he knows it,-but he doesn't flirt back." Travis said quickly, looking at an inraged Annabeth.

"So he basically has the opposite problem of Leo." Nico confirmed.

"Ye-HEY!" Leo Protested.
over a year ago killer24 said…
So funny
over a year ago itsjustamonster said…
"not all of them are children of major gods. there are hundreds of minor roman gods. plus, a lot of legacies-second or third generation. maybe their parents were demigods"- "what?" yelled all the demigods excluding jason. "why?" athena said in an annoyed voice "dose that surprise you?" before reading again. "why dose that surprise you?" people snorted at the similarities. Percy wasn't sure. the last few days he'd been so worried about surviving day to day. the idea of living long enough to be an adult and having kids of his own-that seemed like an impossible dream.

ok its really short but i have a book report to do so unless someone else posts i will post the rest soon.
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
"Seems like that for all demigods," Annabeth muttered. "At least the Greek demigods."
All the demigods nodded their heads in agreement. "WOW!" Nico shouted. "CONNOR AND TRAVIS HAVEN'T PULLED A PRANK IN A LONG TIME! THAT IS A NEW RECORD!" Everybody, not including Connor and Travis, (who looked as if they did pull a prank), looked at them in shock. "Well that streak is about to end," Travis whispered to Connor, who gave him a sly grin in agreement. "In 5,4,3,2,1."
Then something blew up. That something was Leo's chair. Leo groaned, fire danced all around him. "CONNOR! TRAVIS!" Annabeth shouted, annoyuce tracing in her voice. Connor and Travis weren't there. Poseidon drenched the flames and Apollo flashed out to heal Leo.
over a year ago itsjustamonster said…
"these legos-" "oh course he would say that!" thalia laughed "legacies." Hazel corrected "uh oh annie looks like someones replacing you." travis snickered "shut up." she grumbled "they have powers like a demigod?" "sometimes, sometimes not. But they can be trained. All the best Roman generals and emperors you know,"- "well percy dosen't know any cause hes greek !!!" leo muttered from the floor. "eehem!" athena stared daggers at him. -"they all claimed to be descended from the gods. Most of the time they were telling the truth. The camp augur we're going to meet, Octavian, he's a legacy, descendant of Apollo. He's got the gift of prophecy, supposedly." "Apollo, dose he have the gift of prophecy?" "mmmm...."Apollo closed his eyes and began humming something that sounded like Ke$ha, then he opened them and said "yep." popping the 'p'. "supposedly?" Hazel made a sour face. "you'll see."

ok its extreamly short dont remind me. but other than that i feel like no one else is posting then i get impatient and i post i really dont want to take up thde whole thing so someone anyone post please. k thats it for now by!! ;)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dramaqueen1999 said…
I'll probably post soon! Just got tested for mono today...probably staying home soon.
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ can i post after you?
i has the book *shyly holds it up*

or should i post before you?
post whenever you can :)
over a year ago dramaqueen1999 said…
Totally, universalpowa!! Here's my post, then u can!! :)

That didn't make Percy feel so great, if this Octavian dude had Percy's fate in his hands.
Jason grimaced. "Poor guy..."
Annabeth was wringing her hands together nervously.
"So the divisions," he asked. "the cohorts, whatever-you're divided by who your godly parent is?"
Hazel stared at him. "What a horrible idea!"

"HEY!" They all protested, even Jason.
"No, the officers decide where to assign recruits. If we were divided according to god, the cohorts would be all uneven. I'd be all alone."
"Dude, Percy did that for four freakin' years!" Travis exclaimed.
"Four years?" Jason was amazed. It had been lonely for just a few months. He couldn't even imagine four years.
"Well, he had Tyson from time to time, but..." Annabeth trailed off. They all knew it hadn't been long.
Percy felt a twinge of sadness, like he'd been in that situation. "Why? What's your ancestry?"
"Pluto!" Jason suddenly yelled. Everyone looked at him. "What? I'm starting to remember!" Nico started fidgeting nervously in his chains when he said that. "Pluto..." Jason started muttering to himself, as if something was pulling at his memory, but he couldn't get to it.
Before she could answer, someone yelled behind them, "Wait!"
A ghost ran toward them-an old man with a medicine ball belly and a toga so long he kept tripping on it. He caught up to them and gasped for air, his purple aura flickering around him.
"This is him?" he panted. "A new recruit for the fifth, perhaps?"

"He better be! We need someone better than Dakota..." Jason began murmuring to himself about kool-aid.
"Vitellius," Hazel said. "We're sort of in a hurry."
The ghost scowled at Percy and walked around him, inspecting him like a used car. "I don't know," he grumbled. "We need only the best for the cohort. Does he have all his teeth? Can he fight?"

"Well, no duh!" Conner exclaimed.
"Does he clean stables?"
"Yes, yes, and no," Percy said. "Who are you?"

"Wait, wait, wait. Yes he does! Annabeth, don't you remember? When he cleaned those demon horse stables?" Nico interrupted.
"How could I forget?" Annabeth said.
"Wait...what? Demon horses?" Leo asked, confused.
"When we were on our quest through the Labyrinth-" she started.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You mean the Labyrinth?" Piper asked.
"Yeah. Anyway, we stopped at this ranch, and the guy running it, Geyron, was holding us captive, and Percy told him that he would clean these stables that hadn't been cleaned in thousands of years for carnivorous horses if he would let us go. He had to do it by sundown, and he, well, he did."
"How?" Leo asked disbelievingly.
"Long story..." Annabeth said.

Okay, I know, weak ending. But now universalpowa can post!!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
I li e the end!!!!!!! Actually, I love all the chappies on this page!
over a year ago itsjustamonster said…
big smile
its amazing please post soon universalpowa!!!
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ okay im here!
need to go get my book :D

post soon !! :D

*runs to get book*
over a year ago universalpowa said… it is

sorry...i got bored after a while
besides, i have my own forum to write for :P

Percy this is Vitellius.”

“I remember!” Jason yelled.
“What?” Travis asked.
“He was--nope nevermind. I just forgot.”
Cue facepalm from everyone else.

Hazel’s expression said: Just humor him.

“Ha!” Connor yelled. “He’s reading expressions!”
“What does that have to do with anything?” Annabeth said.
“Um...I don’t know.”

”He’s one of our Lares;takes an interest in new recruits.”

“Yes he does.” Jason muttered.

On a nearby porch, other ghosts

“LARES!” Jason yelled.
Leo and the others didn’t bother to tell him he was arguing with a book.

snickered as Vitellius paced back and forth, tripping over his toga and hiking up his sword belt.

“How can a ghost pace?” Leo asked dumbly.
“Lares. LARES!”
“Fine! How can a lares- happy?- pace?”

”Yes,” Vitellius said, “back in Caesar’s day-That’s Julius Caesar, mind you- the Fifth Cohort was something! Twelfth Legion Fulminata, pride of Rome! But these days? Disgraceful what we’ve come to.

“How so?” Leo asked.
“Were going to find out.” Annabeth said wisely.
“If you guys keep interrupting however, that may not happen.”

Look at Hazel here using a spatha.Ridiculous weapon for a Roman legionnaire-that’s for calvery! And you, boy--you smell like a Greek sewer. Haven’t you had a bath?”

Piper and Aphrodite went “Ewwww!” and then Piper muttered “Gods. I did it again.”
Thunder from Zeus.
Ares coughed, wanting more action.
Guess who got a free package of Ricola.

“I’ve been a little busy fighting gorgons,” Percy said.

“Never google the gorgons.” Annabeth said.

”Vitellius,” Hazel interuppted, “we’ve got to get Percy’s augury before he can join. Why don’t you check on Frank? He’s in the armory doing inventory. You know how much he values your help.”

“Annabeth...I think your being replaced as Percy’s ‘Wise Girl’ ‘cuz that was pretty clever.” Leo snickered.
Leo couldn’t move after that having Annabeth’s gleaming knife up against his throat.
“Nothing to see here,” Annabeth said sweetly. “just keep reading.”

The ghosts furry purple eyebrows shot up.

“Dude!” Travis exclaimed to Connor. “Remember that time we dyed the entire Ares cabin with purple dye and they never figured out it was us! It was soo funny!” He stopped talking when a hoard of Ares campers were glaring at them.
Hades coughed, wanting to hear what happened next.
He only got a package of Ricola.

”Mars Almighty! They let the probatio check the inventory? We’ll be ruined!”

“What’s a probatio?” Leo asked Jason.
“You’ll see.” was his only reply.

He stumbled off down the street, stopping every few feet to pick up his sword or rearrange his toga.

“Klutz much?” Apollo joked.
No one laughed of course.

”O-h-h-kay,” Percy said.

“Okay?” Leo asked.
Jason coughed.
He got cough drops.
And the cycle continues.

“Sorry,” Hazel said. “He’s eccentric, but he’s one of the oldest Lares. Been around since the legion was founded.”

“That’s old.” Leo said, his eyes like saucers.
“No duh.” Clarisse muttered.

“He called the legion...Fulminata?

“What’s that mean?” Everyone turned to Jason.
“It means ‘armed with lightning.’”
“Keep reading. Please.”

[b] “‘Armed with lightning,’” Hazel translated. “That’s our motto. The Twelfth Legion was around for the entire Roman Empire. When Rome fell, a lot of legions just disappeared. We went underground, acting on secret orders from Jupiter himself:

On cue, everyone turned to Zeus.
“What?” he asked in false innocence like Travis and Connor always did.

stay alive, recruit demigods and their children, keep Rome going. We’ve been doing it ever since, moving around to wherever Roman influence was strongest. The last few centuries we’ve been in America.”

“Ohhh Annie girl, Your being replaced!” Travis squealed.
“Shut your can before I kick it.”
“Feeling violent today?”
Travis couldn’t talk the rest of the day because his mouth was blown up from being punched in the face.
And yes, Annabeth was in an extremely violent mood today.

someone else go soon! :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
oooohhh, somebodys a little violent!
over a year ago itsjustamonster said…
whos posting next? i will if no one else is.
over a year ago annabeth523 said…
big smile
this has been so good so far!
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^^ nah post

plz! annabeth is violent... XD


LOL..i luvv that <3
over a year ago itsjustamonster said…
big smile
k a will post in like an hour!! :)
over a year ago itsjustamonster said…
As bizarre as that sounded, Percy had no trouble believing it. In fact, it sounded familiar- “no duh! Cause he hasn’t been living in western civilization for the past four years!” Clarrisse yelled, Zeus coughed earning him the Ricola “THAT IS ENOUGH!!!!” as he zapped the ricola with so much voltage it also burned through the table. Then Travis took something out of his pocket at threw it at zeus’s face and the Ricola cycle continues. Athena saved that Ricola by reading again. like something he’s always known. “that’s because he ha-“ Jake Mason slapped his hands in front of leos mouth so they could read the book instead of talking to the book. ”and your in the fifth cohourt.” He guessed “which probally isn’t the most popular?” Hazel scowled “yeah. I joined up last September.” “so just a few weeks before that jason disappeared.” Percy knew he hit a sore spot “no duh!” thalia yelled Hazel looked down, she was silent long enough to count every paving stone. “now that is long!!” leo said “come on.” She said at last. “I’ll show you my favorite spot.” “ooooh annie someones REALLY replacing you!!” conner taunted two minutes later he was just like his brother They stopped outside the main gates. The fort was situated on the highest point in the valley, so they could see pretty much everything. The road led down to the river and divided. One path led south across a bridge, up a hill with all the temples. The other road led north into the city, a miniature version of ancient rome. “you know these romans are starting to sound full of themselves.” Annabeth pointed out “are not!” yelled Jason “are too it just proves they are cause your too stubborn to attmit it. Jason sat down quietly.

Ok its short I always make short ones. Well there just about to go to the temples and many people have tempers. The stolls can not speak and the ricola passing continues!!!:)
over a year ago dramaqueen1999 said…
Hey! I can post next if thts kk?
over a year ago percabeth13 said…
Yes you can piper.
over a year ago percabeth13 said…
Piper and jasonfan *nico* you need to read Unexpected by me!
over a year ago itsjustamonster said…
big smile
please post soon piper!!
over a year ago dramaqueen1999 said…
Hey! Here is my post! I know that I should be asleep...but I can't! It is opening night of a play I'm in tomorrow and I'm really nervous, plus I probably have mono so I am hoarse! EEEKK!

Unlike the military camp, the city looked chaotic and colorful, with buildings crowded together at haphazard angles.
"Oh my gods! Annabeth, Percy knows a big word! Happy...hap hackey sack...what?" Nico said, startling everyone because he had been so quiet.
"Haphazard, having no plan or order," Athena spouted.
"Oh-h-h-kay. Thanks for letting us know..." Hermes said sarcastically.
Even this far away, Percy could see people gathered in the plaza, shoppers milling around in an open-air market, parents with kids playing in parks.
"Wow," Annabeth said dreamily. "They have families there?"
Athena grimaced at the resemblance of the next words. "You've got families here?" he asked.
"In the city, absolutely," Hazel said. "When you're accepted into the legion, you do ten years of service. Most demigods go into the mortal world. But for some-well, it's pretty dangerous out there. This valley is a sanctuary. You can go to college in the city, get married, have kids, retire when you get old. It's the only place on earth for people like us."

"YOU SAY THAT NOW! Dun dun duuunnnn!" Leo yelled.
"They can't hear you, Leo..." Jason said.
"So yeah, a lot of veterans make their homes there, under the protection of the legion."
Adult demigods. Demigods who could live without fear, get married, raise a family.

The demigods all looked awestruck. "Why isn't Camp Half-Blood like that?" Travis complained, gaining the ability to speak again.
Percy couldn't quite wrap his mind around that. It seemed too good to be true. "But if this valley gets attacked?"
Hazel pursed her lips. "We have defenses. The borders are magical. But our strength hasn't been what it used to be. Lately, the monster attacks have increased. What you said about the gorgons not dying...we've noticed that too, with other monsters."
Hazel looked away. Percy could tell she was holding something back-something she wasn't supposed to say.

"Well, it is obvious why he can tell. Annabeth and Chiron did it all the time to him. Gods, even I could see how annoyed he got," Conner said.
"It was for his own good! What would you have done if everyone thought that prophecy was about you?" Annabeth snapped.
That shut him right up. A shadow crossed all of the older campers faces, remembering it.
"What was it?" Piper asked. Jason and Leo looked equally curious.
"A half-blood of the eldest gods,
shall reach sixteen against all odds
And see the world in endless sleep
The hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap
A single choice shall end his days
Olympus to preserve or raze." Annabeth knew it by heart.
Everyone flinched. "He...he thought he was going to die?" Piper stuttered.
"And so did everybody else," Travis added.
"Wow...that must have been seriously awful," Jason said, with Leo nodding.
"It was," was all Annabeth said.
Everybody was silent, thinking about what it would have been like to be in that position. "Let's continue reading, shall we?" Athena decided finally.

Okay, I'm going to bed! Sorry it is short!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dramaqueen1999 said…
Who wants to post next?
over a year ago dramaqueen1999 said…
big smile
Oh! 900th reply! YES! :)
last edited over a year ago