The Heroes of Olympus Olympus reads the Son of Neptune

kgirl925 posted on Oct 05, 2011 at 09:36PM
All rights to Rick Riordan (duh)
Hope you enjoy!

WOAH, WOAH, WOAH. I can't believe this forum is like...3 years old now. How is that possible?! *feeling of nostalgia washes over me*
Anyways, end of my rant. here are a few lil' things to keep in mind while posting/reading this forum:
1) Uh, this is more like a random PJO community / occasionally post chapters forum now. So, anything PJO related is welcome.
2) People have asked me if they can post links to their stories here. A year ago I probably would've said no. But looking at the circumstances now, SURE! Go for it (: just don't spam the whole forum with links to your stories. If you want, send the link to me and I'll put it in this description.
3) ANYONE CAN POST CHAPTERS. As long as it's in chronological order. eg. You can't just go from a Percy arriving at Camp Jupiter to Percy saving the eagle. Follow the immediate next paragraph that they will read (: No length requirement or whatsoever, 'tis all fun

last edited on Dec 03, 2014 at 11:50PM

The Heroes of Olympus 3994 replies

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over a year ago universalpowa said…

oh and someone post plz :D
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Guys I wish I could continue but I dont want to post everything, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo anybody else can post and you guys are the best here's a cake for everyone
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
forgot the cake
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Ok. I would post but I don't have the book and the wait at the library is over 1 month soooooooooooooooooooooooo...
over a year ago kittyhawk09 said…
I can't wait for the next post what a twist.
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
if you want me to post, 10 different people must say they like my chapters on this. And they must say they want me to post.
over a year ago Riptide688 said…
i like your chapters, i want you to post!
over a year ago percabeth-bcz7 said…
big smile
i like your chapters too.. please post!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
Is it okay if no one posts because I want to post but I can't till'll be long and anyone know where we left off because I forget...:)

So please no one post I'll post a VERY LONG ONE tomorrow if no one posts

Sorry Jasonfan do you want to post cause I'll wait if you already have something planned....sorry I didn't c your comment till now so....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
you can post GreekRULES515
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Ok. As long as someone posts...
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
Thanks ill post after school......but it will be tonight
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
I'll post the rest tonight sorry.

Several kids laughed at that, but Reyna scowled at them, and they cleared off.

"If only I could do that..." Annabeth sighed

“Hazel,” Reyna said. “Come with us. I want your report on what happened at the gates.”

"Ordery much!" Hermes muttered.
"Ordery isn't a word." Athena said.

“Me too?” Frank said. “Percy saved my life. We’ve got to let him—”
Reyna gave Frank such a harsh look, he stepped back.

"That's my--" Ares said only to get cut off by Bellona who said, "That's my girl!"
Woah! Where did you come from!" Ares jumped and than scowled.
"Um I've been here the entire time." Bellona said rolling her eyes.

“I’d remind you, Frank Zhang,” she said, “you are on probatio yourself. You’ve caused enough trouble this week.”

"What! Frank was awesome!" Leo said and Ares beamed.

Frank’s ears turned red. He fiddled with a little tablet on a cord around his neck. Percy hadn’t paid much attention to it, but it looked like a name tag made out of lead.

"Lead's posieness!" Travis said proudly.
"Wow! You're so smart." Piper said sarcastically

“Go to the armory,” Reyna told him. “Check our inventory. I’ll call you if I need you.”
“But—” Frank caught himself. “Yes, Reyna.”

"How do you catch your-self?" Apollo asked.
"I was wondering the same thing!" Hermes and the Stolls said together.

He hurried off.

"Wimp." Clarisse muttered and Ares scowled by accident he turned into Mars though no one payed attention.

Reyna waved Hazel and Percy toward the headquarters. “Now, Percy Jackson, let’s see if we can improve your memory.”

Annabeth looked sad as well as Poseidon.
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ aweshum!! post the rest soon plz!! :D :D
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
awesome post soon!
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
Okay I'm posting heh heh I know I'm late ....

The principia was even more impressive inside.

"YES he likes Architecture, I knew it'd happen!" Annabeth said smugly

On the ceiling glittered a mosaic of Romulus and Remus under their adopted mama she-wolf (Lupa had told Percy that story a mil ion times). The floor was polished marble. The wal s were draped in velvet, so Percy felt like he was inside the world’s most expensive camping tent.

"I'd like one of those." Travis said dreamily.
"But you can't have one!" Connor laughed

Along the back wal stood a display of banners and wooden poles studded with bronze medals—military symbols, Percy guessed. In the center was one empty display stand, as if the main banner had been taken down for cleaning or something. In the back corner, a stairwel led down. It was blocked by a row of iron bars like a prison door. Percy wondered what was down there—monsters?

"I don't know." Apollo said.
"He wasn't asking you moron." Artemis scowled.

Treasure? Amnesiac demigods who had gotten on Reyna’s bad side?

Everyone laughed except Bellona who looked proud someone was intimidated by her daughter.

In the center of the room, a long wooden table was cluttered with scrolls, notebooks, tablet computers, daggers, and a large bowl filled with jelly beans, which seemed kind of out of place.

"Jelly beans are NEVER out of place." Nico yelled.
"PERCY is just a blubber boy who likes blue." Thalia laughed.
"Thals, his father is right there." Rachel whispered
Thalia stopped laughing immediatly
Two life-sized statues of greyhounds—one silver, one gold—flanked the table.

"What if there not statues..." Hermes hinted.
"Shut up." Aphrodite and Jason both said.

Reyna walked behind the table and sat in one of two high-backed chairs. Percy wished he could sit in the other, but Hazel remained standing. Percy got the feeling he was supposed to also.

"Percy is so arogant only he'd want to sit in a throne." Nico said in a joking tone.
"Percy was smart enough to know to stand, I'm impressed." Athena said.
"I have taught him well." Poseidon said.
"No my daughter has." Athena replied smoothly, Poseidon scowled while Annabeth smirked and blushed

“So…” he started to say.

"AWKWARD!" Leo sang.

The dog statues bared their teeth and growled.

"Only Percy would make statues come alive and growl at him since he was SO annoying." Thalia rolled her eyes.

Percy froze. Normaly he liked dogs, but these glared at him with ruby eyes.

"Wow he doesn't remember his own name but he knows he likes dogs?" Katie pointed out.
"Fail." Hephaestus said at the same time as Leo.

Their fangs looked sharp as razors.

"Did you know razors shave hair off." Grover said trying to act smart,
"Oh I thought they were mini mow cutters (AN I forget the word:) ." Katie said sarcastically
“Easy, guys,” Reyna told the greyhounds.

"They're guys!" Travis gasped.
Jason scowled.

They stopped growling, but kept eyeing Percy as though they were imagining him in a doggie bag.

"Ha-ha they'd just taste seafood!" Will said laughing, everyone chuckled and Apollo said, "You have HUMOR!"

“They won’t attack,” Reyna said, “unless you try to steal something, or unless I tel them to. That’s Argentum and Aurum.”

"Such beautiful names!" Bellona smiled

“Silver and Gold,” Percy said. The Latin meanings popped into his head like Hazel had said they would.

"Five years I taught him Latin and he still didn't know it. Now he knows how to speak it." Annabeth sighed.
"Looks like a waste to me!" Thalia laughed
"Hey at-least you don't have to teach him anymore." Piper said brightly.
"Yeah that's great! He was the worst to teach." Annabeth said

over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ lol post soon!!! :D :D :D
over a year ago MythicLover said…
Funny, will someone post soon?!
over a year ago Piper_ofArtemis said…
LOL i was laughing like crazy! Hopw who ever's posting posts soon!
over a year ago fros4est said…
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Love the chappies!
over a year ago percabeth-bcz7 said…
that was hilarious!! please someone post soon!!!!!!!!! :)
over a year ago Thepegasusrider said…
man I love this and this is so funny and please someone post soon!!!
here is a cake for an awesome chapter
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Post somebody!!
over a year ago Thepegasusrider said…
could someone post please!!!!!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
I need to laugh!
over a year ago PerciusJackson said…
its a lonely world when you people stop posting funny stuff so post so i wont be so lonesum
over a year ago MythicLover said…
I need someone to post! Why wont anyone post?
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
I'll post!!! In um an like 30 mins or less
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
I aint posting.......... Im sorry but, i cant handle three forums............... if I am taking over gods read the lightning thief......................... but if not........ maybe
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Also gods read the lightning thief is by rjain but since he abandoned it I've been doin most of the posts
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
Okay I guess I was too busy to post 2 hours ago so I'll's short....also I want everyone to know that ANYONE can post not just me...don't be afraid to write down what you think

Anyways this is like one paragraph if you like my work check out my other forum
Leo, Piper and Jason read PJO I just's like a lot....READ IT cause I post more there than I do here


Reyna set her dagger on the table.

"Ooooh....someone's angry!" Leo said.
"Nothing's happened!" Artemis said.

Percy had the vague feeling he’d seen her before. Her hair was black and glossy as volcanic rock, woven in a single braid down her back. She had the poise of a sword fighter—

Annabeth frowned and Connor who saw that frown said, "ANNABETH'S JEALOUS!"

relaxed yet vigilant, as if ready to spring into action at any moment. The worry lines around her eyes made her look older than she probably was.

"She's 100?" Leo gasped.
"No!" Thalia snapped, Jason scowled.

“We have met,” he decided. “I don’t remember when. Please, if you can tel me anything—”

"Percy can't just decide things!" Apollo said.
"I can." Zeus said smugly.

“First things first,” Reyna said. “I want to hear your story. What do you remember? How did you get here? And don’t lie. My dogs don’t like liars.”

"Did she just threaten Percy?" Aphrodite gasped.
"Yes mom get over it!" Piper sighed.
"Seriously I can't people she's your mom." Connor said.
"I wish you were our half sister!" Travis said
"But noooo, you have a mortal dad." Connor sighed.
Piper laughed and replied, "Aw no."
"PIPER!" Aphrodite said.

Argentum and Aurum snarled to emphasize the point.

"What point?" Nico asked.
"Oh Nico..." Hades shook his head sadly.
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Love it!!
over a year ago MythicLover said…
Cool i would post but i cant.......
over a year ago percabeth-bcz7 said…
funnneh;) please post soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
over a year ago Piper_ofArtemis said…
LOL Nico, you poor, poor, sad little boy... Hehehehe. Connor, Travis, and Piper are my fave characters. They amuse me. Haha, amuse. Like the muses... Ok, maybe not as funny as i thought.... Akward moment....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MythicLover said…
over a year ago kittyhawk09 said…
Good post.
over a year ago MythicLover said…
Please...why wont....anyone post????????
over a year ago PerciusJackson said…
big smile
im not lonley anymore yay
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
over a year ago MythicLover said…
NO POST?? ~whimper~
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
over a year ago fros4est said…
post?anyone?any single human being?
over a year ago MythicLover said…
Please? Someone? We need a miracle!!
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
seriously, im at my dads house and havnt been on the computer since, like, sunday.
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
I told you guys, i'm sorry, but I cant post because now I have three forums, gods read lightning thief(wasn't originally mine), Alex Mitchell: The Lost Child of Hades(number 11 on the popular content), and Connor and Travis's pranks(which I just started last week).
Here's the Link to CAT'Pranks;
over a year ago percyroxz said…
hey i can try to post. would u guys mind checking out my forum? it's called Perseus Cullen. and i'll try to post later on today. and sorry if that was to much spam or something

here's the link to my forum
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
how bout one of you guys post.
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
and i'll post dialouge but that's it