The Heroes of Olympus Banished

Thalia67 posted on Nov 02, 2011 at 11:24PM
So I have seen a few stories like this, and I wanted to do my own take on it. I'm basically just going to start with the same idea, but do it different in a lot of ways. Not copying or anything.

Anyway, the basic plot is that the gods wrongly accuse Percy of a crime, and its about his time afterwards.

I'll post right after this. Please comment and tell me what you think! If I don't get a few comments after each post, I probably will stop posting.

The Heroes of Olympus 356 replies

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over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
[i]post plz[\i]
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
post soon
over a year ago parras2 said…
cool story
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
over a year ago venus143 said…
WOW UR STORY IS GREAT I HOPE YOU CAN POST SOON OH SORRY CAPS but anyways please post soon please u are a very excelent writter:)
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Plzplzplzplzplzplzplzplz post!
over a year ago universalpowa said…
plzplzplzplzplzplpzlzlzlzlzplzlzpzlzpzlzp post! pozt post post [p]post! [p] [o] [s] [t] [!] :)
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
please please please please please post
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
over a year ago Thalia67 said…
I'll try and post tonight but no guarantees guys sorry:P
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
well plz try
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Yes please try to post
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Can you post today?
over a year ago universalpowa said…
post post post post post post post post post post post post post post postpost post post opost psot

Hey! Can you raed tihs? if u can, then yay!lol
over a year ago Thalia67 said…
So I would have posted last night, but my laptop died:P So here is it, and to this challenge, I think you can guess the ending, but if not, oh well. So please tell me what you think each person is going to do, cause well, I wanna see if I did a good enough job of giving hints or anything:P


It had been really bittersweet to see Nico and Percy. It had been so long, those arrogant jerks. They had left her in the dark, when the three of them had probably grown the closest out of any of the demigods from that time period. She had left the Hunters to be back at camp with all of her best friends. Yes, after she had found out what he had almost done, she had left before he had explained. But after Thalia had cooled down, she realized her mistake and had come to her senses and tried to find him. But by that time, he had disappeared.

And now he was back. And angrier than ever. All the hurt that they had caused him, it had to sit over the years, and by now, not even this would make him forgive them. At least they could get him to help with the upcoming war. And hopefully she could convince him to forgive her over time.

But for now, Thalia had to focus on the challenge ahead of her. And by what was here right now, she had to admit, it was going to be a difficult task.

She was standing on the same mountain where she had faced Luke the first time. And now, a thousand years later, Luke was here again. He wasn’t the one from her memories though. He was all smiles, with his short blonde hair and clear blue eyes, and back to tan skin. All in all, Luke looked healthy. After all this time, Thalia couldn’t help herself. She ran to him, and hugged him fiercely.

He laughed, and Thalia remembered loving his laugh. “I’ve missed you, Thalia. I can’t believe it’s been this many years,” Luke told her in her ear. She stepped back, and could feel the questioning look in her eyes. He sighed, and gestured for her to sit down. In the back of her mind, Thalia was thinking about the challenge and the fact that this wasn’t real, but most of her thoughts were on Luke, and seeing him again.

“I was reborn two more times, and I got into the Isles of Blest. After that incident with Kronos, I couldn’t bare to just sit back and not make up for my, uh, experiences of my first life. So, now, I’m back here, helping Percy with this challenge. I’ve realized what I could have had with him. We’re friends now, and could have been back then. Don’t ask how we’ve become friends when I’m not supposed to remember anything from my past lives. I wish I could tell you everything, but that will only happen if you pass this test. And to do that, we need to get up,” Luke said, already standing and holding out her hand. She took it without hesitation, and he led her to a small pond. Swimming around in the blue water was her worst fear. It had tempted her once before, in this very location. Thalia backed away, but Luke was still holding her hand and wouldn’t let her go any farther.

“You have a choice to make. You made it once, but now, things are a little bit different. You know what the choice was before, but that was to destroy the gods. If you do this, you can save them. You will have the power to destroy Geae once and for all, and if you wanted to, you could even ask to be part of the top 12 Olympians. Expand it to be 14. Or, you don’t, you can go back, join your friends. Only you can know the right choice. I cannot help you or try and persuade you one way or the other, like I did last time,” Luke explained.

Thalia bit her lip and stepped forward. She couldn’t believe that this choice was here again. But at 15 she had made the right choice, so how could she not make it now? But what was the right choice? She could save them all, and be the hero. It was hard to be the goddess of power, and not be recognized for it.

So what was the right choice? He hadn’t said much about if she didn’t take it, so could that be it? Or maybe it could be the opposite choice that Thalia had been thinking. Oh the choices could go on forever! But then, she realized her fatal flaw. Becoming a goddess had at least granted her that. She had realized what it was. And it made making her choice easy.

“I know what I have to do,” Thalia told Luke. She gripped his hand and smiled at him. They turned back to the pond, and she bent down to the creature inside.
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
oooh amazing chapter! suspense! post soon!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
This Is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago goddessgirl said…
big smile
Your writing is incredible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
I know!!! How can you all be amazing writers?!
over a year ago Thalia67 said…
thanks guys! that really means a lot that you guys like this:) i actually want to be an author so i'm working on improving my writing with this, and i have a book im working on too:P
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
cool. well dont forget topost here too!
over a year ago goddessgirl said…
big smile
Hey! i want to be an author too and im working on a book too!
over a year ago goddessgirl said…
can you read my forum and tell me what you think? it's called The Daughter of Kronos
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Very nice luv it please post soon
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Can you post soon?
over a year ago Thalia67 said…
goddessgirl - if you send me the link, sure I'll try and read it!

to every one else, I'll most likely post in the next hour or so, so don't worry! I am back at home after thanksgiving break, so I should have a charger to use and everything so nothing will be lost again (she says hopefully:P )
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Yay!!! Post soon!
over a year ago Thalia67 said…
Here ya go! It's kinda short, but his challenge was pretty easy, so I couldn't expand it too much. But only a few more to go, and then you'll know the ending to each challenge!


Well, well, well, his old enemy was alive. Back to steal his glory, once again. He had already gotten rid of him once, and Demetry didn’t know if he could do it again. Especially since the other gods seemed to think they needed him, even his own father. Everyone loved him, and adored him, but there was one person who had always been suspicious of him: Jason. Ever since Percy had been banished, Jason had hated him. Probably because their father seemed to care more about Demetry rather than him.

And now, Percy was back and had given him this challenge. Which right away he could tell wasn’t going to be tough. Stationed around him in a circle were all of his enemies. Percy, Jason, and all of the people he had fought with over the years, climbed over to get to where he was at that moment. It brought all of his anger back from over the years.

A sword stood, pushed into the ground a few feet in front of him. There was a plaque in front of it, and Demetry struggled to read the words on it.

This sword can be used to take powers from the one and give it to another. But in order to gain this power, one has to kill them. It is your choice.

Well, this would be an easy choice. It was all of his enemies. It was obvious that he could gain all of their powers, and then be powerful enough to beat Gaea. So what was there to think about? His ‘choice’ was right there.

Demetry pulled out the sword, and it fit his hand like a glove. A smile crossed his face. This was going to be more fun than anything had ever been before. Actually killing his enemies. But which one first? He decided to start with his first enemy. It was only fitting after all.

He walked up to Percy, who stood as still as a statue. Without a thought, Demetry raised his sword, and started to swing. But half way through, he stopped. This. This was the test. He couldn’t do it. His fatal flaw. After all these years, he had worked on it, but it was still going strong in his heart and mind.

He lowered his sword to the ground. There was his choice. And it had to be the right one.
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
OMG! Demetry is learning!!!!!!!!!! That was epic!!
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
awesome chapter!!! i dont like demetry lol but i loooveedd that chapter!!! post soon!!!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Post soon!
over a year ago magic-cow said…
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
Awesome story! Post soon
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
awesome post soon
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
I feel SO bad. I just figured out you posted two other challenges and I didn't relieze it! They were epic too!
over a year ago jjspecht said…
big smile
Post more now.
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Plz post soon!
over a year ago Thalia67 said…
I'll post tonight guys. I've just had a lot going on this last day with...stuff. had a crying moment last night, so yeah. i'm better now, and i will post a good chapter tonight:)
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
Im sorry you've had i hard day. I hope you feel better have some cake
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
Awwww I'm sorry, glad you're better, things will get better :)
Can't wait til you post, but if you don't feel that great, I'm sure we can all wait... take your time :)
over a year ago Thalia67 said…
Thanks guys, I'm feeling much better. I got it sorted out, mostly, and it was a much better day today thanks guys:) But writing this made me feel so much better that I wrote two challenges in one:) I kind of don't know what chapter I'm yeah. Here ya go:)


Even after a thousand years, he still couldn’t do anything right. First, he had turned his back on Percy, and then, he hadn’t even apologized. And now, if he didn’t pass this challenge, Percy wouldn’t help them. Knowing his past he would probably mess it up. Especially because there weren’t any of his friends here to help him out.

But what was his challenge? He was in what looked like a gambling place. There were a bunch of people sitting around at tables, playing cards or playing the slots. But the only place open was a place at a Poker table. Well, this was obviously a sign from Percy of where to go.

Leo walked to the table, and sat down. He was about to ask to join their game, but when the next round of cards were dealt, the dealer just included him without asking. Convenient. But what was the test? To win? He hardly knew anything about Poker, just what he had been taught playing with the other gods. Great, he was going to fail at this, and then they would lose the upcoming war.

He glanced around at the people beside him, but no one was looking at him. It was as if he was invisible, but they still dealt to him. Leo remembered that he was supposed to be looking at his two cards. Two jacks. Surely he could do well with that. When the dealer looked around for the bet to stay in, Leo tossed in his two chips. He didn’t even know what they were worth, but everyone else had tossed in that color.

The dealer flipped over three cards, and it wasn’t anything useful to him. But he stayed in along with everyone else. They raised it a few times, but he wasn’t giving up. Leo knew to watch the others facial expressions and was able to see that one person kept doing certain things, meaning that the girl was bluffing. But the other two he didn’t know about.

With another card flip, it still wasn’t useful to him, just a low card. But two people dropped out so it was only him and another guy. Someone who he couldn’t read at all. The guy could be bluffing or have the most amazing hand ever.

“New guy, I think you need to learn the rules here,” a voice sounded out. Leo had been so focused on everything else that he didn’t realize the guy had been talking to him. But when the guy kept talking, he looked up, and shrank back. This guy was angry. “No one goes up against me if there are two people left in the round. I always win. You haven’t played this very long, so I’ll let you in on a little secret. I am the winner, and I have the highest cards here. You could never beat me, because you’re just a rookie. A loser, who can’t do anything right. And you know it. So just drop out right now, and let the big boys handle the money. You could go play the slots, something that just involves luck.”

Leo shrank in his seat. The guy was right. He didn’t know what he was doing. Basically he was just doing whatever he thought he needed to try and win. But this guy, he was a pro. And he knew what he was doing. The smart thing would be to not lose any more and go home. Or like the guy had said, he could go and try the slots. Leo didn’t have to have any skill at that.

After a minute, Leo stood up and started to turn around. But then he heard the guys snicker, and he paused. How could he just give up that easily? He might lose, sure, but at least he had to try. That was all he could do to make up for what he had done with giving up on Percy and Nico and all of his friends at one point in life. So instead of giving up, Leo sat back down and was ready to go for the win. He could do it.

“Little boy isn’t giving up, I see. Well your loss since I know you are going to lose,” the guy said. Without even waiting for the last card, the guy showed his card. A pair of aces. That beat his pair. It all came down to the last card. If it was anything but a jack, then he was finished, and he had failed the test. But there was always a chance that it could be.

The dealer discarded a card and the flipped over the last card for him. Leo set down his cards and walked away. He knew that the challenge was over, and now he had to see what everyone had done.


Percy. He was back. She couldn’t believe it. After all these years, he was back. When he had been praetor back at Camp Jupiter, she had started to fall for him. Sure there was Annabeth, but that wasn’t going to stop her. Praetors a lot of times did get romantically involved, and if they had had more time, she was sure that they would have. But then he had been banished. Something in her mind that day had been off, so she hadn’t stayed with him like she should have. Something had nudged her to leave, and so Reyna had. It had been a mistake and she instantly went back to look for him, but he was gone.

For years she had searched for him. Years, even as a goddess, she had searched for him. But her powers didn’t help her as the goddess of leaders. Sure, he was a leader, but it didn’t mean she could have found him.

Her heart had ached when he had revealed himself for the first time. It was like a dream come true. Percy was back, and hopefully she could earn his forgiveness.

But first, she had to survive this challenge. But it was a little more complicated than she would have originally thought. It wasn’t just a ‘win this game and you win overall’. It was a puzzle.

Reyna glanced around and realized where she was. It was the president’s office. The President of the United States. And she was sitting at the desk. With her name as on all of the documents. She was their leader. It was a good feeling. Something she had never dreamed of. But Reyna was a natural leader so this felt good.

Suddenly, at least ten people stormed into her office. They all started talking at once.

“Great Britain has armed their army-“
“There is an oil spill-“
“This document needs your-“
“The Vice President-“

Reyna held up her hand and they all stopped talking. Wow. She hadn’t felt this good since being a praetor back at camp. She pointed at one of the people and gestured for them to continue to talk.

“Great Britain isn’t happy and their leader has officially declared war with us. Their army is ready to go, but the leader has given you the option of leaving Germany and giving control to them in return for peace. They also sent a message that they would need your reply in one hour and no later.” Well, that wasn’t good. Reyna decided to deal with that issue later.

Reyna gestured to another one of them. “We have the document ready to execute all of those in our prisons at this moment. Our population is overflowed and people are dying of starvation and the food in the prisons could be used to feed them and keep them alive. All we need is your signature.” Ok, that was worse. Reyna shook her head and looked towards another one of them.

“An oil spill occurred in the Atlantic Ocean and is contaminating it as well as killing many innocent creatures. We can purify the ocean, but that would involve destroying some plants that aren’t found anywhere else and will become extinct and we have to make that decision within the hour, or it won’t work. They need your approval to move forward with it.” Reyna blinked. How much worse could this get? The last guy started talking, having finally gotten the routine down.

“The Vice President is getting agitated. She says she hasn’t had anything to do in a long time, and you need to delegate more to her and that she is more than just a pretty face. But if not, she will resign within the hour.” Finally. That was it. Well, now Reyna just had to make the decisions. She could do this. She was enough of a natural leader to know what the right decision was. Hopefully.

But then again, Reyna didn’t know much about this country or how things worked. She knew about her own Greek and Roman history and that was it. That and how their government worked. It was simple compared to this.

So what should she do? Reyna had to make these choices and make them quick. There was a deadline after all. But where was the challenge? Was it to make the right choice?

She turned to the first person who had spoken about the upcoming possible war. Reyna opened her mouth to speak, but closed it. What would she do? She could give up and avoid a war, or go through a war to keep where they were. And what about the other choices? Killing all of those prisoners? Some were probably innocent.

Reyna supposed she must make whatever choice she felt was right. “I know what I have to do,” she said. After a pause, Reyna had a light bulb come on in her mind. There was another choice. It was the perfect choice and the right one for the country, as well as her. She didn’t want to do it, but she had to. It was the right one, she was sure. Well, mostly sure.
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
SO COOL!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
Hey! your back! i read this and is as great as your old story! your old SOn of Neptune! and this is great once again! better than most! I love this! and gotta say its a top favorite! keep going and good job!
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
big smile
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
wow, amazing chapter, glad you feel better :) post soon!
over a year ago Thalia67 said…
Here ya go, last of the challenges! Finally! Did you guys enjoy it, or did it take to long? But I'll give you all of the results next time! And thanks guys:)


From the start, the challenge was torture. He didn’t know if anyone else was having this problem, but he was just lost. He was in pure darkness. His eyes wouldn’t adjust because there was no light. In fact, he felt like he was floating. Maybe he was. Frank reached down to touch the floor, but only found empty space. He was floating!

All of the sudden, voices started playing out around him.

You can’t do it, Frank. You aren’t any good. You’re going to let every body down.

You’ve never been good enough. You were never good enough for Hazel. You weren’t good enough for your mom or your dad.

Give up, Frank. Just let go, and give up. If you give up, you will save everyone from having to deal with your failure.

Frank spun around, which was quite difficult to do with nothing push off of. But no one was around that he could see. There were just voices, putting him down and insulting him insults. He covered his ears with his hands, but nothing helped. They were still there. Coming up with new insults every time, none of them saying the same thing.

Frank curled up in a ball, trying to block them out. They brought up memories of all of his failures over the years. How he failed his mom, how he had never been able to please his father, how he had abandoned Percy when he had needed him most. It was all rushing back, and making him cringe in physical pain. It was always a weakness of his, knowing he wasn’t good enough for everyone else. For a while, his life had depended on a piece of wood and he hadn’t been able to do anything about it except give it to Hazel to keep for him. That just showed how weak he was.

“Shut up! Fine! I won’t do anything! Just stop!” Frank yelled into the darkness. The voices quieted but they still didn’t stop completely. He was about to go crazy from all of the memories coming down on his brain. Those memories he had blocked out for so long, but now they were all coming back to him, and he was pretty sure that they were against his will. “I give up!” The voices quieted more, and he could finally think.

No, he couldn’t give up. This was his challenge, and no matter what, he was going to pass this. He could and would succeed and prove everyone who had ever put him down that he could do it. But the voices got louder at that moment, and Frank curled into a little ball again. They were just too loud; all he wanted to do was give up.

But he had a choice. He could give up and go the easy route, or take the hard route and try and prove that he was tough. But which one would he do?


She would just skip to the important stuff. It was wonderful to see Percy. No, more than wonderful. It was the best thing that had happened since the time she had fallen in love with him. But he hated her. That she knew. And now, he was putting them all through challenges where no one could fail. And that included her.

So when she saw every single one of her friends and family in separate containers surrounding her in a circle, she started to freak out. Annabeth ran to the nearest container, which happened to contain her mother, Athena.

“Annabeth, your challenge is to save them. There are red buttons on each of the sides of the containers, and the air is slowly draining out of the container. But with every push of a button you add another thirty seconds of oxygen to their lives. You must continue to push the buttons, until the end of the challenge,” Percy’s voice sounded out. Annabeth glanced around, but she didn’t want to waste any time. The most logical thing to do, would be to keep going around the circle, and push every button twice, so she would have a minute to get around to it again. Surely she could keep them alive.

So she ran. They were spaced a few feet apart, and Annabeth paused for less than a second each time, but it still took her almost a full minute to get back around to her mother where she had started. This was going to work. She could do this.

After about 5 minutes of continuous sprinting, Annabeth started to fail. She took longer to get to each station, and at each place, she saw a look of panic in their eyes. They knew that this couldn’t go on for very much longer. But she couldn’t give up. There had to be a way to figure this out. She had a good enough mind to figure this out, but it would take a little bit of time, and she didn’t have it.

If she could reach the right speed, then she could take a pause for about 5 to 10 seconds before starting again. But in order to do that, she had to continually build up speed, and it wouldn’t work if she paused. There had to be a way! This couldn’t be the challenge. Percy wouldn’t let them actually die.

Finally, after about 10 more minutes, Annabeth remembered. And with that memory, Annabeth went to the middle of the circle and looked up to the sky, as if to give up. And maybe she was. But this was her only choice.
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
OMG! this is amazing! I could never think up these challenges!
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
big smile
This is such a good forum! I've read a ton like this and this one is unique. Please continue quickly!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Post soon!!!
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
big smile