Barney & Robin Barnman & Robin Bros.

Buffygirl1988 posted on Dec 16, 2010 at 04:16PM
A forum where BR fans can chat and stuff :)

Introduce yourself and I'll add you to the list.

link - Ana
link - Francesca
link - Brenda
link - Charlene
link - Wada
link - Laura
link - Johanna
link - Dannii
link - Joanna
link - Claire
link - Chrissy
link - Julia
link - Kayleigh
link - Neil
last edited on Jan 20, 2011 at 04:31PM

Barney & Robin 1192 replies

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Showing Replies 451-500 of 1192

over a year ago Wada said…
Even in the ancient Rome they have chemistry! XD
over a year ago Wada said…
Robin, what the hell are you doing???????? You're an idiot, but not in your romantic language... you're an actual idiot!!! The Laser Tag is your thing with Barney, damn!! Agggg!
I hate Nora so much I wanna cry!
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Aw man I'm going to watch the episode soon =/
over a year ago Wada said…
I'm so upset :(
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Me too =( I HATED that!!!!!!!
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
Anyone around?
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
I'm on now Laura you still here?
over a year ago Karussss said…
I'm here now ;) how are you? :D
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Hey Karussss what is your name? =) lol I've been wondering
over a year ago Karussss said…
Karolina, I'm from Poland :D
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
Don't happen to be around now do ya?(:
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Oh well hi Karolina =) I'm Brenda
over a year ago Karussss said…
big smile
Hi, Brenda ;D So, how are you right now? :D
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
=) I'm good! How are you?
over a year ago Karussss said…
I'm fine and glad that it's friday already! I'm so tired... ;P I want a new episode so much! Now I'm wondering what the episode "Heart Failure" is going to be about ;)
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
That's what it's called? Hmm me too lol I'm excited about the new episode too but also a little skeptical on the whole Barney and Nora thing
over a year ago Wada said…
Hi girls!
I'm freaking out... look what I found:
How I Met Your Mother is better now than it’s ever been, and I think this plot with Marshall missing his dad is great. But I’m in search of word on my man Barnacle. We going to see his storyline picking up? — Danny
In a major way. In the episode just before the show goes on a month-long break, Barney’s budding relationship with Nora gets serious. Really, really, really, really, really serious. (That’s barely enough “really”s.) So serious that the end of said episode could leave you in tears — but I’m not saying if they are happy or sad ones.

over a year ago alwaysforever said…
WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!! Words can not describe how upset this makes me
over a year ago Karussss said…
OK, am I the only one who thinks that unforunately it's kinda possible that the wedding is Barney and Nora's? I'm really scared that it's true! Please, tell this isn't true!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Omg what if it is? =( The only thing worse would be if she got pregnant =0
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Karussss said…
Do you know after what episode the show goes on a month-long break?
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
No =( I didn't know we'd even have another hiatus =/ this is a huge downer
over a year ago Karussss said…
God, that sucks... I don't want to wait a whole month to find out something about Barney/Nora...
I think the break could be after the episode "Heart Failure" or "A Change of Heart" (I'm not sure about the episode name)
over a year ago Wada said…
It's only a two-week hiatus! ;)

6.17 Garbage Island - Airs this week (21 Feb)
6.18 Change of Heart (was "Heart Monitor") - Airs next week (28 Feb)
- 7 March 2011 (Canning Randy) rerun
- 14 March 2011 (Natural History) rerun
6.19 Legendaddy (was "Gaps") - Airs on 21 March
There will then be another two-week hiatus
- 28 March 2011 (Glitter) rerun
- 4 April 2011 NCAA Basketball finals
6.20 Support - air date to be confirmed.
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Ahh! Why are there so many 2 week hiatus[s] lately. Ugh I'm so nervous now!
over a year ago Karussss said…
the episode "Support" is not the last one this season, right? There are usually 22-24 episodes each season.
So the episode before the "month-long" hiatus is Change of Heart or Legendaddy? I think it could be Legendaddy, maybe after meeting his father Barney will rethink his life and do something for Nora... But I hope he will not propose!!! I'm just hoping that the wedding is not Barney and Nora's!
over a year ago freshfunkpride said…
Hey guys! I'm Tegan, new to the spot. But I absolutely love Barney and Robin...♥ They are sooo adorable! They better get back together...
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
If the wedding is Barney and Nora's I will simply cry forever lol and welcome Tegan =)
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
So serious that the end of said episode could leave you in tears — but I’m not saying if they are happy or sad ones.
OMG? :/

over a year ago alwaysforever said…
^Right? Like what could that mean!
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
Hopefully that they will break up but I really don't know...
over a year ago Wada said…
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
=/ I doubt it but a girl can dream lol
over a year ago Karussss said…
Unfortunately I don't think we will cry, because they will break up... Why would we? But it could be happy tears, but would we cry of happiness, because they broke up? I would be VERY HAPPY, but I don't think that I would cry.
I have absolutelly no idea why would we cry. But we are sure that we will cry, because of something about Barney/Nora, right?
And hi Tegan :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
Well I thought maybe happy tears at the thought of her outta the way for BRotp but like Brenda said, a girl can dream :P
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Maybe Nora will die =p lol that's mean but those were a lot of reallys and the alternative would just be bad =/
over a year ago Karussss said…
That would be so awesome! :D Words can't express my happiness if that would be true! :D (I'm talking about Barney and Nora's brake up ;P)
If the wedding is Barney and Nora's I will be devastated!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Have you guys seen the preview for next week's episode? Wtf
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
Dude I haven't, link me up? :P
over a year ago alwaysforever said…

It just made me very angry
over a year ago Wada said…
I saw it and I was like "WTF IS THIS???"
Barney's been in love before, so what is all that crap of "would you believe it?". They're acting like Barney and Robin never happened! AGGGG!
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
I KNOW!!!!!! Those were my thoughts exactly!
over a year ago Karussss said…
Are you excited for the new episode? ;)
over a year ago mossheart1235 said…
over a year ago Wada said…
Look what I found!!!!
I'm so excited now!!
"And maybe she also wants to get him off her plate,” he continues. “Get him settled so she’s not going to be hung up on him. There’s a lot going on under the surface.”
It's gonna be legendary!
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
^ Lol I forgot it's Monday. I'm still nervous hmm
over a year ago Wada said…
Don't you like all this "there's a lot going on under the surface" thing??? I think it's all the feelings Robin still have for Barney... maybe we'll see some flashbacks, like in "Of course".
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Maybe =) I'm excited for the flashforward to the wedding.
over a year ago Wada said…
over a year ago Wada said…
Girls, she said "it's a five, IDIOT"