Barney & Robin Barnman & Robin Bros.

Buffygirl1988 posted on Dec 16, 2010 at 04:16PM
A forum where BR fans can chat and stuff :)

Introduce yourself and I'll add you to the list.

link - Ana
link - Francesca
link - Brenda
link - Charlene
link - Wada
link - Laura
link - Johanna
link - Dannii
link - Joanna
link - Claire
link - Chrissy
link - Julia
link - Kayleigh
link - Neil
last edited on Jan 20, 2011 at 04:31PM

Barney & Robin 1192 replies

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over a year ago alwaysforever said…
I LOVED it too! =D I mean yeah Robin was encouraging him to go after someone else but they had soooo many cute moments!
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
I was thinking about it last night and does anyone else think that the scene when Robin said "You're never going to change" was really about her wanting him to change so she could eventually be with him =D idk if I'm making it up in my head or if that was really there lol

OH and also this forum has over 500 replies already =) awesome!
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
I never thought about it like that but that makes sense. Yeah, alot of sense actually (:
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Right? Okay good lol I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees it. =) I think it goes along with the There’s a lot going on under the surface. thingy that Wada posted
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
Defiently. I think there's probably gonna be a few of them kinda scenes around. Hopefully the type of scenes we look back on and say they were all signs of how BR were gonna get back together :P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Yeah =)Let's hope that's what they are lol I think this has been the season of signs or at least I'm hoping... But the Big Days, Subway Wars, Baby Talk and Natural History scenes can't just be there for no reason right?
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
Exactly. I have faith in the writers, well kinda XD
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Lol after the Rough Patch I've been a little unsure. But I think they realized their mistake =)
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
Yeah:) They are so sorry for that crapfest, they are gonna make it up to us with some awesome BR buildup :P
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Yeah! lol That's exactly what should be happening =)
over a year ago Buffygirl1988 said…
Ahh! I haven't seen it yet. I can't find it anywhere online!

How are you girlies it's been years! (well not really)

Yeah this is totally just going to lead to BR moments!
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Hey Ana =) You haven't seen the episode yet? This link is where I saw it link
over a year ago mossheart1235 said…
The episode's on my DVR, thank GOD. I'll get my dad to let me watch tonight, since I missed yesterday...
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
You should! lol It was really good!
over a year ago Wada said…
Hey, look at that coment from a BRo fan like us. Amazing!!

Are they training us to see clues? I hope so. And I hope another is that in both episodes in which the "wedding" is mentioned (Big Days & Garbage Island), Barney and Robin not only share the same story-line, but in each episode, they helped the other get over something big. And another thing, there were quite a few episodes with no Barney/Robin interaction this season, but the ones where there was, it was always important: Big Days, Subway Wars, Natural History, Desperation Day, Garbage Island.
Seriously, mark my words. There is absolutely no way that Barney/Robin is not end-game. They just have to grow to be two people who can really fall in love and stay together. The writers have to make us think it could be otherwise to keep us excited about it. But I think once they got to season four and started having Barney pine over Robin, they knew they hit gold. They ended it prematurely to be able to bring it back later. They know that pretty much all of the fans of this show will not have it any other way. That even includes the casual viewers who do not participate in livejournal episode discussions like my brother & his girlfriend, a bunch of people I work with, my boyfriend, pretty much anyone I know in real life who watches this show. As Ted is on a journey to become who he needs to be in order to meet the Mother, Barney and Robin are on the same journey. This show is about growing into adulthood.
So bring on Barney/Nora!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Buffygirl1988 said…
Just almost went into a panic attack. Our new puppy hurt his shoulder or something but he was yelping so much me and my sister thought he was dying or something!

I agree with everything that persona said :P Well except for bring on Barney/Nora because I'm still not ecstatic about it.
Also we should remember how often couples like Ross/Rachel were helping each other in their seperate relationships!
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Oh no =/ Is he okay?

And yeah I agree. That person was spot on =)
over a year ago ccbee1234 said…
Oh my gosh! Yes! I never thought about it in those terms. Because Ross and Rachel were on again/off again for the whole series, but you knew they were going to end up together, even if you didn't know how. And they did help each other a lot in the relationship department.
I totally agree with that paragraph thing Wada posted.
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
Pretty much summed up my feelings about all the signs for BR♥
over a year ago ccbee1234 said…
Okay, so I know we're talking about BRo here, but I just wanted to say, because it's on the little introduction thing, that I've recently started to ship a few more couples. And I wanted to share:)
-Hyde/Jackie (I HATE how they didn't end up together)
-Damon/Elena -Tyler/Caroline
-Seth/Summer (Probably my OTP)
over a year ago freshfunkpride said…
You watch The Vampire Diaries? I ship both those couples too! :) But I have to admit that Bonnie/Jeremy is my favorite :)

And yeah you guys, BRo will DEFINITELY be endgame. There's no doubt about that! ♥
over a year ago Buffygirl1988 said…
Just seen the latest episode and BR are totally endgame! They have to be or I will cry!
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
CC- I flove Seth and Summer!

And yeah Ana I would cry for a long time if they didn't end up together lol
over a year ago Karussss said…
If you want ot see the sneak peek of Monday's episode, here it is: link
I can't wait for this episode! :D I hope we'll get some good BR scenes again ;)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Wada said…
I ship Stefan/Caroline from TVD. And of course Damon/Elena. I don't like Tyler! xD

And YES! BR is totally endgame!
over a year ago Karussss said…
big smile
I ship Stefan/Katherine, Stefan/Caroline, Damon/Elena and I like Jenna/Alaric, Bonnie/Jeremy, Caroline/Matt ;D Perfect TVD endgame: Delena & Steferine! :D That would be so awesome! I'm with you, Wada ;P I don't care about him and I like Caroline/Matt :D

There is no way that BR is not endgame :D
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Oh wow in the sneak peak he said (well almost said) legendary =) It's been awhile
over a year ago Buffygirl1988 said…
I know! I thought the same thing!

Is it just me or are they completely forgetting that Barney was SMITTEN WITH ROBIN AND WAS HER BOYFRIEND! I feel like somebody should mention it :P
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
YEAH lol Its like they all forgot about it... Its really pissing me off. I mean you'd think if they were tired of him saying he doesn't get smitten or go out with a girl more than once or whatever that someone would say "Well you dated Robin" or "Well you were in love with Robin". Is that too much to ask?
over a year ago Buffygirl1988 said…
I know!But Robin is clearly really upset (deep down) so it'll be refrenced then like in Of Course!
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Yeah! I'm excited for that =)
over a year ago Buffygirl1988 said…
Because it's totally gonna happen :P

CC haven't failed us yet!
over a year ago Wada said…
I thought the same way! It's like Barney and Robin never happened, and it's pissing me off!!
But in the sneak peek Robin seems upset, and I love it!
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
^ Haha same Wada :P
over a year ago Buffygirl1988 said…
Anyone around?

I need a BR love spree XD
over a year ago Wada said…
I'm here! :)
over a year ago sarahcarlson said…
me and my bf just broke up
over a year ago Wada said…
I'm so sad after seeing this episode :(

Why the hell the writters want Barney to fall in love with some other girl who isn't Robin???? He's so devastated in the end I wanna cry!
Please, I want an episode like "of course" to show us how is Robin feeling!
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
I didn't like that episode at all... I especially didn't like Nora taking care of Barney like Robin did in How Lily Stole Christmas =/
over a year ago ccbee1234 said…
I was TRYING to watch the episode tonight, but my older brother got back right AFTER the commercial ended and started talking to my mom (who was watching it with me) right in front of the TV and I couldn't concentrate so I decided to watch it tomorrow. (Because I hate missing a couple minutes of an episode, I always wonder what I miss).
But yeah, I didn't like how Nora was taking care of Barney either. I mean, it's like she's Robin. With an English accent. And not as right for Barney. (Okay, so she's not like Robin that much. She is sort of a hopeless romantic. And Robin is (openly) like that.)

(PS- I TOTALLY forgot about Bonnie/Jeremey! I love them! Oh, and I didn't like Tyler for, basically, the whole first season, but I started liking him in the second season. I don't know...I just really liked him with Caroline.)
over a year ago ccbee1234 said…
I just watched the newest episode. And, I don't know. I didn't hate it. See, I was so worried that Barney was going to go and meet the parents and settle down with Nora, but he ended up not (hopefully she won't be back). But now, at least he has a realization that he CAN want to settle down. I mean, he wanted a relationship with Robin, but neither of them really talked about the future. But now, he could get back with Robin, and be with her, once he gets over this heartache. I think this was good for him. As that other person said, I think they need to grow into the people they're supposed to be to be with each other, just like Ted does. Yeah, his heart skipped a beat, but in most love stories, they've been with other people they thought they loved before they get together.
(Also, I thought it was hilarious when the doctor said to Barney, "I hope your plans don't involve sticking car wires (or whatever she said) to yourself." Then Barney said, "Well now they don't." :D
over a year ago ccbee1234 said…
Ohmygosh! Caroline, from The Vampire Diaries was on How I Met Your Mother! I was just watching the episode Something Borrowed, and she plays the cousin (or somehow related to Lily) who styles Marshall's hair and gives him the Backstreet Boys look! Except she has red hair!
...Sorry, I get excited when I recognize people:)
(PS. I love how Lily says, "You sonofabitch":D)
over a year ago Wada said…
I think the writters are screwing up all the little details that were of Barney and Robin. Such as the Laser Tag, taking care of him when he's ill, holding hands walking down the street...

Is it possible that Barney is trying to replace Robin? Because that is what it seems.
over a year ago mossheart1235 said…
Hopefully he'll realise that he can't replace such a PERFECT PERSON (like Robin)
over a year ago Karussss said…
I'm not sure what to think about the episode... (that was the episode where we were supposed cry at the end, right?) I was mad when Nora was taking care of Barney- that's Robin's thing! I kinda liked their date, they were cute. But I'm having a feeling that it's all going too fast. I'm curious if Nora will be in the next episode. I hope there will be and episode like "Of course" and we'll see what Robin really thinks about it.
But the Scooby plot was hilarious! I loved all the dog references :D
And unfortunately Nora is not the mother... Too bad, that was a great theory ;P
It was a good, but not a great episode ;) Now we have to wait 3 weeks for the next episode!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Wada said…
I've seen the episode for the 3rd time, and now I'm sure about how I feel about it...

It sucked!!! It definetely sucked!
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Is it possible that Barney is trying to replace Robin? Because that is what it seems.

God I hope so! But is this the episode we're suppose to be crying at? Um... lol I was just peeved during the whole thing... I know Nora will be back ugh!
over a year ago ccbee1234 said…
I so hope Nora isn't back.
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
She better not be back. ARRRRGHHH.
over a year ago Wada said…
I have great news... Nora doesn't appear in the next episode!!!