Barney & Robin Barnman & Robin Bros.

Buffygirl1988 posted on Dec 16, 2010 at 04:16PM
A forum where BR fans can chat and stuff :)

Introduce yourself and I'll add you to the list.

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last edited on Jan 20, 2011 at 04:31PM

Barney & Robin 1192 replies

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Showing Replies 601-650 of 1192

over a year ago Karussss said…
Future episode title changes and running order round up
28 March (Glitter) rerun
4 April pre-empted for NCAA Basketball finals

Then we get a new episode
11 April NEW Episode 6.20 The Exploding Meatball Sub (previously titled "Support")

There will then be a ONE WEEK HIATUS
18 April (Blitzgiving) rerun

Then we get a run of new episodes up to the finale
25 April NEW Episode 6.21 Hopeless (previously titled "Crazy Jerry")
2 May NEW Episode 6.22 The Perfect Cocktail
9 May NEW Episode 6.23 - Nothing is known about this episode yet
16 May NEW Episode 6.24 Landmarks (previously titled "Challenge Accepted") - Season Finale

Yaaaay! 601 replies! :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Karussss said…
BroTP spoilers from E!

Benjapiriz: Anything from How I Met Your Mother? The wedding mystery, Barney's dad, anything will do!

The season finale is all about that wedding mystery, and besides finally finding out who in the bleep is getting hitched, it's got some great Barney and Robin stuff. We've been team Barney-Robin from the very beginning, so the idea of ol' Swarley ending up with someone besides her is like a swift kick to our love muscle. We were on set for the shooting of the season finale, and we witnessed a scene between Robin, Barney (Neil Patrick Harris) and Nora (Nazanin Boniadi) that was more than a little disheartening. But you know us, ever hopeful for our favorite TV couples. Still holding out for Brooke and Lucas on One Tree Hill!

Kerri: So excited to hear that Michael Trucco is going to be on How I Met Your Mother! I love him. Do you know anything about his role?

Michael is a big part of Robin's storyline for the rest of the season. And maybe even beyond that! "We shot an episode last week where Robin sees her crush," Cobie Smulders tells us. "She's had this long-term crush, who's played by Michael Trucco. They see each other again but they don't get the chance to connect. And so there's a moment, a possibility that they might be seeing each other next season. Because she needs to get some action. It's been a very slow year for Robin."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
We were on set for the shooting of the season finale, and we witnessed a scene between Robin, Barney (Neil Patrick Harris) and Nora (Nazanin Boniadi) that was more than a little disheartening. But you know us, ever hopeful for our favorite TV couples. Still holding out for Brooke and Lucas on One Tree Hill!

Uh oh =/ I'm getting so nervous girls. And also whoever at E wrote this I love them because that last sentence is my life lmfao
over a year ago Buffygirl1988 said…
big smile
Barney-Robin action was all that I saw XD
over a year ago Karussss said…
Previously we told you about How I Met Your Mother casting Battlestar beefcake Michael Trucco as an old crush of Robin’s. We have since come across more intel on the pair’s past and their iffy future. Turns out that Robin met this guy years ago, during a brief encounter in a store. That fleeting spark is ignited anew when Trucco’s character pops up at MacLaren’s – only Robin’s game may be off, thanks to another old flame. Yep, a source tells me that Ted will (perhaps unwittingly) cramp Robin’s flirting style….
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Ted? Now I'm confused lol
over a year ago Karussss said…
Me too ;P I don't know what's going on ;P
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
Omg, whats going on? I'm so confused right now! :/
over a year ago Wada said…
All this crap it's driving me crazy, seriously...
Nora, Michael Trucco, NOW TED??? Oh, c'mon!!!
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
^ haha exactly! I think they're just trying to get into our heads
over a year ago ccbee1234 said…
I think (to keep me from going crazy with all the suspense) is that Robin's crush shows up, and I think she has to get it out of her system, that way it won't pester her (even just a little bit) in the future. Then she can get together with Barney! (Hopefully)
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
I hope so too. Like he just proves to her that she loves Barney.
over a year ago Karussss said…
Question: There are conflicting reports out there about the length of Michael Trucco’s… role on How I Met Your Mother. (See what I did there?!) Is it a one-episode thing or will he recur? —Holly
Ausiello: Yes, I see what you did there, and you should be ashamed of yourself. In the future, please refrain from inserting penis… jokes in AA. (See what I did there?!) Anywhoo, as TVLine previously reported, Trucco will guest star in the April 18 episode as Robin’s onetime crush and he may be back next season on a recurring basis. Much depends on whether his USA dramedy Fairly Legal gets picked up for a second season. “We absolutely want him [back],” maintains EP Carter Bays. “His character will be important to the story, so we’re definitely looking forward to having him back.” Cobie Smulders, meanwhile, reveals that Trucco’s comeback is foreshadowed at the end of his April 18 debut, which finds Robin and Trucco’s character reconnecting after an earlier flirtation. “Something happens and they don’t take things to the next step,” she explains. “But then Mister Future-Ted-Mosby gives a little teaser saying that that wasn’t the end of it. So we’ll see what happens in Season 7.”
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
Yes, I see what you did there, and you should be ashamed of yourself. In the future, please refrain from inserting penis… jokes in AA

That all sucks :/
Something happens and they don’t take things to the next step,”
Barney? Please? XD
over a year ago Karussss said…

If you’re hoping How I Met Your Mother‘s sixth season finale will completely resolve the year-long Future Wedding mystery, I have news: It won’t.
But don’t un-Save The Date just yet. There’s a very cool twist in the works, one that will continue to unravel well into Season 7 — and maybe beyond.
A CBS insider tells TVLine that while the Monday sitcom will flash forward to identify the bride and groom at the close of the May 16 season finale, that reveal is merely a piece of a much larger story that will unspool in the present.

“The wedding takes place ‘a little ways down the road’ — an unidentified, unspecified amount of time away,” HIMYM executive producer Carter Bays tells TVLine, echoing the onscreen subtitles that have appeared with each of this season’s glimpses at the future. “We will be jumping forward for the last scene of the finale, but then we’ll return to the present day when we start Season 7.”
Adds Bay, “The idea is that we’re going to keep revealing little details about this wedding day as we build toward [it] within the chronological story of the show.” And though clues will be dropped throughout Season 7, the ceremony itself won’t necessarily arrive before that finale, either.

In other words, the mystery of the show’s titular mother — whom we know Ted meets at the aforementioned wedding — will itself be couched in the mystery of how that wedding comes to be, given the likely surprising identity of who it is trading vows.
How I Met Your Mother‘s recent two-year renewal gives Bay’s team more flexibility to flesh out the original mother mystery with this wedding wrinkle.
“We always knew how the series was going to end, but this is a new element that we came up with this year,” the show runner explains. “It adds a new dimension where you’re not just asking, ‘Who is this woman that Ted’s going to meet, and how does he meet her?’ There are now other questions.” Namely, who’s getting married? And once that is revealed in next month’s season-ender, how will that couple get to the altar?
That answer to that second mystery, says Bays, “will be slowly unveiled over the course of the series.”
How do you feel about this wedded twist? Who do you now think will be revealed as the bride and groom at the close of the upcoming Season 6 finale?

So, what do you think?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Buffygirl1988 said…
^ Please be BR!!!!!
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
It better be =/ if it's not Idk what I'll do besides cry forever
over a year ago Wada said…
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
It just, it has to beeeee! Otherwise i'm gonna go and get the writers XD
over a year ago ccbee1234 said…
I'm hoping that if it's not BR's, that they'll still end up together, albeit not married.
I did read somewhere, though, in an interview, that that team of writer's always hopes for their favorite couples to end up together (example they gave: Brucas)
But I can't remember exactly where I read that, I was reading a bunch of interviews, trying to find more spoilers.
And I don't know if that's a good thing for BR or not. Because Brucas didn't end up together. Maybe it's a good thing because they get to control what happens now.
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
I just could not handle Barney or Robin being married to someone else =/ Plus it's a completely different situation from Brucas and CC are better writers than Mark lol
over a year ago Buffygirl1988 said…
If it isn't a BR wedding, there's still hope for a BR endgame. Barney/Robin could run out ont he wedding if they're marrying other people. There's always hope.

Although I do really believe it's theirs. It doesn't make sense if it's anyone else's.
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
You're right but still... Ugh I'm so scared it's not theirs! But it really doesn't make any sense for it to be anyone else's
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
Plus it's a completely different situation from Brucas and CC are better writers than Mark lol
I disagree, Mark was awesome ;) ahah.

Gotta keep the faith girls :D
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
big smile
I disagree, Mark was awesome ;) ahah.
Lmfao key word being was because nowdays... LOL
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
^ Hahaha I can't say that isn't true lol
over a year ago Buffygirl1988 said…
I think I might be the only person in the world that doesn't watch OTH. :P
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
Haha Ana. You should defiently watch it :)
over a year ago Buffygirl1988 said…
I tried once but I just couldn't get into it.
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
Fair dos then. It's not everyone's cup of tea, lol
How are ya then? Enjoying the holidays? XD
over a year ago Buffygirl1988 said…
Yeah. Haven't done much but I'm planning to rewatch things.
over a year ago ccbee1234 said…
1. I still love OTH, even in the most recent years...actually, my least favorite season was season 2. I mean, it had it's good parts, but I just love Naley too much, and it's hard to watch it.
2. I LOVED the most recent episode of HIMYM!! It was hilarious! And a lot of BR moments! Robin making up that story was amazing, and then the whole "ten years later" thing!
And I know historical buildings are great to some people, but I'm with Ted on the whole debate. How can I not? It's been his life long dream, and if Zooey was a good girlfriend, I think she should've let that one go. Argue about everything else, save other buildings, but I really doubt she's been dreaming about saving old buildings her whole life.
over a year ago Buffygirl1988 said…
Anyone around to talk about HIMYM? XD
over a year ago Karussss said…
Jenna from Chicago, Ill.: I really need to know what's going on How I Met Your Mother. I love Barney and Robin. I read your Spoiler Chat last week, and it seemed to me that this relationship is completely through. Is it possible to squeeze out a little more information from you about whose wedding we will be watching May 16?
We wish could tell you all about the wedding, but that would ruin the fun of watching the episode. And trust us, you do not want to be deprived of the awesome-ness that is the wedding reveal. All we can tell you is that the episode does end in a cliffhanger, so when you discover whose wedding we're watching, you'll probably end up with more questions to be answered then ever before. And just between us, keep on keepin' the hope alive for Barney and Robin.

Ok, I'm starting to hyperventilate. They basically told us that the wedding is Barney and Robin's! God, I hope it's true :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
big smile
OMG! OMG! OMG! It is sooooo their wedding :D :D
over a year ago Buffygirl1988 said…

over a year ago Wada said…

over a year ago Buffygirl1988 said…
big smile
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
OMG I know right? Like that icon is gorgeous. I'm really jealous lol
over a year ago freshfunkpride said…
OMG!!! B/R WEDDING!! That's so exciting!! :D

I still have doubts though...if it leaves us with a cliffhanger and heaps of questions...maybe its something we never saw coming? Yeah BR might end up together, but (sadly) it may not be their wedding.

That would be amazing though! :)
over a year ago ccbee1234 said…
I think that it means they'll be together again, though not necessarily having a wedding. I still hope and all, but I'm still really glad they told us that, regardless of wedding or not. But who was the guy answering the question? The creator?
over a year ago Karussss said…
I have an idea :D
I was thinking we could start "theamed spot makeover". Basiaclly every month we would change the banner, icon and motto. First we would submit theme suggestions, then I would make a pick, so we could choose the theme for the next month.After that we would submit banner, icon and motto suggestions. I think we could start it now and have the new spot look by May.
What do you think? That's just an idea to get people to participate more in this spot ;) It's an idea from the Chuck and Blair spot (see more: link). They do it every month and I think it looks fantastic ;) I'm not saying that I don't like our current look, but I think change is always good ;)
For example the theme we choose is "BR scenes in Zip, Zip, Zip", so for the banner you will have to use photos/screencaps of BR in this episode as well as in the icon, and the motto could be for example "It makes a lot of sense."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ccbee1234 said…
I really like that idea! I like changing it up every now and then.
(and regarding B/R, I would just like to point out, that before they got together, they sat at the same side of the booth all the time {pretty much all season 3/4} and after they broke up, even when they were being friends, they didn't sit together, but recently they have been. It may not mean anything, but I just wanted to say.)
over a year ago Karussss said…
I noticed it too! Especially in season 4 and then we found out that it was thanks to Lily and Marshall :D That was really sweet ;) And I noticed that now they sit together again- I hope it means something!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Omg they almost always sit together now =D Yay!
over a year ago Buffygirl1988 said…
big smile
Yeah I noticed too! It's so sweet! I can tell they keep putting BR together in storylines for a reason.
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
^ Defiently! They're leading up to a reunion XD
over a year ago Buffygirl1988 said…
It has to be BR's wedding. I've never been more sure than right now. XD
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
Same! :D But there's still a voice in my head telling me not to get my hopes up, but I CAN'T HELP IT XD
over a year ago Buffygirl1988 said…
Yeah I know! I know I should be concentrating on hoping for a BR wedding but I'm just hoping that there are awesome vows. XD