Barney & Robin Barnman & Robin Bros.

Buffygirl1988 posted on Dec 16, 2010 at 04:16PM
A forum where BR fans can chat and stuff :)

Introduce yourself and I'll add you to the list.

link - Ana
link - Francesca
link - Brenda
link - Charlene
link - Wada
link - Laura
link - Johanna
link - Dannii
link - Joanna
link - Claire
link - Chrissy
link - Julia
link - Kayleigh
link - Neil
last edited on Jan 20, 2011 at 04:31PM

Barney & Robin 1192 replies

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Showing Replies 401-450 of 1192

over a year ago Wada said…
I'm not worried about this Sarah. I'm pretty sure that behind this "love interest" is the Robin's jealousy storyline. And I can't be more happy about it! It's clear that Barney is still in love with Robin, but they never show Robin's POV. So, this could be interesting ^^
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
Yeah Wada, that's what I thought when I heard. I hope we do get to see some jealous Robin XD
over a year ago ccbee1234 said…
I've also heard that the wedding is Ted's friend Punchy.
Though, don't you think it'd be weird for Don to ask Ted to be his best man? I mean, they hardly interacted on the show.
I'm thinking that the wedding is either Punchy's or (hopefully) Robin and Barney's.
over a year ago ccbee1234 said…
Personally, I think it would be kinda cool to see Robin and Barney become best (or really good) friends before they got back together again.
over a year ago Buffygirl1988 said…
Robin asked Ted to be her best man so that's probably what'll happen.
over a year ago mossheart1235 said…
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking too...
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
It just wouldn't make sense if it was Punchy's wedding. All this build up for a really really minor character? It's definitely Robin's because Ted is Robin's best man... Ugh I can't wait for the next episode!
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
^ I really hope so:/
over a year ago Wada said…
I just read the press release from the episodes where Nora appears, and I hate it I hate it I hate it!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
OMG really? :/
I might go and find it.
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Why what's it say =( Oh no
over a year ago Wada said…
6.17= Robin forces Barney to admit he has feelings for Nora, the girl who made history as his first Valentine's Day date ever. (WTF!!?? Robin, please!!!!)
6.19= "Barney's doctor has him wear a heart monitor for 24 hours (apparently he's been having some unexplained "spikes" in his cardiac activity--this might be something raised in a previous episode); this has the added benefit of having his true feelings easy to assess (I guess the monitor makes audible beeps), and some "surprising truths" about his attitudes towards kids and marriage are revealed.
Robin starts dating "Scooby," a younger Canadian guy new to New York, a lovable, energetic, surfer dude...whom the others start noticing behaves a little too much like a dog.
In this episode we meet Nora's parents, a cute old couple who are visiting the city. Nora (previously named "Sarah" in earlier spoilers) is Robin's coworker whom Barney starts dating on or after "Desperation Day." Perhaps this explains his heart issues..."
(If all the marriage-kids stuff it's because of Nora, I will kill myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T )
over a year ago Karussss said…
That is so terrible! Now I know that I definitely hate Nora! I want Barney&Robin back together by the end of this season! Pleeeeease!
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
=( =( =( =(

I have to believe that this all leads to Barney realizing he loves Robin and maybe [possibly] wants that stuff with her =(
over a year ago Buffygirl1988 said…
Nora will just be a plot point for BR! She will be! I will believe it! There's no way that Barney is going to end up with anyone if she isn't Robin.

I'm just looking forward to the BR interaction that will come out of this.
over a year ago hstb said…
:O I didn't knew there was a BrOTP forum chat. Can I please join?
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY it's BR day =D Oh and I posted a video in honor of the day =D
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
Love that video :)
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
AW! Thanks Laura =D
over a year ago ccbee1234 said…
How could Ted be Robin's best man? I mean, Robin gets a maid of honor, and I'd expect her to pick Lily, and wouldn't whoever she gets married to get to pick the best man?
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
In False Positive, Robin says she'll need someone to "push her to the aisle" and calm her down when she freaks out. She says that's what every best man is suppose to do and then asks Ted to be her best man... I'm not really sure how it's going to work out but that's where the best man thing is from =) If she marries Barney then he'd probably be both their best mans OR Marshall could be Barney's? Idk it's a little confusing
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Is anyone on? =)
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
YAY =) Hi Laura what's up?
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
Lol not much. Just pissed my headphones are broken and the sound is rubbish on my laptop so I still haven't watched the episode from last night :/

What about you?
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Aw I just watched it like an hour ago and to be honest I was a little disappointed =/
Right now I'm trying to do some homework and watching Jersey Shore videos lol
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
Hahah awesome. Btw, you know you and Wada tied on that tie pick for the BR contest. Do you think its worth doing another one or just call it a draw?
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Oh yeah well I'd be fine with calling it a draw but maybe ask Wada? Just to make sure she's cool with it too. Ha I thought it was funny that we tied twice. I've never seen that before
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
Lol neither have I. I was like ok, wtf do I do now? XD
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Lmfao oh gosh =) Hmm I think I'm going to watch the new episode Glee how exciting lol
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
You're a Gleek? Oh dear :P
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Lmao! Not exactly. I just started watching it like a month ago and I'm all caught now but I don't love the show. It's interesting and I like it but I'm not obsessed with it like everyone else seems to be lol I'm assuming you don't like it?
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
Hahah no, not a fan at all.
But each to the own I guess XD
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Ha yeah I mean I just really love musicals and people randomly busting into song. I wish life was more like that lmfao
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
Haha that's not even my problem with Glee, I mean i'm all for randomly bursting out into song. I just don't like the characters and writing :P
I'm now gonna watch some Skins (:
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
ha yeah I agree. I hate half the characters most of the time and don't even get me started on the couples. They're pretty non-existent =/

Aw man I want to watch some skins =( lol I haven't seen the new generation yet. Are they any good?
over a year ago leytonfaan_18 said…
Ooops this didn't appear in my updates yesterday.
I haven't watched the new generation yet either. The episodes are all in the billions of things i've recorded XD
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Oh I hate when that happens =/ Oh lol I know the feeling I just finally caught up with the new season of Community. I miss like 12 episodes ha. Which generation were you watching. I'm thinking about re-watching all of the first generation soon
over a year ago ccbee1234 said…
Oh, right! I remember Robin saying that now...That does open a lot of doors for different possibilities.
My brother is watching Kim Possible in the living room right now XD I can hear the theme music.
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
Omg I love Kim Possible!
over a year ago Buffygirl1988 said…
Kim Possible was epic!

I didn't think the new episode was that good. Ted/Zooey was WAY too rushed.
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
It really was. I need to watch some KP I miss it.

I agree Ana. I'm just like meh. I don't find them interesting at all
over a year ago Wada said…
Woooo! I just saw the sneek peack and I'm so excited! If they're subtly hinting at BrOTP on the very episode Barney meets Nora, I'm sure it's a good sign! I hope there's gonna be an episode where Ted rewinds to Robin's "turn off your feelings" speech and shows us that she's been in love with barney the entire time <3 Fingers crossed!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
God that'd be amazing!
over a year ago UESforeverr said…
Err, I haven't been on here in forever! I haven't been on FP much either.
Anyway, the spot look..Amazinggggg<3
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Karussss said…
big smile
O my god, where did you see the sneak peack, Wada? I think I missed something! ;P
over a year ago Wada said…
over a year ago Karussss said…
Thank you so much! It's awesome! :D
"Her body is a perfect X" "High V" :D:D:D
over a year ago alwaysforever said…
big smile
Oh wow that was awesome! =D I'm so excited now